Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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I don't understand what your expectations were for this game to begin with. This game is a slow burn, its an exploration game where you are not rushing to complete each objective. It's a game where you get multiple objectives all at once, and then you go do your "own thing" and complete them as you do "something else".

I was expecting a game I enjoyed, like XC on Wii ... a well structured and engaging game.


The main story missions were incredibly easy to unlock for me, and I often found myself continuing to explore for hours after unlocking them. Skell license was incredibly quick and easy too. Finding data probes is one of the best parts of this game imo. Ties in very well with the exploration. Some of you guys would die from Monster Hunter by comparison lol.

I just wish the story was better quality overall. :(

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
L has become somewhat of a regular in my party. It's not that he really fits perfectly in terms of combat abilities (though he does his job), but his battle quotes are hilarious. "Right in the kisser!"

Anyone actually use Scouts in their party instead of characters? I'm thinking of just keeping Lin and Elma at all times and using scouts.
Why does L keep mocking my British accent, and how does he know what a British stereotype sounds like? These are the questions that keep me awake at night.




I'm reading all your posts like that. lol

Rebel Leader


Expectations is your problem.

People with expectation of a game that previously was really good often put the bar higher than it should.

Xenoblade is my favorite game in years but I did not lay any expectations of that game and laid them on to this one. Spiritual successor or not.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I was expecting a game I enjoyed, like XC on Wii ... a well structured and engaging game.

You're in the minority here, man. I was just going to comment before reading your posts how I haven't read ANYONE in this thread who is not enjoying the game.

Sorry, it's not for you. I loved XC too, favorite JRPG. This game is different, it's not a sequel. I understand why they kept the Xenoblade name for marketing reasons, but it sounds like you would have different expectations if it didn't carry the namesake.

Also: how far are you into the game?
So when can you get mechanical to level 5? After the story or something?

the quest should be available even before you finish the story, but you need at least after chapter 9 and have the flight pack to clear one of the objectives. but i would personally suggest to clear it post-game, or at least you're strong enough as it involves killing a tyrant
So when can you get mechanical to level 5? After the story or something?
You need mechanical level 4 and then take the basic mission titled "off the record" which will give you riddles as objectives. It involves taking down a level 55 enemy though, so don't do it if you don't at least have a team of well equipped level 30 Skells (you don't need level 50 ones if you're careful)
But I already have a full time job, I don't need another one !

Its a big open world game. It is well structured and engaging and with a little thinking you can avoid much of the standard quests.

But if someone don't have much time to spent for gaming XCX or XC or other open world games are definitely a no go.


Can you equip level 50 skell gear on level 30 skells if your inner level is 50? Or do you need a level 50 skell? Also is there really level 60 skells like I have heard?
Can you equip level 50 skell gear on level 30 skells if your inner level is 50? Or do you need a level 50 skell? Also is there really level 60 skells like I have heard?
No, skell equipment is based on frame level, not your level

And yes, they unlock once you beat the game, but you need to craft them, not buy them


Guys, sometimes you get rewards for missions that are called like the arms manufaturers, so for example something like this "meredith light (w)". what is this?

I can't find them in my inventory. And i also don't have new armor pieces which i also thought that could be.
Is this something like a discount for the manufaturers or something like this?


This might seem like a really bizarre nitpick, but the sound design for the second water purification mission was really jarring. It'd have worked so much better with the atmosphere they were going for if they played the Silent Mire theme in and around the plant while the mission is active, instead of the normal Primordia music.

I'm baffled there's no Shulk amiibo compatibility. You'd think it would have unlocked a costume or something.

I guess we just have to be grateful they didn't lock the Adam Howden voice option behind it. Though I wouldn't have minded something similar with other amiibo - I'd have loved to be able to give my avatar the voice of Peach or Marth.

Rebel Leader

There are leveled skells? I never knew that... Just got a skell too

This might seem like a really bizarre nitpick, but the sound design for the second water purification mission was really jarring. It'd have worked so much better with the atmosphere they were going for if they played the Silent Mire theme in and around the plant while the mission is active, instead of the normal Primordia music.

I agree, such a shame
Guys, sometimes you get rewards for missions that are called like the arms manufaturers, so for example something like this "meredith light (w)". what is this?

I can't find them in my inventory. And i also don't have new armor pieces which i also thought that could be.
Is this something like a discount for the manufaturers or something like this?
Unlocking new AMs unlocks more options in the shop. Each AM can be leveled up with Miranium (or by wearing their equipment, but that's super slow) to unlock further gear or bonuses

Oh never mind, misunderstood


Guys, sometimes you get rewards for missions that are called like the arms manufaturers, so for example something like this "meredith light (w)". what is this?

I can't find them in my inventory. And i also don't have new armor pieces which i also thought that could be.
Is this something like a discount for the manufaturers or something like this?

I JUST figured this one out myself. It's holograms for your projector room!
Weird, eh?


You're in the minority here, man. I was just going to comment before reading your posts how I haven't read ANYONE in this thread who is not enjoying the game.

Sorry, it's not for you. I loved XC too, favorite JRPG. This game is different, it's not a sequel. I understand why they kept the Xenoblade name for marketing reasons, but it sounds like you would have different expectations if it didn't carry the namesake.

Also: how far are you into the game?

