Then let's link up! If we can get LiK to join us, we might be able to clear it before reset tomorrow morning. LOL
Well reciprocal runes are just tier 1, which don't yield as much as the higher ones, but I can't imagine that would have taken very long anyway so 8 engrams that doesn't sound half bad for less time than a strike or two. Or were you alone? Also if most were crap blues doesn't that mean at least 1 was an upgrade? I had multiple actual items (not engrams to be decoded, just blue drops right there) that were upgrades. You'll also get a 300 artifiact for completing that full quest (3 tier 2s and a tier 3).I completed all 6 Reciprocal runes for that quest and only got like 8 engrams at most and most were crap blues.
Who here has done the"torn between dimensions" platforming relic section of the Oryx fight as a Warlock? Just how painful is it?
This thread moves too fast.
Who here has done the"torn between dimensions" platforming relic section of the Oryx fight as a Warlock? Just how painful is it?
I completed all 6 Reciprocal runes for that quest and only got like 8 engrams at most and most were crap blues.
Strikes. You'll be 280 in a heartbeat. From there you can tackle the higher stuff. I started TTK saturday, and I'm 292 now.
Equip the highest items at all times, even if they're blue. Decrypt engrams one by one, each time checking its values. If its higher, equip it and decrypt the next one.
Well reciprocal runes are just tier 1, which don't yield as much as the higher ones, but I can't imagine that would have taken very long anyway so 8 engrams that doesn't sound half bad for less time than a strike or two. Or were you alone? Also if most were crap blues doesn't that mean at least 1 was an upgrade? I had multiple actual items (not engrams to be decoded, just blue drops right there) that were upgrades. You'll also get a 300 artifiact for completing that full quest (3 tier 2s and a tier 3).
Did you buy a Vanguard ghost yet? Do you have a 290 exotic armor piece/weapon?
Do you have the "Dispose the Court" quest from Eris? I think you'll need to be 260-1 to do any damage, but if someone has a level 300 rune and you complete it, you'll get a 300 level artifact.
A group of 5 should be able to carry you through the second part of the raid at a chance at a 310 ghost.
Weekly heroic gives a guaranteed legendary engram that may help.
Did you order any Armsday primaries from the gunsmith by chance? A 280 primary would help you as well.
It's not bad at all. Then again, I don't despise the Warlock jump.
I've done it on my Warlock, and it's not painful at all. But, I'm one of the few people that actually enjoys the Warlocks jump.
Same here, as opposed to being only slightly unproductive.It's causing me to be very unproductive at work.
So is anyone with Oryx experience able to help me out tonight? I'd like to try again. I know the strategy, just need a group of experienced players to help me out.
What is this?
How many people are sharding Year 1 weapons and armor?
I currently still have my trials gear, trials weapon, and Year 1 exotic/armor. But I think it is time for me to move on. .
Need a 3rd for the Hammer.
At the elevator already.
Looking for 1 more for Oryx.
We have a two low levels but also a 300 so we probably need a 295+.
I'm sitting near max marks and need to buy a year two exotic before I start losing them. My short list:
Red Death
Got it done after ~5 attempts. Is it once per character? If so I would run it again to get some upgrade fodder at 310.
General Tips:
First room you can have a warlock clear the right side with his super and have the other two people take the orb and captain on the left.
Leaving the first room down the stairs two sides have enemies. Have a sword on each side and kill the captains as they spawn.
Room where the tank usually spawns in the strike have the warlock who should have his super again clear the middle and then the witch to the right. Second guy takes out the left side witch. Third guy takes the middle witch and snipers up top. Ensure two orbs are taken out first.
Tunnels to boss area use swords to take out enemies then switch to machine gun or rockets once in boss room. Switch to sniper for secondary. Shoot orbs. they spawn two at a time. Only one you can't see from the bridge you spawn at (and should shoot from) is back right corner. 4 sniper bullets take out orbs. Once both are clear, take out ads. Once room is clear work the boss. Repeat for victory.
Our successful run finished with 1:30 to spare. Not hard once you have the mechanics down.
Also how the hell was this found? Did bungie allude to it?
I'm sitting near max marks and need to buy a year two exotic before I start losing them. My short list:
Red Death
Who here has done the"torn between dimensions" platforming relic section of the Oryx fight as a Warlock? Just how painful is it?
Got it done after ~5 attempts. Is it once per character? If so I would run it again to get some upgrade fodder at 310.
General Tips:
First room you can have a warlock clear the right side with his super and have the other two people take the orb and captain on the left.
Leaving the first room down the stairs two sides have enemies. Have a sword on each side and kill the captains as they spawn.
Room where the tank usually spawns in the strike have the warlock who should have his super again clear the middle and then the witch to the right. Second guy takes out the left side witch. Third guy takes the middle witch and snipers up top. Ensure two orbs are taken out first.
Tunnels to boss area use swords to take out enemies then switch to machine gun or rockets once in boss room. Switch to sniper for secondary. Shoot orbs. they spawn two at a time. Only one you can't see from the bridge you spawn at (and should shoot from) is back right corner. 4 sniper bullets take out orbs. Once both are clear, take out ads. Once room is clear work the boss. Repeat for victory.
Our successful run finished with 1:30 to spare. Not hard once you have the mechanics down.
Also how the hell was this found? Did bungie allude to it?
The Vanguard Ghost is 280.I'm using a Dead Orbit Ghost I got from a package. 245 after infusing it. Got a Year 2 Saint helm. most of the blues I decrypted were lower than what I was wearing.
The Vanguard Ghost is 280.
If most of the blues you decrypted were lower that means at least one or two weren't, right? That's progress.
I still haven't touched my alts since TTK dropped. There just isn't enough time!
I'm sitting near max marks and need to buy a year two exotic before I start losing them. My short list:
Red Death
These guys beat it with 2 and with time to spare actually, but they're 301 and 302:
They pretty much kept some DPS on the boss throughout the fight. One of them also took a big chunk of the boss' health right up front with the sword.
Question, how much time are you guys hitting the final room with? These guys have 6:11 remaining.
Hmmm I wish I had telesto to use on the boss.
You actually got a clue when you dismantled a black hammer but no one realized it until today
The thought is that no one bothered to do the hard mode of this mission until today when it was the daily heroic, upon which someone stumbled upon it.
ah, ok. how'd you melt him so fast? what was your light level? I'm 296 and isee the mission is 300
Motes of light leveling gear has been the Destiny invention of the year. Honestly, it's the best thing ever.
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