Stone Ocean
It's more like we forgot they happened
Riot sure did
Riot sure did
Are we just pretending chromas didn't happen?
riot sent out surveys asking about chroma changes, so it's possible that they get reworked into what people expected.
the snowdown sale, those surveys, and the mastery reward stuff they talked about in preseason make it seem like riot is moving towards a few more player friendly practices for cosmetics.
wtf is a chromaIt's more like we forgot they happened
Riot sure did
Give them a stamp on their splash that just says "sucker"
To be honest i forgot chromas where a thing till you guys brought them up again
holy shit hsgg is continuing on his bad PR campaign
holy shit hsgg is continuing on his bad PR campaign
holy shit hsgg is continuing on his bad PR campaign
Kill me.
That hecarim skin is legitYours are good! Wanna trade? At least you have variation and a couple over 50% off. Here's mine...
I only got one over 50% off but I already have loads of Annie and Hecarim skins from mystery gift trading... The Garen skin is ugly and I only have him cause he's free. Would've bit the MF one if it was 60 or 70 off even though I have a couple skins already for her, and I have Sorceress and Sailor Moon Lux but would've got the Steel one if the discount was better.
Oh well.
That hecarim skin is legit
Heads up! Legendary Snowball starts December 23 and ends January 7!
When you buy or receive a Legendary or Ultimate skin this Snowdown, you’ll unlock a free Mystery skin! If that Mystery skin happens to be a Legendary or Ultimate, it unlocks another Mystery skin and can continue to snowball from there. As an added bonus, we’re doubling your chance to unlock a Legendary when you receive each Legendary Snowball Mystery skin.
Uh huh.
Riot is trying to tell you somethingVayne is on my Snowdown list. Twice.
Kill me now.
Riot is trying to tell you something
RIOT: l2p a real role that requires actual mechanical abilityleast u didnt get 4 adc skins when u dont even play any of them
With Headless and Elderwood out there it doesn't really stack up.That hecarim skin is legit
With Headless and Elderwood out there it doesn't really stack up.