Destiny |OT31| The Courted Oryx (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)


I swear if I can't get up to 290 in a week, I'm giving up on this game. tired of these boring ass quests that give me crap drops that barely raise my levels.


Got the spindle a couple hours ago. Ruin Wings + Clown Cartridge + Extra RL boots = close to a minute of just spamming rockets.
The only Y1 item I have in my Vault is Icebreaker (great for Draksis farming until it gets patched).

Other than that I have maybe 5 weapons and armor wise ×2 Alpha Lupi (Titan) w/ solar and void rolls, x2 Don't Touch Me and the exotic nightstalker helm. That's it.

Hot damn. I need to live like you. I just like all my trials gear....DAMN


I swear if I can't get up to 290 in a week, I'm giving up on this game. tired of these boring ass quests that give me crap drops that barely raise my levels.

Which quests are you doing? Like, are you doing anything that gives you 280+ stuff? If not, then get on it!

Navy Bean

I swear if I can't get up to 290 in a week, I'm giving up on this game. tired of these boring ass quests that give me crap drops that barely raise my levels.

In my experience the jump from 250 to 290 is pretty fast if you run strikes and quests. At 290 it grinds to a complete halt until you raid or get lucky.

Deku Tree

I swear if I can't get up to 290 in a week, I'm giving up on this game. tired of these boring ass quests that give me crap drops that barely raise my levels.

I got up to 295 in a week, and I got my alts each to 290+ and 280+. And I play a lot less than some of the hardcore folks around here.

With some preparation, and help from my alts, I got my hunter up to 280+ in less than one hours work.
I swear if I can't get up to 290 in a week, I'm giving up on this game. tired of these boring ass quests that give me crap drops that barely raise my levels.

:( Let me know if you need help with anything. I know the feeling. The moment I devoted time into Bloodborne, The Witcher 3 and MGS V I felt so behind with Destiny since new stuff was coming out (HoW, Trials, TTK).

At a certain point the game is basically "how do I get loot drops so that I can raise my light level." And doing strikes and Court of Oryx really helps with that.


I think it is whatever your team is built for and likes best. One of the main problems with Destiny is when content first comes out, whoever beats a boss first everyone uses that strategy even if it isn't their play style and eventually leads to frustration because they are not using their own strengths. If you have a team of killer snipers there is no reason you couldn't take him down in a couple minutes and then have 3 minutes to clear adds. Or do what we did which was a combination of both strategies. We never cleared a full wave of adds, but one guy kept them in check on our backside while a titan bubble covered our front side.

A Saint-14 bubble would have been a godsend, but we were rolling 2 hunters and a warlock.

I agree, just do what works for you.
It is amazing how much Bungie has changed the game. You simply can't solo much of the higher light content, and I think that is a good thing. It forces cooperation and synergy and it makes fights much more exciting and rewarding. Year 1 I soloed numerous public events just to get guaranteed marks to get gear so I could finally raid. I never want to go back to that. Challenge me with Taken champions in patrol and force me to use this site (and others) and ask for help, because Destiny is all about playing with awesome people. I've never had my avatar dance so much since the Taken King released in celebrating tough challenges. Therefore my simple suggestion for the next OT:

Destiny |OT32| Fireteam Recommended

(or whatever it is that quests say when the content is hard)

Co-signed. This is great.
System is working for me. Got the boots and chest last reset and this week I got the gloves and helmet.

Moldering shards help.

You look like a terrifying clown in this one:


I swear if I can't get up to 290 in a week, I'm giving up on this game. tired of these boring ass quests that give me crap drops that barely raise my levels.

Strikes. Stop with the quests and do strikes. If your goal is 290 as fast as possible, that's what you should be doing for best results.
What are the names of the rare materials needed for the swords? I don't think I've gotten one to drop yet. II have the void sword at 280+ and just need to get the last perk on it.

I won't be able to get the exotic till next week right?


