You don't have to listen to tapes or constantly go back to mother base. I haven't been to MB a single time since mission 2 or something.This game plays well and all but.... I don't really like playing it. I dunno, I am basically forcing myself to go in. It seems every little thing bothers me to no end. The mission objective thing bothers me, long travel distances, having to listen to tapes, constantly going back to mother base and just everything. Even now I am sitting in the chopper idle because I just don't want to do anything on offer.
Wow this target practice thing is fucking awful.
Do blowing up gunships count as kills? If so, is there a way to fulton/tranq them?
Does really enjoying a game while simultaneously feeling like it's one of your biggest disappointments in a while make sense? That's honestly what I'm feeling the more I play Phantom Pain.
Does really enjoying a game while simultaneously feeling like it's one of your biggest disappointments in a while make sense? That's honestly what I'm feeling the more I play Phantom Pain.
Anyone know why certain side ops missions reappear on the list as new even though they have a check mark as though they're completed? Seems to be the extract prisoner/soldier ops only :S
Does really enjoying a game while simultaneously feeling like it's one of your biggest disappointments in a while make sense? That's honestly what I'm feeling the more I play Phantom Pain.
Can someone explain how to use quiet as a buddy. She won't follow me on the map.
Does really enjoying a game while simultaneously feeling like it's one of your biggest disappointments in a while make sense? That's honestly what I'm feeling the more I play Phantom Pain.
Reposting not long after I saw it, only because this needs to get out there:
Does really enjoying a game while simultaneously feeling like it's one of your biggest disappointments in a while make sense? That's honestly what I'm feeling the more I play Phantom Pain.
Arrrrrrrgg. I screwed up. My finger slipped and I did something at the end of mission 11 that I did not mean to do. I cannot go back to the last checkpoint before the mission started. It's over.. Is there any undoing this?????
Can you repeat side ops? I messed one up and I wanna try it again.
What's the recommended strat for blowing up tanks? Dropping air strikes on them repeatedly feels wasteful.
What's the recommended strat for blowing up tanks? Dropping air strikes on them repeatedly feels wasteful.
Yep, you can replay ANY mission or side ops.
What's the recommended strat for blowing up tanks? Dropping air strikes on them repeatedly feels wasteful.
I can't believe how perfect it turned out, I couldn't come up with an interesting emblem and the default DD one was boring, so I figured I would bring back MSF's logo along with Diamond Dogs, much like how the GZ Sneaking suit has the FOX logo and also MSF's logo.
C4 and grenade launchers work pretty well. Hand grenades if desperate.
I can't agree or disagree yet, but I really get what you're saying.
If this was a new game I would be blown away by everything (aside from a few annoying quirks). But as a Metal Gear game it just is not hitting the right buttons... I don't know, it's like I keep waiting for the game to actually start, with a long ass introductory cutscene, total gun fetishism, and hokey voice acting. It's just missing a certain something the other MGS games had.
I stand by my simply stated summation:
I'm pretty sure it's an incredible game, but I'm not convinced that it's an incredible METAL GEAR game.
Snake Eater still GOAT.
Any one else have glitched side ops? I've completed all of the ones I currently have available, yet some still show up bold with a check mark, indicating I haven't played it yet...
Replaying them fixes the issues temporarily,but the just pop right back up.
This is the worst Metal Gear game in my opinion.
But at the same time, it is probably my GOTY.
Wait, the flipping game is unfinished?
Just reached the ending...where the hell is the story and resolution to anything?
Lol that's fucking great.Lol what the fuck?
You can definitely dodge them. Or shoot them before they throw them.FUCK MISSION29
I don't understand how I'm supposed to kill four of these indestructible fuckers. I know I'll eventually beat this mission, but it won't be due to skill. I'll get lucky and exploit bad AI. They keep shooting me from a distance/throwing giant fucking rocks at me that I can't dodge.
Maybe I'm dumb and just missing something, but is there a way to travel from drop point to drop point out in the open world like you can at Mother base?