Sleeping Lesson
Face/Off is the best Nic Cage movie
Joe is the best Nic Cage movie.
Face/Off is the best Nic Cage movie
so could I just mainline all the story missions in MGS5?
I dont give a shit about the side stuff.
Seems pointless, this thread is to discuss GB and MMGScanlon is part of that.
I realize the point of until dawn is that every one is a idiot cliche but wow these guys are just ducking stuuuupidddd
The canon ending is probably the one where everyone die.
Joe is the best Nic Cage movie.
Seems pointless, this thread is to discuss GB and MMGScanlon is part of that.
including the player
Behind Adaption sure.
Behind Adaption sure.
Yup, it's a shame that Sony seemed to just dump it out as it deserved more of a pushI'll tell you what: until dawn is really good dang
Oops knew it sounded weird and if you have Amazon Prime you can stream it there.Adaptation, you mean. I haven't seen it, but I'm a Spike Jonze fan so I'll give it a go!
I'm not even sure how we've gotten away with separate podcast threads to be honest.
Plus the podcasts don't really stay focused on the game stuff all the time for SBF if there isn't a good discussion to be had between them. The last couple have been really heavily focused on their own lives, and while I personally don't mind because I still get to listen to the chucklefucks talk, it could be hard for people who want to hear their takes on gaming news. Plus we're all lazy and could never do a thread a week.
MG Scanlon is going to be going on for months. Honestly, anything that's shown in an episode should be fair game for open discussion in this thread. Otherwise this thread's going to be a trainwreck.
I just couldn't help but take a cheap shot at how this particular thread (16) feels like it's almost 60-70 percent MGS talk.
I wouldn't say that all Bombcasts or Beastcasts are that focussed on games either!my main problem with the SBF podcast when I listened to it was the awful sound quality. I guess GB has spoiled me in that regard.
I still have some hope that the Johnny V podcast is going up today, but it's fading fast.
Wow. The Super Bunnyhop Review of MGSV is totally how a MGS fan should review games. It also highlights the advantages of a spoilerific review.
it's barely ten on the west some, most of them probably aren't even in the office yet.
Drew's observations and speculation in this first episode are almost identical to mine. Watching it again after playing through the first chapter (assuming chapter 2 begins after starting the first African mission like I suspect), there's some stuff I can't believe I missed. (MGS V Chapter 1 spoilers)That was totally Quiet trying to kill you at the beginning.
Edit: Holy craprank? Drew's already much better at this game than I Swere nuts.All those headshots
The aim assist and hitboxes are both pretty generous. I regularly torture my own troops on Mother Base by tranquilizing them from a moving helicopter.
Drew's observations and speculation in this first episode are almost identical to mine. Watching it again after playing through the first chapter (assuming chapter 2 begins after starting the first African mission like I suspect), there's some stuff I can't believe I missed. (MGS V Chapter 1 spoilers)That was totally Quiet trying to kill you at the beginning.
The aim assist and hitboxes are both pretty generous. I regularly torture my own troops on Mother Base by tranquilizing them from a moving helicopter.
I know a guy that worked on MGSV through Twitch and he has assured everyone the only thing cut from the game wasthe mission 51 that Jeff mentioned on the spoilercast.
I know a guy that worked on MGSV through Twitch and he has assured everyone the only thing cut from the game wasthe mission 51 that Jeff mentioned on the spoilercast.
Other than him being somewhat disingenuous in tone (lobbing all reviewers together in the Bootcamp situation), I'm still working through that spoiler-filled review.
Why am I watching this and why is it so enjoyable. This is great haha.
Wait.... I swear I didn't get half these prompts. You can ROLL in this game?
Wait.... I swear I didn't get half these prompts. You can ROLL in this game?
I know a guy that worked on MGSV through Twitch and he has assured everyone the only thing cut from the game wasthe mission 51 that Jeff mentioned on the spoilercast.
He corrects that later. And the review section of the video itself is absolutely correct that nearly no reviewers highlighted the issues the game itself has.
But Drew's thoughts are so interesting...
He specifically mentioned the Jimquisition review in his video in the same breath as the Konami Boot Camp event. Jim has been banned from all Konami events and prerelease copies for years now.