Destiny |OT32| Driviks and Draksis (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)

Please don't purge me. Well, from your friend's list, I mean.

I can always reapply for the Community.
No worries for both :)

just wish I had more time to play with more of the community :( been busy with RL and barely have enough time to even help my scrubbie RL friends with's going well..

Will def try to make time to finish fixing this problem and reinvite everyone


wait... YOU are using a mic? Why did I do those mic-less Skolas kills then? ;) This is second only to Kadey in mute DGAFer history.

You say Skolas kills, plural, like we did more than two. I actually would have liked to do more, but you never responded to PSN messages or when I posted replies in the thread. By then people were burned out on House of Wolves, so no one else ever really wanted to do Skolas.

I only have a USB mic, no PS4 mic. So far not much spookiness to be had just crazy homicidal robots, and a lot of ocean. Also I'm basically talking to myself since no one came to watch which is why I don't like using my mic when I stream in the first place D:
Alright, what goodies will Xur bring us this week? Anyone want to take a guess?

Feeling like we might see Monte Carlo this go around. I never found it year 1 so I'd be OK with that, though I kinda wanna see a new weapon exotic (besides Jade Rabbit!).

Hoping for either: Primary/Heavy/Special weapon engram in that order, Any TTK weapon, or any gear engram, in that order.

Engram for chance of 310 exotic and I'm in dire need of an exotic weapon since all I have is the Spindle (300) and hawkmoon (280)
Alright, so I know that the dailies and such have been changed so that they are an account-wide reset now, but is it the same for the Raid?

That is gonna disappont me a little bit. I actually am with most people that the change to the dailies might make gathering loot a little more time consuming, but it also means you end up playing other content which there is finally a variety of!

Hopefully, I can still do the raid on multiple characters and get goodies.

I finally did the raid last night for the first time. A lot of my friends here in Japan are still too low lvl or have started with other people so I have had trouble finding people to play with.

Ended up using the PS Community feature to find one last night.

Never Again. Never. Fucking. Again.

The leader of the group was a REAL mixed bag. Very elitist with the noob talk constantly but was actually good at teaching the mechanics so although she grated on my nerves I stuck with it through the end.

But oh my god, NEVER AGAIN. There was one point where we stopped for about 30 minutes while she argued with who I guess was her ex-girlfriend and gossiped about their high school friends and screaming at each other and borderline breaking down into tears over the fact that their other friend lied to her about having brain cancer and that she can't believe that she has forgiven her for that and oh god I can't even remember what else happened.

You can't make this shit up.
I even recorded some of it for posterity's sake. I may actually upload it for some laughs one day.

We actually had a decent run I would say since at least 2-3 of us were either completely new or had only been to the first parts.

We would have been able to beat Oryx if some of these damn high school kids could have focused. Just having the most random conversations during the relic platforming sections and clogging the channel with bullshit chatter and then blaming it on low dps.


Looking forward to going through it with people who are actually not abrasive angsty teens. Plz?

PSN: CometJP

Also, are there any clans based in any of the time zones near to Japan? Maybe a group of NZ or Aussie gaffers?
Alright, so I know that the dailies and such have been changed so that they are an account-wide reset now, but is it the same for the Raid?

That is gonna disappont me a little bit. I actually am with most people that the change to the dailies might make gathering loot a little more time consuming, but it also means you end up playing other content which there is finally a variety of!

Hopefully, I can still do the raid on multiple characters and get goodies.

I finally did the raid last night for the first time. A lot of my friends here in Japan are still too low lvl or have started with other people so I have had trouble finding people to play with.

Ended up using the PS Community feature to find one last night.

Never Again. Never. Fucking. Again.

The leader of the group was a REAL mixed bag. Very elitist with the noob talk constantly but was actually good at teaching the mechanics so although she grated on my nerves I stuck with it through the end.

But oh my god, NEVER AGAIN. There was one point where we stopped for about 30 minutes while she argued with who I guess was her ex-girlfriend and gossiped about their high school friends and screaming at each other and borderline breaking down into tears over the fact that their other friend lied to her about having brain cancer and that she can't believe that she has forgiven her for that and oh god I can't even remember what else happened.

You can't make this shit up.
I even recorded some of it for posterity's sake. I may actually upload it for some laughs one day.

We actually had a decent run I would say since at least 2-3 of us were either completely new or had only been to the first parts.

We would have been able to beat Oryx if some of these damn high school kids could have focused. Just having the most random conversations during the relic platforming sections and clogging the channel with bullshit chatter and then blaming it on low dps.


Looking forward to going through it with people who are actually not abrasive angsty teens. Plz?

PSN: CometJP

Also, are there any clans based in any of the time zones near to Japan? Maybe a group of NZ or Aussie gaffers?

Well I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is I'm in USA time. The good news, raids are character wide! So you can run it with your alts the same week and get rewards!

