Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition |OT| Shoot them with your guns (Again!)

Biggest complaint is that you can’t advance the dialog during voiced sections per line.
This Qol feature is my only complaint so far, aside from the npc dialog text boxes being tiny even on docked mode
But the cutscene dialog, especially as the whole front of the game is heavily loaded with tutorials and explanations,my god I’m finding it painful to not be able to advance to the next voiced line once I’ve read what’s on screen, it feels archaic in that respect and a product of its time, but I’ve had to come at the whole start of the game in chunks because I can’t bear this much sitting around waiting for the dialog to finish.
I would be way further into the game if I had more patience, but my gaming time is limited these days and this game unfortunately needs a few more tweaks from the other games
Its crazy to me that in 2025 any dev would think its ok to have unskippable dialogue/cut scenes


Biggest Trails Stan


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Its crazy to me that in 2025 any dev would think its ok to have unskippable dialogue/cut scenes
You can press + while a cut scene is playing, and you'll be given an option to skip it. But, you skip the whole scene and K krumble is right, it'd be nice if you could just skip individual dialog lines to advance the scene along quickly.


Gold Member
The other problem is the writing. It takes 4-5 lines of dialogue to get to the point.

“So you want to help with my task. Well that’s very kind of you. I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m really glad you came along. I really needed someone to help me with my task. Ok, so what you need to do is xyz.”
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World’s Biggest Weeb
The other problem is the writing. It takes 4-5 lines of dialogue to get to the point.

“So you want to help with my task. Well that’s very kind of you. I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m really glad you came along. I really needed someone to help me with my task. Ok, so what you need to do is xyz.”
The best is when they start out talking to themselves like

“God dammit, what am I going to do if I don’t find those 5 donkey scrotums? Think, DonkeyPunchJr…. Oh hey, you look like someone who could help me!”

There’s always a follow up too. You turn in the quest items and it’s never “thanks, here’s your reward” it’s “oh yeah there’s also this other thing I need that’s 8km in the opposite direction, can you go get that for me too?”

Yeah the quests in Xenoblade series have always been total shit. I just skim the text quickly and get on with it.


World’s Biggest Weeb
They always feel like satire to dunk on MMO or even modern quest design. Game knows they are shit and we think it's shit but we will do them anyway.
Yeah and they always apologize for asking too. Like “Gosh, I hate to ask you because I know it’s a stupid waste of time and you have way more important shit to do like saving the human race, but I really want those onions to put in my stew!”

It’s like the writers are apologizing for their own quest design.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The quests in this game are wacky to the point that sometimes I feel like this game shares a lot of its quest design philosophy with the Like a Dragon / Yakuza games.


Biggest Trails Stan
The quests in this game are wacky to the point that sometimes I feel like this game shares a lot of its quest design philosophy with the Like a Dragon / Yakuza games.

I really enjoyed the sidequest where you help this guy from the future make a time machine to help him go back to the future
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World’s Biggest Weeb
The quests in this game are wacky to the point that sometimes I feel like this game shares a lot of its quest design philosophy with the Like a Dragon / Yakuza games.
Some of them are pretty wacky and hilarious. The problem is I’m always waiting for them to get to the part where they tell me to go fetch a bunch of crap.

Like there was one

“My father disapproves of our human/alien cross-species marriage, help!”

I thought that would be a nice change of pace from all the fetch quests/extermination missions so I took it, and it turned out to be

“Hey can you go pick a bunch of rare flowers for our alien wedding ceremony? I’d do it myself but I’m trying to stay under cover”

Then the follow up IIRC was “oh also I need to prove my bravery by killing this monster, can you go do that for me too?”

It was definitely one of the funnier ones but I was thinking “man couldn’t they at least give us a few that aren’t fetch quests?”
Even after you finish the game there will be tons of places to explore and Tyrants(Elites) to fight so this is one of those long always something to do games. Easily 300+ hours IMO so yes take your time. Game is a treasure and shouldn't be rushed at all.
Yeah I'm gonna max every class and try out lots of builds. I leaned too heavily on the famous OP ghostwalker + ether blossom dance combo on the wiiU. I want to try and beat the biggest tyrants with a spear or knife this time.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Yeah I'm gonna max every class and try out lots of builds. I leaned too heavily on the famous OP ghostwalker + ether blossom dance combo on the wiiU. I want to try and beat the biggest tyrants with a spear or knife this time.
I'm probably gonna do a Knife/Raygun or Knife/Psycho Launchers build. Either DoT Build or Gravity Damage build. I like debuffing enemies.


