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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Are we just pretending chromas didn't happen?

riot sent out surveys asking about chroma changes, so it's possible that they get reworked into what people expected.

the snowdown sale, those surveys, and the mastery reward stuff they talked about in preseason make it seem like riot is moving towards a few more player friendly practices for cosmetics.
riot sent out surveys asking about chroma changes, so it's possible that they get reworked into what people expected.

the snowdown sale, those surveys, and the mastery reward stuff they talked about in preseason make it seem like riot is moving towards a few more player friendly practices for cosmetics.

Player friendly?

Ha ha no

this is part of their master plan, softening us up. Next we'll get score cards depending on our histories, how much we play, who we play. We get points for playing and buying skins on sales. We lose points for not playing daily and ignoring the sales. If you have friends with people who are banned or have been suspended or reported frequently, you lose points. If you praise riot in a match, you get points.

The more points you have, the more IP you get per match and more sales you get throughout a year. The less points you get, they start decreasing your IP, they put you on the fabled 'prisoners island', and champions become more expensive.


Atleast I would think it's fucking hilarious if that happened. Do it tencent. Burn it all to the ground.


Disappointing personal Snowdown choices. Squid Lulu 30% (I have Dragon Trainer). Sun Goddess Karma 30% (have Lotus/Traditional), Blade Mistress Morgana ( ~_~' ) Road Warrior Miss Fortune (I have much better) Sheriff Caitlyn at 70% (I have Safari) and tempest Janna (I have Weather Reporter).

Nice idea but I was seriously hoping for at least something to tempt me. The only one I might ever want is Squid Lulu and waiting for the actual sale would be a better deal.

To be honest i forgot chromas where a thing till you guys brought them up again


I've seen one chroma irl ever. That means I have seen more ribbons than Chromas lol

Still holding out hope that they tie them into mastery for real cheap (like summoner icon price). They can do a lot more with mastery, and they probably realize that too.
Kill me.


I dont understand your sarcastic salt

It's basically a mystery gift that lets you check what you got first

the sooner you realise you're not supposed to get something awesome, the better

Yours are good! Wanna trade? At least you have variation and a couple over 50% off. Here's mine...


I only got one over 50% off but I already have loads of Annie and Hecarim skins from mystery gift trading... The Garen skin is ugly and I only have him cause he's free. Would've bit the MF one if it was 60 or 70 off even though I have a couple skins already for her, and I have Sorceress and Sailor Moon Lux but would've got the Steel one if the discount was better.

Oh well.


Yours are good! Wanna trade? At least you have variation and a couple over 50% off. Here's mine...


I only got one over 50% off but I already have loads of Annie and Hecarim skins from mystery gift trading... The Garen skin is ugly and I only have him cause he's free. Would've bit the MF one if it was 60 or 70 off even though I have a couple skins already for her, and I have Sorceress and Sailor Moon Lux but would've got the Steel one if the discount was better.

Oh well.
That hecarim skin is legit


Aww 2 Garen skins and an Ashe skin and 2 champs I don't want (teemo and MF) with skins. Terrible for me.

Nothing for Nami :( That's too bad, I was getting close to spending my first few dollars on League cosmetics. So far I've just been buying champs and runes with IP. Come on Riot, you know you need to give the first taste for cosmetics cheaply before you can turn me into an addict :D
That hecarim skin is legit

I have Reaper, Arcade and Headless already, I have the best ones already and I only use him if I ever have to jungle or top, which is rare.

Was hoping Winter Wonder Lulu was gonna be in it but it wasn't so I had to get it full price today instead, it's adorable though, just wish it had some more unique animations for the price...
Just checked. Holding off from buying any legendary till then.
Heads up! Legendary Snowball starts December 23 and ends January 7!

When you buy or receive a Legendary or Ultimate skin this Snowdown, you’ll unlock a free Mystery skin! If that Mystery skin happens to be a Legendary or Ultimate, it unlocks another Mystery skin and can continue to snowball from there. As an added bonus, we’re doubling your chance to unlock a Legendary when you receive each Legendary Snowball Mystery skin.

My discounts are awful. I already have the Jedi Yi and Warlord Shen. Maybe Lucian.


I'm so ridiculously salty over pool party zac only being 30% off.

I knew that was going to pop up in my snowdown sale. I was so ready to spam some Zac games.


I don't play a single champion in my snowdown sale list. Three Soraka skins. I think I may have played her once in S2 when she was really strong.


I feel kinda shafted, but then again I was hoping for a 70% discount on Forecast Janna (lol). I just learn to lower my expectations.


I have Koi Nami, a plethora of Annie skins and ADCs are not really my forte (even though it's my second role). I have once considered Kalista's skin, just because I think that skin line is very pretty, but still. Ashe and Sivir? Hell to the no, I think I've played them like once.

Gonna try going for the Legendary Snowdown on the 23rd with Forecast Janna and pray to get lucky ._./

Pd. How come my image looks huge? How do you guys do it so that people can enlarge it manually? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Heeeeeey I got gifted the Cupid Varus skin and decided to try him out.

He's fun and I even won a couple times. He's not as safe as Ezreal but I feel like I am doing more dmg and my ult matters more.

I apparently really love the poke ADCs since I seem to be gravitating to MF/Siv/Ez and now Varus regardless of their actual strength at any particular time. Kinda weird that Lucian still isn't jivving with my play-style but oh well.
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