And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I just diedIf you did your patented desk judo chop or lamp destruction, etc
I just diedIf you did your patented desk judo chop or lamp destruction, etc
Free rotation for November 10th - November 17th:
Unlocked level 12: Sergeant Hammer
Unlocked level 15: Lt. Morales
Cool, I'll finally get to try out the Medic in actual games!
I just died
That's a bit of an awkward warrior week.
Sometimes I try to play heroes in QM that will counter the free heroes. I'm thinking this could be a good week for Anub'Arak and Brightwing. Lots of CC to screw over Chen and Thrall.
Not HOTS but just competitive gaming. Surprised that was Zuna, but it sort of syncs with his tiltiness in competitive play.IIRC from what Zoia or one of them had said one of the players no longer wanted to play HOTS at all. Since we know Arthelon already has a team, I'd assume that's Zuna.
And yeah I'd like to see TSM too. Need someone to compete with TS for ultimate heel team.
Sitting here pining about his team management capabilities based solely on what was clearly a decision made in coordination with Reynad to talk about the issues publicly is ludicrous.
Honestly I hope Mac stays far away from that shit stain of an organization.
None of us know anything about the internal workings of that team.... Zoia likely held that team together on a day-to-day basis.... Zoia doesn't talk about that stuff without talking to Reynad about it first... They [Arthelon and Zuna] clearly didn't like Dreadnaught and didn't see eye to eye with him and his team leadership.
An office would be a better idea, but then you have to pony up for as many as 5 or 6 apartments if you wanted to use it regularly. You could use it only for big tournaments and just fly them in and put them up in a hotel, though.
k1pro chosen by Red Bull eSports as the MVP of Heroes of the Storm at Blizzcon. Pretty good choice. He didn't die at all in the finals. 2 stronk.
LMAO, I do this to Milly and Proto all the time.
"Wow that queue was quick!" and then "Shit, forgot to change it to QM sorry guise".
Well at least you can try out that Slapathur you wanted to have a go with.
I won my first abathur game yesterday, felt prtty good
Mines are the absolute god damn worst AI games.
Haunted Mines is the worst map in the game period. It's smaller than the rest and very snowbally due to the golems resuming where they were killed. Because of this even "losing" the golem fight can still be good if you win the first one. I seriously hate the map. Don't have that problem with any other battleground.
all in due time bb
you might as well just follow so you get pre-hype material
Yay... Versus AI as Abathur. Literally let out a vocal "FUCK!"
Unranked draft really needs to get in the game.The change to hero league and group queing was absolutely necessery - but it has really killed my group. Turns out we were most often 3s or 4s, and quick match has become so unfun and so horrific we actually just wont play it anymore.
The change to hero league and group queing was absolutely necessery - but it has really killed my group. Turns out we were most often 3s or 4s, and quick match has become so unfun and so horrific we actually just wont play it anymore.
Eh, I feel so sad about this game.
I kept coming back to it every few months, but the animations just turned me away from it constantly.
And then I see videos, and think "that is not how it plays on my rig", and redownload, hoping for something.
I always played it on full minimum.
And now it hit me to check the fps. It is actually fluctuating between 30-60fps, ALL MINIMUM. The engine cant handle a quick change between map positions with my camera. It is insanity.
Just checked, even DOTA 2 holds it to a full 60fps when everything is set to minimum. THAT is what introduces this junkiness to the animations that just weirds me out when comparing to LoL.
Any tips how to solve this other than "get a new comp"? I have a HD7770 and an FX-6300. Win10, DX12. It is just bullshit. This game should not perform around the edge of 60fps with using a res below my native (1200*800 instead of 1680*1050), all set low. It just should not.
Sound settings. Turn off reverb, turn quality to medium. It should help.
o dam it's time to play 3 specialist games
Finally added this beaut of a portrait to my account:
Finally added this beaut of a portrait to my account:
Garden is worst map. What an ass dragging shitshow.