Gold Member
It's curious how the game really overexplains some things while completing not explaining some others.

Like I went to sell some items and it was like "NOT REGISTERED IN THE COLLECTOPEDIA YET" -- I said, what is that. I goofed around in the menus a bit and found it, registered all these items and got like 30 BP from it. Don't remember seeing that explained at all, lol.

I also invested enough miranium in the AM place to level up the manufacturers and then it showed me a bunch of stuff like "CHECK OUT THESE NEW GOODS" -- but then I went to the shop and don't see anything new? Unless I'm just too low of level for whatever new stuff got put in maybe.


Gold Member
Should I be actively using skills off cooldown or wait for them to glow for a sync attack?

Why does my TP keep depleting in combat?

Ulysses 31

Should I be actively using skills off cooldown or wait for them to glow for a sync attack?

Why does my TP keep depleting in combat?
How is your TP generation? Are you using a lot of TP arts?

Reviving costs TP, activating Overdrive costs 3000 TP.
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It's curious how the game really overexplains some things while completing not explaining some others.

Like I went to sell some items and it was like "NOT REGISTERED IN THE COLLECTOPEDIA YET" -- I said, what is that. I goofed around in the menus a bit and found it, registered all these items and got like 30 BP from it. Don't remember seeing that explained at all, lol.

I also invested enough miranium in the AM place to level up the manufacturers and then it showed me a bunch of stuff like "CHECK OUT THESE NEW GOODS" -- but then I went to the shop and don't see anything new? Unless I'm just too low of level for whatever new stuff got put in maybe.
It just a combination of giving you freedom and spacing out the many tutorials to try and not overwhelm you with reading. A tutorial will pop explaining collectipedia later.

I invest miranium the other day and when I went to the shops and checked the new gear was marked by a red dot on the left side. Not sure but it could be like you thought, you are investing early and the new gear is above your level in which case you can check and the name will also be written in red

Should I be actively using skills off cooldown or wait for them to glow for a sync attack?

Why does my TP keep depleting in combat?
Definitely make exploititive use of cooldown to make battles fast and easy. Your cool down bar (in the bottom right) is refilled at the start of every battle so unless the enemy is strong and needs a lot of planning you can should spam it.

It is GREAT not having a feeling like I shouldn't have used my arts when an ally calls out for a souls voice and I can just use the on in cooldown. Or if do a break (now called stagger) or topple attack and my character misses, I can just spam it again.

Just on TP all the blue auras use TP and the most damaging attacks from your orange melee and yellow ranged attacks use TP. Nothing to worry about early but there's a stat called potential that makes TP attack arts stronger which can be very powerful
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Biggest Trails Stan


Tatsu isn't food! Lin totally dunking on Tatsu during the whole game made me cry with laughter. She's so mean to Tatsu lol

49 Hours into the game

I did Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 Story Mission

I finally got the Skell and I've been finding the Probe areas in the environments much faster. Also fighting enemies 5 levels above you in a Skell is much more easier to deal with. Also gives alot more experience if you battle in a Skell. I bought three other Skells for my party members to use and color coded them each with the colors black, white, red and green. I also gave them each a name that is taken from a mecha in an anime. Yes my weeb is showing

I'm going to play the story till I'm done with Chapter 9 since I heard that's when you get the flight module

I'm gonna to try to do every Affinity Missions and maybe do all the sidequest. I plan to see all the heart to hearts too. One of the things I want to do is get the full Bunnysuit before I beat the game

Learning about the whole Mimesome twist was an actually surprise. Learning that your character and the rest of cast real bodies are in one of the Lifeholds was a good twist. And that everyone including your own character is a mimesome was a good twist where it's a robotic body. That's an interesting way of explaining in the plot of why you don't get damage when you jump from high places. That was a really unique story bit. And that the robotic bodies can't be sustained and they are in a race against time since those Ganglion race are looking to destroy all the Lifeholds scattered across Mira including the ones with the real life bodies.

