Destiny |OT31| The Courted Oryx (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)


So many questions.

1. Ace of Spades? How?
2. Exotic Sword? How?
3. What are the quest unlocked Exotics?
Ace of Spades = Gunsmith Rank 3 with Hunter

Exotic Sword = infuse past 280 and upgrade it fully, Shax will have the most annoying quest imaginable for the Exotic

AFAIK Boolean Gemini, Chaperone, Touch of Malice, 3 Exotic swords, Black Spindle (sort of), Rank 3 with Gunsmith on each character class, Rank 25 with DO, FWC and NM each opens an Exotic Class Item quest


oh my god I just watched the video on the redbull quest website. That was the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen. Fucking horrible. Lmao


I'm at 460 too, I think that is the max as of last week.

I think we're shit out of luck unless a random Gunsmith quest pops up this week or some quest awards Gunsmith rep. Not hopeful though, I think we technically "cheated" because we received the Nightfall buff the first week Armsday came out.
I'm at 998 rank 3 for Gunsmith and have not been on since yesterday so no chance to do any new orders. On mobile so I cannot provide evidence but I did get quite a few of the +200 rep things while hanging with Draksis.


Just 1st tried Black Spindle mission with a second group... Still no ship... Guess I'm gonna have to be a Spindle Sherpa for a bit...
Unless the people who I helped are kind enough to help me in return
Thanks again for the run! Unfortunately this ends my time with Destiny for the week. If you still need help Sunday I'll be there!


Man, this thread never ceases to amaze. I last checked it at about 2AM last night, and in 14 hours or so there were like 3500 posts. Goddamn crazy. So if I'm understanding this Spindle thing right, you have to do today's specific heroic (or presumably when it rotates around again?) and it's apparently fuck hard even for the 300+ types? I'm at 288, do I have a shot with two others?


The Cryptarch's Bane

It has Full Auto, Appended Magazine, and Rifled Barrel. Is this a good roll?
Didn't think scouts ever rolled full auto any more, so yes. :p

I really dig their holo sights.
Not for 310. I'm tempted to power level my titan to get two tonight, but I really need a good night's sleep.
hahahah exactly. fuuuuck.
Man, this thread never ceases to amaze. I last checked it at about 2AM last night, and in 14 hours or so there were like 3500 posts. Goddamn crazy. So if I'm understanding this Spindle thing right, you have to do today's specific heroic (or presumably when it rotates around again?) and it's apparently fuck hard even for the 300+ types? I'm at 288, do I have a shot with two others?
Not the daily; a specific challenge mission within it in an area you wouldn't normally venture (the Taniks strike Ketch)
Anyone have any luck with doing the exotic sword darkblade strike with randoms? I've tried twice and they always end up fucking up at the end and killing the dudes too quickly.
Finally got the spindle. It requires lots of coordination and even with two other 300s we barely made it.

You need to have a lot of good weapons that can take down solar and arc shields.
So how do I do the Skyburner and Scent fragment?

Also. . why would I ever want to grind this on more than one character. This should be account wide.


Self professed bad raider
Time to kill Oryx! Need two more! Don't necessarily have to know the whole fight but must have mic, 295+ light. To be clear, only doing Oryx.


1. crophonso
2. tastypwnwhich
3. BroodShadow
4. Kartik21
i will be reaching Gunsmith Rank 2 with my alts, I enjoy the class perks on them. Makes them complimentary

I have only been running Nightfall with my main only lately, reason why she is Over Rank 3

I will be popping Scout Telemeries these days to level up Tlaloc fully


My new favorite toy, I have a new one everyday, it's so fun:

Could of used a better second perk instead of that super replenish, don't really like casket mag, but FIREFLY, yayyy. Kicks like a mule but hits like a train.


Does Titan bubble with Saint-14 helm blind the Taken Spindle boss?

If so, could pop bubble on him and proceed to make chop liver out of him with sword.

Deku Tree

Why wouldn't you just get another from the kiosk?

It only costs 2500 glimmer and 1 exotic shard. It's 300 ATK instead of 310, but that headache isn't worth it for that difference.

I'm still sub 300 on all my toons... I'd like to use the two spare 310 attack weapons to upgrade some of my other secondaries.

My experience with the story mission wasn't as bad as many other people are posting here... got it done fairly quickly.
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