I just beat Goetia, just met her.
the quest should be available even before you finish the story, but you need at least after chapter 9 and have the flight pack to clear one of the objectives. but i would personally suggest to clear it post-game, or at least you're strong enough as it involves killing a tyrant

You need mechanical level 4 and then take the basic mission titled "off the record" which will give you riddles as objectives. It involves taking down a level 55 enemy though, so don't do it if you don't at least have a team of well equipped level 30 Skells (you don't need level 50 ones if you're careful)

Oh I picked that one up already but didn't really give it any attention yet. I just got the flight module actually, not sure if I can take a 55 tyrant though, but could always give it a shot. I still got insurance left :p Thanks for the info!
I can't be the only one who thinks about Crackdown when running and jumping around NLA.


So good. One of the best improvements over the first Xenoblade.


Just beat chapter 5. I know there isn't much of it butI am really digging the story. Actually it might be less story and more world building. The questions that are coming up and the ideas they are going with are very interesting.


Unlocking new AMs unlocks more options in the shop. Each AM can be leveled up with Miranium (or by wearing their equipment, but that's super slow) to unlock further gear or bonuses

I know that, i already maxed out some of the manufaturers (at least as much as i'm able to, but these are items i get from missions as rewards, so they are not directly related to that.

I JUST figured this one out myself. It's holograms for your projector room!
Weird, eh?

No way! is that really what those are? Makes sense now that i think about it, since they have the (f) and (m) part so that you can display female or male armor etc.

I never would have thought about that. Thanks!
Oh I picked that one up already but didn't really give it any attention yet. I just got the flight module actually, not sure if I can take a 55 tyrant though, but could always give it a shot. I still got insurance left :p Thanks for the info!
I was able to take it out with 2 heavy and 2 medium level 30 Skells for what it's worth. skell's don't level up, so if you have the right setup it should be possible regardless of your inner level

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I think it's 4 but I spent a lot of time doing side quests between chapter 3 and chapter 4

I just started Ch.5 - the story gets a lot more interesting. Keep playing. I'm reading here that Ch.5 is the turning point in the story... this game's story doesn't hit you in the face immediately like XC did. This is a much more slow burn, but it does get better. I think almost everyone in here will confirm Ch.1-4 were the "worst" parts of the game.

It's Chapter 4, I remember clearly as it was my first wipe.

WTF lol

I just got the game, feels nice but strange how low-res all the UI text is despite the 1080p output.

No kidding. That should've been the OT title:

Xenoblade X |OT| Bring your binoculars (to read the text)


Spent a few more hours with the game, feel like I'm maaaaaaybe starting to get a grasp on things finally lol. I have more, but a few quick questions:

-When you have a Scout in your party (Squad NPC) and you get the notifications in the top left about the Scout levels going up and getting expressions/tickets etc are those rewards for the other player, or for you?

-What exactly is up with the online notifications in the bottom left? I know you can post messages that your squad can see, and if enough people like it (L+A) it might get spread to the whole userbase (?). What confuses me though is that I keep seeing like the same 5 messages, and they always either have the miiverse icon and/or says achievement unlocked which I don't understand, or sometimes you get just the generic message with the blue grid background which I'm assuming is just offline/default game messaging, but then when I post a message it does that for my message as well. So I'm confused on the particulars of those pop-ups I guess?

-Is there any particular use for Miranium other than side quests or just dumping it into arms manufacturers? I'm still very early and only have a 9k cap (I put down one storage probe), so assuming I have no sidequests where someone wants some when I get close to the cap I'm just dumping it in an AM.

-Is managing your inventory total shit or just me? You get a million equipment drops it seems like, I'm just selling stuff that's not better than what I have equipped to try to make it manageable. On a related note do I need to worry about keeping characters other than Lin/Elma up to par gear-wise? Just managing those two along with their Arts etc is already a huge pain in the ass.

So far loving the game, but it's definitely overwhelming at first. I'm about 10-12 hours in and feel like I've just barely got a grasp on most of what's going on.
Sure thing.

Basically look at Oblivia, the rest are some areas with a lot of Sighseeing spots and/or A grade revenue. I'm missing like half the map of Cauldros and Sylphaum is mostly unexploited. Also, the difference is the numbers is because I found a better spot while taking the pictures and I changed some probes to generate almost 1K more. lol

thanks man, saving this post.

Rebel Leader

Sure thing.

Basically look at Oblivia, the rest are some areas with a lot of Sighseeing spots and/or A grade revenue. I'm missing like half the map of Cauldros and Sylphaum is mostly unexploited. Also, the difference is the numbers is because I found a better spot while taking the pictures and I changed some probes to generate almost 1K more. lol

Don't LOL us >_>


What's a fun class to play/upgrade?

I've been a sniper forever and 70 hours in Astral Crusader's getting a little stale.

Any other fun classes that arent too heavily melee?


Sure thing.

Basically look at Oblivia, the rest are some areas with a lot of Sighseeing spots and/or A grade revenue. I'm missing like half the map of Cauldros and Sylphaum is mostly unexploited. Also, the difference is the numbers is because I found a better spot while taking the pictures and I changed some probes to generate almost 1K more. lol

Man where did you get all those Research probes. I've only found like 5, and they've all been of different lower levels so no bonus.
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