I actually love the story and wish there was more of the main story. I love the side stories too. Anything involving Nopons always makes me laugh so much. Also those Ma-nons are really funny with the high pitched voice. But my favorite interactions is between Lin and Tatsu

The Main Story is pretty dark so far and I wish there was a lot more to the Main Story.

I can see them making a direct sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles X due to the reveal of The Samaar Federation. They can do a lot more with this, new Alien races, new planets etc

We shall see if this happens since in 9 days the Switch 2 Direct is coming

Funny enough I forgot that the Switch 2 Direct is coming soon due to being addicted to XCX
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Tatsu isn't food! Lin totally dunking on Tatsu during the whole game made me cry with laughter. She's like mean to Tatsu lol

49 Hours into the game

I did Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 Story Mission

I finally got the Skell and I've been finding the Probe areas in the environments much faster. Also fighting enemies 5 levels above you in a Skell is much more easier to deal with. Also gives alot more experience if you battle in a Skell. I bought three other Skells for my party members to use and color coded them each with the colors black, white, red and green. I also gave them each a name that is taken from a mecha in an anime. Yes my weeb is showing

I'm going to play the story till I'm done with Chapter 9 since I heard that's when you get the flight module

I'm gonna to try to do every Affinity Missions and maybe do all the sidequest. I plan to see all the heart to hearts too. One of the things I want to do is get the full Bunnysuit before I beat the game

Learning about the whole Mimesome twist was an actually surprise. Learning that your character and the rest of cast real bodies are in one of the Lifeholds was a good twist. And that everyone including your own character is a mimesome was a good twist where it's a robotic body. That's an interesting way of explaining in the plot of why you don't get damage when you jump from high places. That was a really unique story bit. And that the robotic bodies can't be sustained and they are in a race against time since those Ganglion race are looking to destroy all the Lifeholds scattered across Mira including the ones with the real life bodies.

I actually love the story and wish there was more of the main story. I love the side stories too. Anything involving Nopons always makes me laugh so much. Also those Ma-nons are really funny with the high pitched voice. But my favorite interactions is between Lin and Tatsu

The Main Story is pretty dark so far and I wish there was a lot more to the Main Story.

I can see them making a direct sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles X due to the reveal of The Samaar Federation. They can do a lot more with this, new Alien races, new planets etc

We shall see if this happens since in 9 days the Switch 2 Direct is coming

Funny enough I forgot that the Switch 2 Direct is coming soon due to being addicted to XCX
You've spent more time in-game than me, but I'm a bit ahead of you since I'm doing Chapter 9 now (at 41 hours). You're right about the skell combat and taking on more powerful enemies, I've kitted out my 4 skells and am able to reliably take down enemies that are 15 levels above me now. Huge EXP gains.

The Mimesome stuff is great, I also somehow avoided that spoiler for 10 years! In hindsight there are a few other weird things I had noticed about that before the reveal - in the first (or second, can't remember) chapter Vandham says to Nagi something like "Well if they'd have found the Lifehold, we wouldn't be having this conversation" and that shuts him up. At the time, I thought he just meant "we would have worse problems" but he literally meant "We would all be dead and literally unable to have this conversation".

Another thing I've noticed is in the game's tutorial menu, in the races section, there is no visual entry for "Human". Made me realize that we haven't seen what humans look like, and we're just assuming that humans in this universe look like us because they come from Earth / the United States - but maybe in this universe humans are slugs or something that just walk around in robot bodies that look like actual humans. In one of the Affinity missions Elma says something like "You're in for a surprise when you see my real body" - meaning perhaps it's 100% different from what we think. Or it just means Elma's a big fatty IRL.
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Ulysses 31

Learning about the whole Mimesome twist was an actually surprise. Learning that your character and the rest of cast real bodies are in one of the Lifeholds was a good twist. And that everyone including your own character is a mimesome was a good twist where it's a robotic body. That's an interesting way of explaining in the plot of why you don't get damage when you jump from high places. That was a really unique story bit. And that the robotic bodies can't be sustained and they are in a race against time since those Ganglion race are looking to destroy all the Lifeholds scattered across Mira including the ones with the real life bodies.

