I'm not press, but you just gotta know the right people. Russ T even managed to tag along and get a demo too
I'm not press, but you just gotta know the right people. Russ T even managed to tag along and get a demo too
They should stream Iron Chef.
Not that I have a problem with it but this looks suspiciously like a certain character from a certain GameCube horror game.
Yeah, I was thinking of holding out for a higher res or a G-Sync Monitor, but I feel 4k monitors may be the "Standard" in a few years, and for all I know G-Sync is going to just die off or get replaced. 144Hz seemed like a "Safe" upgrade.
I have been wanting to change up my monitor for about a year now, since it got scratched up a bit during my last move.
Are there any 4k 19 inch screens?
why tho?
From experience I can tell you that Bloodseeker works just as well in that bracket (maybe even better)
Why is this a thing? Where's Dotamon?
Why is this a thing? Where's Dotamon?
It's been redrawn about 3-4 times already.Vanguard icon should be redrawn. Looks super ugly
Vive is good. Pay for the good shit folks. RIP Summer Lesson PC tho.
I did Yasp it's 50 off my (real) (fake) in game MMR. But it's also from GAF league so it makes sense.
I owe my life to Arteezy. I got in a horrible car crash and i was in 6 month coma. The nurse switched to the Twitch channel to Arteezy's stream. I awoke from my coma and muted it.
This one was on sale last week for $420:
Been playing on a 40" 4k TV which has been terrible for DOTA, but I have played on this since Saturday it is really nice. The one thing is it is TN, but has a lot better viewing angles and colors than other TN panels I've owned. The 144hz is super nice for DOTA as well. I figure games like Tomb Raider on 4k and games where the gameplay is the feature I play on the 144hz monitor.
this copy paste is pretty accurate right now
Did the change in day night cycle in Dota 2 help or hinder Nightstalker?
Any chance any of you guys is at GDC? Quesa?
wasn't old cycle at 8 mins? Seems too long now, dota at the time was a slower game. With how the power creep went up during farming mids, and i think it helps him quite a lot.
It made support Nightstalker good.
To this day I still question myself if that was a good or bad thing.
In the earlier stages of the game, thanks to HinN, he's very powerful and no doubt an asset to the team but later he'll be nothing more than a glorified gem and vlads carrier that has zero team fight potential.
You're underestimating the power of vision, he might not be very useful in teamfights but he's terribly hard to fight into if he has aghs+gem.
In the earlier stages of the game, thanks to HinN, he's very powerful and no doubt an asset to the team but later he'll be nothing more than a glorified gem and vlads carrier that has zero team fight potential.
I had that monitor. Sent it back. It's a perfect TN panel, IMO. But it's a TN panel. And after 7 years of IPS, the loss in color reproduction was simply a non-starter. The G Sync was really nice though. Not nice enough to make me lose a single second of sleep over choosing my 32" 21:9 IPS monitor over it, though. :3
I'm glad I stopped playing that game. After Grand Tournament it felt like balance went out the window.ayyy
Which model do you have, just curious. With my set up including that 40" still, I just couldn't fit in a 21:9. But who knows, if it was the right price down the road.
Although I'm thinking with money I saved going TN instead of IPS will be put towards either the Vive or the Rift. Depending on which one appears to be the better investment a few months after they actually release.
I'm glad I stopped playing that game. After Grand Tournament it felt like balance went out the window.
I wish I were good enough to create a smurf account...