Finally got a decent setup on my Ranger in Dragon's Dogma and it's just the best. I'm like a human gatling gun of arrows. Now to find a decent longbow.
Is Tharsis the Kobayashi Maru of videogames?
I just got to Gran Soren and I'm torn. I like playing strider, but should I pick one of the more specialized classes to get more out of it, like ranger or assassin? Should I max out my affinity then change jobs? Is strider viable?
I just got to Gran Soren and I'm torn. I like playing strider, but should I pick one of the more specialized classes to get more out of it, like ranger or assassin? Should I max out my affinity then change jobs? Is strider viable?
Good god what an awkward moment @ 1:13:10. Amazing though.
Black Desert Online Monster Factory has to be the best one yet
You missed the bad dudes play through.
missing a ton of unofficial er's there, anjie
also, a fork
Good god what an awkward moment @ 1:13:10. Amazing though.
thank god dave has the answers in the comments
Posted by snide - 4 years ago
So. The behind the scenes story on Connor was that I jumped the gun on the Roku prize with him before they actually called it out on the show. Since I had him on the line I just gave it to him, since every time we mentioned Roku Skype ended up crashing anyway.
The reason he was awkward was because I was joking with him beforehand that he shouldn't rat me out. He took it literally and that was the reason for his awkwardness when he was talking with Ryan. Guy was a true sport.
Totally my fault, not his. I told him afterwords it could be worse, because he a Roku box in exchange for a little public humiliation.
Hey everyone! I want to compile a list of full playthroughs as a compliment to Myggen's suggested Premium content list. This is a start, but I would appreciate any help anyone can provide. Thanks in advance.
Gah! How did I miss that!There's also the Vinnyvanias.
Thanks!After Burner Climax Endurance Run
You have a PM.Does anyone here have an MP3 copy of 02/14/2011 episode of NintenDownload X-press podcast that Jeff did a while back? I'm going through all of the Bombcasts right now, and one of my favorite parts were the Wii and DSiware sections, that were in some of the older episodes. Recently I found out, that Jeff did whole 16 episode podcast devoted to this, so obviously I wanted to check them out, even if they probably run the whole "joke" to the ground
But to be honest, it was really hard to find those episodes, links to them from his blog are gone, since he moved it some time ago, and Itunes page is long dead. Eventually I found this YT playlist: but it`s missing that one episode, due to some copyright stuff...
Help a poor boy out, daydream.![]()
I'll think about it...Does Jeff's full read of Space Jam make the list?
Very cool. Thanks!ah, too much work for me now.
well, i mentioned bioforkge. jeff played through adventure on the 2600 at least once at some point. dan played through quackshot. there's the halos. fear gauntlet played through some stuff, if that counts.
dragon's lair, doom 2, intel discovered, streets of rage 2 and many more i can't think of right now
Good work!---------------
- After Burner Climax - 1 - YouTube
- Bad Dudes Vs. DragonNinja - Quick Look: Data East Arcade Classics (starts at 8:03) / YouTube
- Bioforge - loading....
- Castlevania - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 - QL Crew
- Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - 1 / 2 / 3 - QL Crew
- Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 - QL Crew
- Chrono Trigger - Endurance Runs / YouTube
- Contradiction: Spot the Liar! - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 - QL Crew
- Deadly Premonition - Endurance Runs / YouTube (BR) / YouTube (VJ)
- Demon's Souls - QL Crew
- Doom II - loading....
- Dragon's Lair - 1 - YouTube
- Intel Discovered - 1 - YouTube
- Life Is Strange - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
- Metal Gear Solid - Metal Gear Scanlon / QL Crew
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - Metal Gear Scanlon / QL Crew
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Metal Gear Scanlon / QL Crew
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - Metal Gear Scanlon / QL Crew
- Metal Gear Scanlon V: Ground Zeroes - 1
- Persona 4 - Endurance Runs / YouTube
- Phantasmagoria - 1 / 2 - QL Crew
- Quackshot: Starring Donald Duck - 1 - YouTube
- Streets of Rage 2 - loading....
- Super Castlevania IV - 1 / 2 / 3 - QL Crew
- Until Dawn - 1 / 2 / 3 - QL Crew
Hey everyone! I want to compile a list of full playthroughs as a compliment to Myggen's suggested Premium content list. This is a start, but I would appreciate any help anyone can provide. Thanks in advance.
Good work!
That feeling when you realise you watched all of their full Let's Plays already.![]()
Woohoo woke up with a weird pain in my left foot yesterday. It got worse in the last couple of hours to the point where I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to the ER...
You guys will be my only company for the rest of the day. Health care might be free in Canada but it takes fucking forever. At least I got here super early so probably won't have to wait 10hours like last time.
we'll have our eyes on you... all the bestWoohoo woke up with a weird pain in my left foot yesterday. It got worse in the last couple of hours to the point where I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to the ER...
You guys will be my only company for the rest of the day. Health care might be free in Canada but it takes fucking forever. At least I got here super early so probably won't have to wait 10hours like last time.
Woohoo woke up with a weird pain in my left foot yesterday. It got worse in the last couple of hours to the point where I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to the ER...
You guys will be my only company for the rest of the day. Health care might be free in Canada but it takes fucking forever. At least I got here super early so probably won't have to wait 10hours like last time.
Good enough data plan to watch video?Woohoo woke up with a weird pain in my left foot yesterday. It got worse in the last couple of hours to the point where I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to the ER...
You guys will be my only company for the rest of the day. Health care might be free in Canada but it takes fucking forever. At least I got here super early so probably won't have to wait 10hours like last time.
bombcast@giantbomb.comI wanna send an e-mail to the Giant Bombcast. Whats the address for the email? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Aside from GB Animated what stuff do you think you can show out of context to randoms who don't have a history with GB and they'll find it funny?
The man himself commenting on it
this has to be seen to be believed
Alright Thanks! I'll send them an email right away.
Aside from GB Animated what stuff do you think you can show out of context to randoms who don't have a history with GB and they'll find it funny?