I actually love the story and wish there was more of the main story. I love the side stories too. Anything involving Nopons always makes me laugh so much. Also those Ma-nons are really funny with the high pitched voice. But my favorite interactions is between Lin and Tatsu

The Main Story is pretty dark so far and I wish there was a lot more to the Main Story.

I can see them making a direct sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles X due to the reveal of The Samaar Federation. They can do a lot more with this, new Alien races, new planets etc

We shall see if this happens since in 9 days the Switch 2 Direct is coming

Funny enough I forgot that the Switch 2 Direct is coming soon due to being addicted to XCX
There's other twists regarding your character
, implying you don't originate from a human. Keep an eye out for Eleonora, she knowns more about you than she's letting on. 👀 👀 👀


Learning about the whole Mimesome twist was an actually surprise. Learning that your character and the rest of cast real bodies are in one of the Lifeholds was a good twist. And that everyone including your own character is a mimesome was a good twist where it's a robotic body. That's an interesting way of explaining in the plot of why you don't get damage when you jump from high places. That was a really unique story bit. And that the robotic bodies can't be sustained and they are in a race against time since those Ganglion race are looking to destroy all the Lifeholds scattered across Mira including the ones with the real life bodies.

I actually love the story and wish there was more of the main story. I love the side stories too. Anything involving Nopons always makes me laugh so much. Also those Ma-nons are really funny with the high pitched voice. But my favorite interactions is between Lin and Tatsu

The Main Story is pretty dark so far and I wish there was a lot more to the Main Story.

I can see them making a direct sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles X due to the reveal of The Samaar Federation. They can do a lot more with this, new Alien races, new planets etc

We shall see if this happens since in 9 days the Switch 2 Direct is coming

Funny enough I forgot that the Switch 2 Direct is coming soon due to being addicted to XCX
The ending will also a great twist lol
You will see why everyone want X sequel


Biggest Trails Stan
You've spent more time in-game than me, but I'm a bit ahead of you since I'm doing Chapter 9 now (at 41 hours). You're right about the skell combat and taking on more powerful enemies, I've kitted out my 4 skells and am able to reliably take down enemies that are 15 levels above me now. Huge EXP gains.

For the Skells what equipment did you use to take on enemies 15 levels above you? I want to try to Level up fast in this game

The Mimesome stuff is great, I also somehow avoided that spoiler for 10 years! In hindsight there are a few other weird things I had noticed about that before the reveal - in the first (or second, can't remember) chapter Vandham says to Nagi something like "Well if they'd have found the Lifehold, we wouldn't be having this conversation" and that shuts him up. At the time, I thought he just meant "we would have worse problems" but he literally meant "We would all be dead and literally unable to have this conversation".

Another thing I've noticed is in the game's tutorial menu, in the races section, there is no visual entry for "Human". Made me realize that we haven't seen what humans look like, and we're just assuming that humans in this universe look like us because they come from Earth / the United States - but maybe in this universe humans are slugs or something that just walk around in robot bodies that look like actual humans. In one of the Affinity missions Elma says something like "You're in for a surprise when you see my real body" - meaning perhaps it's 100% different from what we think. Or it just means Elma's a big fatty IRL.

Yeah I remember Elma saying that. I'm trying to be as spoiler free though so 🫥

There's other twists regarding your character
, implying you don't originate from a human. Keep an eye out for Eleonora, she knowns more about you than she's letting on. 👀 👀 👀

Can you not spoil that please. I'm trying to stay as spoiler free as I can with the plot
The ending will also a great twist lol
You will see why everyone want X sequel


So far I'm not sick of the game. It's officially ranking wise my third favorite in the series. I just love the fact that you get a mech that can eventually fly and being a huge mecha fan, it's a dream game come true for me.

