Destiny |OT31| The Courted Oryx (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)


Quest doesn't start until after you beat Regicide which ends with Eris grabbing a piece of the blade Oryx was using during the fight. Quest is not in abandoned quest kiosk. Only quests I have on there are the year 1 story quests.
Get one shard and talk to Eris and Shaxx I believe.
Bungie needs to include something in the update on this. I still have friends asking me what to do with motes of light now. Use them right from your inventory.
It's mentioned in an email I got from them yesterday.
"Did you know that Motes of Light can be consumed to grant experience to equipped gear?"
But yeah maybe it should be more obvious in-game or something

It has Full Auto, Appended Magazine, and Rifled Barrel. Is this a good roll?
Why didn't I get to choose this one?!

Full auto scouts are back!


Anyone doing the Daily Heroic for the Spindle on PS4 need another person? 283 Warlock (or is that too low?)



We can't effing get the spindle mission done. We just can't, tried a lot of times, we are 300 light and we just can't. I feel so bad and frustrated right now because I don't understand how it can be done.


So I just got my Exotic class weapon from Banshee. Is this "Fabian Strategy" any good? It really depends on how good the final perk is and i can't seem to find reliable info on it yet. It's only 280 so it will need some infusion love and I don't know if it's worth it.

Edit - Top of page, woot! It's raining scout rifles! Omolon SR4 as one of my first new Legendaries is my favorite but Jade Rabbit is hands down the most effective. Boolean Gemini is somewhere in the middle. It feels like the "new" Mida with the agility buff but it isn't as fun to shoot as the SR4 and it doesn't hit as hard or have the ammo perk from the Jade Rabbit. Just my 2 cents from a few days of owning all three.


Self professed bad raider
Time to kill Oryx! Need four more! Don't necessarily have to know the whole fight but must have mic, 295+ light. To be clear, only doing Oryx.


1. crophonso
2. tastypwnwhich
3. BroodShadow
4. Kartik21


well not really...yet
How do you use Passage Coins? I've gotten several as rewards but the Osiris guy at the reef does not accept them


The Cryptarch's Bane
So many questions.

1. Ace of Spades? How?
2. Exotic Sword? How?
3. What are the quest unlocked Exotics?
Ace of Spades is a Gunsmith quest for Hunters.

Exotic Sword is a someone quest when you have your sword leveled to at least 280 with all perks filled in.

There are quite a few quest unlocked exotics... I know the Chaperone off the top of my head
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