I'm not sure what time it is your time but in about 8.5 hours I will be trying to either join a raid or run a raid, fresh. You're more than welcome to join forces of time permits


it involves playing rift, so I guess no.

I've done half of it and got the rare sparrow. Have to do 2 rift wins and 1 more strike to get the legendary sparrow.

is it better than the vog sparrow.. for me its still the best one in the game i like using L1 and R2 to go really fast until it blows up lol....


PSN: CometJP

Also, are there any clans based in any of the time zones near to Japan? Maybe a group of NZ or Aussie gaffers?
Will add you when I get home. I'm one hour behind you. For raids I just play with DGaf during the weekends, pain free, and always a good time. Raid rewards are not once account wide per week.
Alright, so I know that the dailies and such have been changed so that they are an account-wide reset now, but is it the same for the Raid?

That is gonna disappont me a little bit. I actually am with most people that the change to the dailies might make gathering loot a little more time consuming, but it also means you end up playing other content which there is finally a variety of!

Hopefully, I can still do the raid on multiple characters and get goodies.

I finally did the raid last night for the first time. A lot of my friends here in Japan are still too low lvl or have started with other people so I have had trouble finding people to play with.

Ended up using the PS Community feature to find one last night.

Never Again. Never. Fucking. Again.

The leader of the group was a REAL mixed bag. Very elitist with the noob talk constantly but was actually good at teaching the mechanics so although she grated on my nerves I stuck with it through the end.

But oh my god, NEVER AGAIN. There was one point where we stopped for about 30 minutes while she argued with who I guess was her ex-girlfriend and gossiped about their high school friends and screaming at each other and borderline breaking down into tears over the fact that their other friend lied to her about having brain cancer and that she can't believe that she has forgiven her for that and oh god I can't even remember what else happened.

You can't make this shit up.
I even recorded some of it for posterity's sake. I may actually upload it for some laughs one day.

We actually had a decent run I would say since at least 2-3 of us were either completely new or had only been to the first parts.

We would have been able to beat Oryx if some of these damn high school kids could have focused. Just having the most random conversations during the relic platforming sections and clogging the channel with bullshit chatter and then blaming it on low dps.


Looking forward to going through it with people who are actually not abrasive angsty teens. Plz?

PSN: CometJP

Also, are there any clans based in any of the time zones near to Japan? Maybe a group of NZ or Aussie gaffers?
Pm me you ps4 name and j will add you to the Dgaf community on there. Reason why, we are currently under repairs thus I will be able to look over it later instead of digging thro all these posts...


My PSN FL was going crazy once I hit 700 last week. Had to manually delete a lot of inactive 'friends' and now back to a respectable 450.

700? Wth! Must be a joy to create parties and invite ppl.

Either way... Morning GAF, how are you and what is your plan for today's gaming session.


Only one spot on j_rocca42 now for Tier 3 CoO.

BTW I have 2x Tier 3 runes but I need 3x Tier 2 first (I don't have this one lol).


Steroid Distributor
A Sword Reforged question:

These materials I am gathering... Will they come from any random chest on any planet or do I need to look in one location?

I trying to ask a broad question to stay away from spoiling anything for myself. But I got one of these rare material things on the moon and I'm curious if I will also randomly find them elsewhere.

Thanks in advance for the answers.


A Sword Reforged question:

These materials I am gathering... Will they come from any random chest on any planet or do I need to look in one location?

I trying to ask a broad question to stay away from spoiling anything for myself. But I got one of these rare material things on the moon and I'm curious if I will also randomly find them elsewhere.

Thanks in advance for the answers.

Those special materials will randomly drop from Nodes only. Chests wont give you anything of the sort.

For the arc sword you need to harvest spinmetal on the Cosmodrome
For the solar sword you need to harvest helium filaments on the moon
For the void sword you need to harvest relic iron on Mars.

The text flavor of the quest tells you about that.


Update for Destiny GAF Community members.

Thank you all for your continued support.
Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we have some potentially disruptive news to unfortunately place on some of our DGAF brothers.

Tomorrow, Destiny GAF Community will undergo an emergency purge.

Anyone that no longer has access to the group after the purge, please reapply by PMing one of the Mods of the group.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope you "Please understand", and "Mistakes were made".

Thank you all for your support once again.

Fuck, one of the last 3 fragments I need is in the raid and I missed it. It's the first fragment in there
(before you get on that lift thing)
. Maybe I can talk some friends into helping me get it. Unless someone has a checkpoint
right after the ships but before the lift?

Also, does anyone have a charged Agonarch rune and want to do it right now? Pretty sure they still charge during the event and that's also one of the last 3 fragments I need.


Steroid Distributor
Those special materials will randomly drop from Nodes only. Chests wont give you anything of the sort.

For the arc sword you need to harvest spinmetal on the Cosmodrome
For the solar sword you need to harvest helium filaments on the moon
For the void sword you need to harvest relic iron on Mars.