I'm surprised by the side stuff, one of the sidequest has a Nopon who you figure out is scamming you and the result was equally as interesting


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
For the Skells what equipment did you use to take on enemies 15 levels above you? I want to try to Level up fast in this game
Here is my current "Main skell" setup


This SSM-RX430SA B-Gatling weapon absolutely melts the enemy HP. Can almost always do 10,000 x 10 if I'm positioned right. It's sold in the shop for 44,800, so I have it equipped on all my Skells. The downside is that it has a wide spray, so you have to be careful how you're positioned because it'll easily trigger enemies to join the battle if they're nearby and not already agro. It's also incredibly slow to charge up once used.

I'm level 42 now, and can easily take down level 58 enemies if I get them alone and not in a big group. I was taking on level 50 enemies with this setup when I was level 35.

For the rest of the build, a couple of laserguns that have a good DPS and quick charge rate. My heathorn does like a shoulder attack for a few thousand, but it's also slow to wind up. Needlegun is also quick to recharge but low damage, basically something to fill the yellow soul voice void since the gatling takes FOREVER to charge. When cockpit mode engages, go straight to the gatling. I've only fought a handful of enemies that took more than two bursts of that thing to die.

There's definitely some improvements. Turns out part of why some classes were so far behind others in the original was a bug where buffs were only added to the first hit of multi-hit moves, and that's been fixed now making those classes stronger


I don't this game gets enough credit for how good the voice work is in English. I rarely play English but they outperform the Japanese in parts ngl.
I played the original in Japanese and the whole Tastu crap annoyed the crap out of me, but somehow the English makes it less annoying, and they've actually added wit to the delivery in many parts that other Xenoblade games lack. Does anybody know if this localization team has worked on other projects?

Also, this is the first game to give me unexpected frission with its music in a long time. I was traveling through Primordia and that theme kicked in right at the perfect time and made my hairs stand on end. So I ran into battle to fight the biggest monster I could see and got massacred. 10/10 experience.

My only real issue with the game now is the lack of concise NPC speech as someone above mentioned. They really only need one or two boxes of text match. I've played easily over 100 RPGs and there has never been an RPG I've experienced where I felt over two boxes of NPC speak was warranted unless voiced and part of a properly directed cutscene etc.


I don't this game gets enough credit for how good the voice work is in English. I rarely play English but they outperform the Japanese in parts ngl.
I played the original in Japanese and the whole Tastu crap annoyed the crap out of me, but somehow the English makes it less annoying, and they've actually added wit to the delivery in many parts that other Xenoblade games lack. Does anybody know if this localization team has worked on other projects?
Nintendo Treehouse handled the localization for Xenoblade X. Oh, with 8-4 too

8-4 is pretty good. They also have podcast that focuses on Japanese games (they are Japan based)
Also, this is the first game to give me unexpected frission with its music in a long time. I was traveling through Primordia and that theme kicked in right at the perfect time and made my hairs stand on end. So I ran into battle to fight the biggest monster I could see and got massacred. 10/10 experience.
Had the same thing happen.

Noctilum night time yazzzz flute is :lollipop_fire::lollipop_fire::lollipop_fire:


Ulysses 31

The other problem is the writing. It takes 4-5 lines of dialogue to get to the point.

“So you want to help with my task. Well that’s very kind of you. I’m in a bit of a pickle. I’m really glad you came along. I really needed someone to help me with my task. Ok, so what you need to do is xyz.”
You can tell they had fun writing H.B., he's so smug and condescending it's funny.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I’m having a blast using assault rifle + long sword around level 25.

Dismantler: 45% chance to do +150% damage when hitting appendages with a melee art

Rising Blade: 200% scaling, + 125% if enemy is targeting you.

With that quick use bar, there’s enough to use Rising Blade like 20x, it’s ridiculous. I’ve been starting battles by spamming the shit out of Rising Blade until I destroy every appendage. So many posteriors have been wrecked.
Is there any end game content? I think someone mentioned elite monsters. Anything else to keep you invested in the world?
The only Xenoblade to have a post game. New elite monsters appear, there are also powerful new skells and skell mega weapons you can't get in the story playthrough. New outfits and weapons for the characters to use as well. I don't know what the new content is yet and I hope I don't find out except when I get up to it and that will be a very long time from now.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Sup xenobros. I'm interested in trying out this game and was wondering about the quality of this remaster. Is it overall just better than the Wii U original game? Or is there any reason to check that one out first instead of just jumping into the remaster?
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