Tree of Savior |OT| Free to Play Now Open



Primary things:

1) Acknowledges the removal of regional pricing. For those unaware, the prices for the Founder's Packs were changed to be direct conversion, instead of the previous method where local wages and living expenses were taken into account. This results in a large price increase for some areas.

2) Announces that the 30% discount sale is going to actually be a 50% discount sale now and that the contents of the packs will not be changed. You will also be able to repurchase whatever packs you may have bought already at their discounted prices.

3) Announces a South American server. Once the SEA and EU server transfers are out of the way, Orsha and Klaipeda players will be able to request transfer to the SA server.

4) After F2P launch, prices of things will be altered for the SA and SEA servers. This seems to be in order to account for the negative impact of #1. Since the Tokens from those servers won't be able to make their way to the other servers, the lower prices won't negatively affect the other economies like they technically do now.

5) F2P launch has been pushed back to early-mid May, no exact details yet.



Welp indeed. But the patch note is massive.

Team Storage functionalities are changed:

Moving items to and from the Team Storage will not use up your Token's number of trades
Equipments do not lose Potential, and consumables and materials do not gain Total Untradable points.
Untradable materials could be stored and taken out before. This has been fixed.
You still need to use a Token to access Team Storage; this requirement has not changed.

New collections are added. These collections allow you to expand your Team Storage. (The translation is subject to change)

Bug Hater / What Is Falchion / Love For Foreign Land

Token functionalities are partially changed:

You can acquire attributes immediately
The number of items you can register on the market increases from 5 to 10

The following ON/OFF options have been added to the game settings window:

Apply background effect
Apply dead parts (the explosive effects of monsters on death)
Apply character silhouettes

Non-Token users are also able to trade.

1:1 trading between two Token users remains the same. However, if even one player does not have a Token activated, the traded item will become [Untradable] after the trade.


What the actual fuck happened?? I was pumped to play this game this week with my buddies but now it's delayed until next month AND the price is now 20$ instead of 10$ like it was just last week? That is some straight up bullshit, what's stopping them from delaying it again and raising the price again?? Literally done with this type of practice and this game.

I remember GAF was all about VPNing into India for cheaper games on Origin. This practice ruins it for everyone.

I was not referring to those "normal" guys who VPN'd but rather those who are on another level of shittery.

There are those used certain modes of payment to get items(founder's packs) without actually paying. And then there's the botter/RMTers guys.

But the "normal" guys who abused the system certainly don't help when things like these happen. >___>

It's an awesome patch, don't complain lol. I can finally give my 2nd Arde Dagger ot my mage without getting lower potential.

What the actual fuck happened?? I was pumped to play this game this week with my buddies but now it's delayed until next month AND the price is now 20$ instead of 10$ like it was just last week? That is some straight up bullshit, what's stopping them from delaying it again and raising the price again?? Literally done with this type of practice and this game.

Go ask the people who made fraudulent actions.

I don't think it's a "type of practice" if it is a reactionary move against what happened.

I'll be honest that I am happy that they're doing action against botters. But they really need to get on another level: automation.


Nice to see the kTOS changes getting implemented so quickly. I wonder if the balance changes are stealth implemented too.

What the actual fuck happened?? I was pumped to play this game this week with my buddies but now it's delayed until next month AND the price is now 20$ instead of 10$ like it was just last week? That is some straight up bullshit, what's stopping them from delaying it again and raising the price again?? Literally done with this type of practice and this game.

They didn't exactly 'raise the price'. The prices in different regions are now all "the same" as opposed to being regionally priced, so they can't 'do it again'.


Edit: Glad we got the Token changes so soon. The changes for transferring stuff between characters are great and that was one of my bigger issues with the game outside of performance/stability stuff.

What the actual fuck happened?? I was pumped to play this game this week with my buddies but now it's delayed until next month AND the price is now 20$ instead of 10$ like it was just last week? That is some straight up bullshit, what's stopping them from delaying it again and raising the price again?? Literally done with this type of practice and this game.

Frankly, the stability of things isn't good enough to open the floodgates for all the free players anyway. There are issues that aren't a huge deal right now, but would come back full force with that many new players. So, the delay is kind of a good thing.