Black Hammer and Foil were the only raid drops that never graced my vault. I've run this eight times wanting the precious. So close yet so far.


Unconfirmed Member
How hard is the exotic sword quest strike? I got it and see that it has matchmaking.

NOt terrible, 290+ for sure though. Me and a buddy are on the boss and could use some help if you want in. PSN: ultrajari


I swear if I can't get up to 290 in a week, I'm giving up on this game. tired of these boring ass quests that give me crap drops that barely raise my levels.

Strikes. You'll be 280 in a heartbeat. From there you can tackle the higher stuff. I started TTK saturday, and I'm 292 now.

Equip the highest items at all times, even if they're blue. Decrypt engrams one by one, each time checking its values. If its higher, equip it and decrypt the next one.


I got up to 295 in a week, and I got my alts each to 290+ and 280+. And I play a lot less than some of the hardcore folks around here.

With some preparation, and help from my alts, I got my hunter up to 280+ in less than one hours work.

teach me the ways.

:( Let me know if you need help with anything. I know the feeling. The moment I devoted time into Bloodborne, The Witcher 3 and MGS V I felt so behind with Destiny since new stuff was coming out (HoW, Trials, TTK).

At a certain point the game is basically "how do I get loot drops so that I can raise my light level." And doing strikes and Court of Oryx really helps with that.

yea man, I still need to finish MGSV and there's 5 games coming out in the next few weeks. I am officially done with Destiny for a while if I can't catch up. everyone is doing high level stuff and I can't even join them. it blows.

Strikes. You'll be 280 in a heartbeat. From there you can tackle the higher stuff. I started TTK saturday, and I'm 292 now.

Equip the highest items at all times, even if they're blue. Decrypt engrams one by one, each time checking its values. If its higher, equip it and decrypt the next one.

alright, i'll try this method.
that's the void exotic sword? any thoughts on the final part of the quest? kill the 2 guys within 30 seconds of each other?

We did it twice we had two solar swords and my void sword.
Killed everything but the solar knight for the first run and on the second run we left the void knight alive until the end. Hope that helps.

Makes me wonder what else they have hidden away in daily missions
We know that some of the grates in Rasputin's bunker are destroyable...

In one of the new missions there is one that is not able to be destroyed but you can glimpse through the vents there is something behind it and that it looks to lead downwards... maybe it will open up when it becomes the daily?


I enjoy everything about the hive except for the shitty look of their raid drops. I thought Crota's end was bad, but this makes that look like Project Runway. The Titan gear especially is super gross.

The armor is ugly but I'll use it for infusing legendaries I actually like soon.

If I infuse now, my light will be less than the 305 light I can currently hit.

I need to know what's the plan for the Heroric Raid.

Deku Tree

NOt terrible, 290+ for sure though. Me and a buddy are on the boss and could use some help if you want in. PSN: ultrajari

The strike has MM, so do people quit if you kill their secondary boss too soon?

I got MM into a group that were equipping three different elemental sword types and I just quit to do the Spindle Daily in the first minute.

There is so much potential for your MM team mates to mess you up without caring after a long 30+ minute 300 light strike grind to the boss... seems crazy!
Wow, the Gunsmith gives you pretty good Legendary weapons on Armsday. I just received a Legendary scout rifle with 280 attack. Not bad for a few simple field tests.
I enjoy everything about the hive except for the shitty look of their raid drops. I thought Crota's end was bad, but this makes that look like Project Runway. The Titan gear especially is super gross.

I never liked the armor, but the weapons grew on me. The CE primaries had this beautiful flecked chitinous scales on them. If you held them in the light just right, they'd glitter.

Nothing will be as disgusting and bad as the Hunter CE cloak, though.


Anyone up for the Daily Heroic/Black Spindle mission on PS4? About to attempt it alone unless someone is getting a group together.

PSN: Squadon
Light Level 280 Warlock
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