The text flavor of the quest tells you about that.

Dang I totally missed that part of the text. Thank you much.
I will blame it on being tired and just excited that I got to a new part of this quest.

I had been down in the mausoleum several times and could never get the doors to the asylum to open. Got them open today. Very cool.


Feels like 3oC got a stealth nerf. I've popped about 10 of them within and nothing.

If you care to read about someones 3oC data you can read this:

On a personal experience yesterday playing with Ruth and Fali for 5 hours ( taken wars quests, Champions on each planet, Raid) I saw Ruth drop at least 4 exotic engrams. I have no idea how many coins he used but he can corroborate with me. It gave me an idea of the nerf.

Fuck, one of the last 3 fragments I need is in the raid and I missed it. It's the first fragment in there
(before you get on that lift thing)
. Maybe I can talk some friends into helping me get it. Unless someone has a checkpoint
right after the ships but before the lift?

Also, does anyone have a charged Agonarch rune and want to do it right now? Pretty sure they still charge during the event and that's also one of the last 3 fragments I need.

You can fully charge one Agonarch Rune from the event. Just make sure to hit each named once.

Tip: As soon as you got one rune charged, trade it using any app or bungie site to your other characters. After you kill the next named you will get another rune and can charge it until the event is over. Just make sure to trade them again in the end so you can open the chest.

Dang I totally missed that part of the text. Thank you much.
I will blame it on being tired and just excited that I got to a new part of this quest.

I had been down in the mausoleum several times and could never get the doors to the asylum to open. Got them open today. Very cool.

Killing the wardens knights with one super? What a good feeling.
A Sword Reforged question:

These materials I am gathering... Will they come from any random chest on any planet or do I need to look in one location?

I trying to ask a broad question to stay away from spoiling anything for myself. But I got one of these rare material things on the moon and I'm curious if I will also randomly find them elsewhere.

Thanks in advance for the answers.

Yeah it's not a spoiler, the quest text tells you which material and planet. It's at the bottom towards the end so it's easy to miss.

It's pretty grindy, I spent 2 hours at archers line :( if you're not in a hurry then spread it out over a few days.
Update for Destiny GAF Community members.

Thank you all for your continued support.
Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we have some potentially disruptive news to unfortunately place on some of our DGAF brothers.

Tomorrow, Destiny GAF Community will undergo an emergency purge.

Anyone that no longer has access to the group after the purge, please reapply by PMing one of the Mods of the group.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope you "Please understand", and "Mistakes were made".

Thank you all for your support once again.

Why is all of DestinyGAF not in one bent group to begin with?


Yeah it's not a spoiler, the quest text tells you which material and planet. It's at the bottom towards the end so it's easy to miss.

It's pretty grindy, I spent 2 hours at archers line :( if you're not in a hurry then spread it out over a few days.

Archers line is bad for that. You should be in the anchor of light zone. The easiest one to do ( 30 mins is enough). If you find a node close to the loading zones, just keep reloading the zone and that node will always be there. You must be solo on the instance. Time to times some ppl join. Just wait ( farm the nodes around the area) until they are gone. Keep that node untouched and when they leave, just pop it and reload the zone.

Ill try to make a map out of it.


On the top 2 nodes possible locations you can jump towards the hellmouth without doing that round trip.


Missed out on the thread for most of the day after the morning because work got really hectic. So uhh.. Trials in 2 weeks ehh.. I'll still attempt it because my love for the mode but my expectations are going to be a lot lower. I hope for it to be good. The nature of elimination is fun in and of itself so it will probably be ok.

Trials is going to be laggy like Iron Banner.

Introducing skill based or win based match making, looking for other 7-0 players when you are 7-0 is cutting the available games down to 10 % of what it would be. In fact scrub that, it will be like 1 %, because at each stage the losers have to start again. Lag banner will become lag of osiris after a few wins.

A 10 % pool of players is not going to give the BEST connection anymore.

Go I am sick of P2P and skill based rubbish, most games we cannot get a good match due to the damn lag, and trials was the only lag free mode beside the odd cheater. Thats gone now.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Looking forward to going through it with people who are actually not abrasive angsty teens. Plz?

PSN: CometJP

Also, are there any clans based in any of the time zones near to Japan? Maybe a group of NZ or Aussie gaffers?

Well, you know all too well from my first raid experience in KF that it's either abrasive teens or pre-teens calling each other idiots and threatening to kick people from the raid for not being perfect (and then fucking up themselves).

Thank god I finished it off with some gaffers.

I also need to do the raid again, because I had to bail out for the night when my team was fighting the sisters (meaning I missed out on the shroud), and I came back for Oryx the next night.

I ended up getting Anguish of Drystan and Zaouli's Bane. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed with Anguish. The handling sucks. This video says a lot of what I feel about the gun:

Zaouli is great, though. Thinking I might stick with that as my main for now.
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