i hate my life.
consider i don't ever ever see a chroma not even on release they've probably been a big failure for themAre we just pretending chromas didn't happen?
that mf skin is great, cmonKill me.
yea cthulhu thresh is greatbro u got deep terror thresh
thats a 10/10 skin
Support is the weirdest role, where you have Janna who's super hard to fuck up on and Thresh who's pretty useless unless you're consistently making plays.![]()
First time I yolo'd Janna in ranked. I felt like I played terrible and didn't know how Janna's kit worked, yet I came out with this score.
Janna is weird.
Has to be a fake namefroskurinn's name's indiana black?
that's a fucking badass name
First time I yolo'd Janna in ranked. I felt like I played terrible and didn't know how Janna's kit worked, yet I came out with this score.
Janna is weird.
There's a large difference between a good Janna and a clueless one.
A good Janna will probably never lose lane unless their adc is completely incompetent.
It's all about harassing when the enemy is csing and setting up max range tornadoes to deny the enemies trying to all in you when you do walk up to auto them.
Punish every cs the enemy adc goes for with an auto while using the brush and your shield to avoid minion aggro.
A clueless Janna won't feed but they are only as good as their team since you aren't setting up tornadoes in advance and using your ult at the right times. Completely relying on your team is something you probably don't want to do in solo queue.
But if you're completely clueless about supporting, picking Janna is a pretty good choice.
I died so many times as Soraka, where typically, I try to avoid it as much as possible. I get really paranoid when I play Soraka, but I feel like I have to play her if she isn't banned in champion select. She's not really that enjoyable to play and the play style forces to be paranoid about everything since in solo queue, everyone hates you for playing Soraka.
My smurf deals weren't bad. Too bad I'm never gonna buy skins on my smurf lol.
That's the most OP thing about Soraka. Rengar and Xin ignore the Vayne with 20 kills and dive onto you instead. You die, they die, then it's 4v3 with a fed Vayne on your side. gg ez
What the fuck are Garen and Irelia doing over there and why did Garen hog my only good discount? At least give me pirate Trist or something god damn it
next time i play an rpg i'll name my character indiana black
such a cool name
much better than froskurinn
Tha Garen skin is incredible if only because the Ult distorts like half your screen when you use it.What the fuck are Garen and Irelia doing over there and why did Garen hog my only good discount? At least give me pirate Trist or something god damn it
she changed her name to that
Yeah zac mundo and rammus are all really strong right now.
That Soraka skin is good.
But it's Soraka.
like her caster name or her real name?
By dynamic queue do you mean the team builder draft?So new dynamic queue is coming out in early Jan for normal draft.
It's not teambuilder. You don't get to build your team, you can only choose your roles.By dynamic queue do you mean the team builder draft?
I mean the functionality, but suhweetIt's not teambuilder. You don't get to build your team, you can only choose your roles.
rayne mohr was a really cool name alsoShe changed her real name sometime this year to Indiana juniper black from I believe Raynne Mohr according to what I saw on the reddit.
zkylamerayne mohr was a really cool name also
lucky girl
I really wish they wouldn't allow 4 people to queue. Ideally they should make a solo q only queue and a queue than can accept 2-3 people.Im excited to be able to play ranked with more people than 2. It sucks when you want to play ranked but you have like 3 people or 4 people.