They also didn't raise the price, technically. They removed the $10 option, but that was done over a week ago. They also removed the regional pricing, which does result in a price increase for some regions because it's direct converstion now. However, the remaining packs are now on sale for 50% off, with the $30 pack being $15 it's $5 more than the $10 pack was, but way more stuff.

I'm not a big fan of some of their practices, for example female premium hairstyles costing roughly $5 more than male. That's some bullshit. But the current prices of packs, at least for those of us unaffected by the regional pricing removal, are great. Even the old prices were cheaper than the actual price their contents cost, with a 50% discount it's become a huge deal.
Same, I really appreciate the speed at which we get the functionality updates.

Same here. Though I really really wish they stop keeping the whole "we're keeping two different balancing in the game" bullcrap.

I don't see the reason for, say, Monk to remain unbuffed in international just because the community didn't complain as much as Korea.

If I am not mistaken, the Korean and International/Steam versions were released within some 6 months of each other, so speeding up the Int'l version shouldn't be that hard as there shouldn't be much content gap.


Canadians burned my passport
Man fuck this arde dagger. Ran this dungeon 44 times already and still haven't gotten one.
Fantastic changes. Now I don't have to worry about the Arde dagger drama on my alt chars, since i've got one on my main already.


Got an arde on both my chars and sold another. I wish I could transfer silver between characters, but I understand why silver trade is prohibited through most channels.


Just heard the news about moving F2P to May 10th...kinda suck but I guess it has to be done. I waited this far and I can still wait a bit more I guess.


I didn't even play last night, because I lost two dungeon runs within minutes. I dced on my second run and I accidentally entered alone on my third consuming my entries each time. I can't be upset though, the update was pretty hefty and they're in the midst of a server transition, besides Ni-oh was there to keep me company.


So wait, am I right in understanding that it's $20 a month for the subscription?

Seems a bit steep, yeah?

Well, it's more like $18, but it's also not really a subscription per se. It's not required to play, though I don't think I would play without its benefits.

The Token can also be sold on the market, so you can buy it from other players with in-game currency. This could also be used as justification for its price, since it can be converted to in-game currency.

That said, I don't love the cash shop in this game. Things are pretty pricey in general considering they're all character bound. And female premium hair costs almost 50% more than male, which is noticeable since that's a $5 difference x.x

Edit: I should say it's more the cosmetics that I think are handled poorly. The consumables could certainly be priced worse. But do keep in mind, 1 TP is basically 9 cents. So even some of those can add up pretty fast. Example, there's an achievement for dying and using a soul crystal 1,000 times. At 4 TP a piece, that's $360 worth, $288 if you buy the 10 packs. You could get them for free, using the freely generated TP, but that would take 16,000 hours and you'd have to make sure you never let your free TP go to waste by hitting the cap of 5 or it'll take even longer. And it's per character ;p

The achievement only gives you a title, but still it's crazy @_@ I think Soul Crystals are half the price in Korea, and your free TP generates twice as fast too.
On Telsiai, server capability shitness is reaching extreme ass levels.

"Please check after Mission Instance Excess Count". (Translation: Instances have reached the limit.)

When I was solo-ing DGs, I would just spam enter DG until it lets me in if I ever encountered that. The Dungeon/Mission Instance limit is too ass fucking goddamn low right now. It's not even fucking F2P yet and it's already extremely abyssmal.

I believe the problems in Party Search in DG/Missions are also caused by server instability and Instance Count Bullshit. From the looks of it, it searches for a party, then tries to create an instance but Excess Bullshit Bullshit pops up, it kills the party, then starts over. It just loops and loops. It doesn't even keep the party lol.

Imagine lining up for the toilet, and you get to the front-most of the line. You get told that if within the next 10 seconds, noone comes out of the cubicles, you go back to the end of the line and startover. ORZ

Also, I have never ever experienced CommanderLoadFail before the server transfer to SG. Mission and DG is now full of it. Not sure whether it's the patch or the server.

Full of crap.

Good luck after May 10.

Fake Edit: Server just went down some 30 minutes ago. HAHAHAHA.

Edit: (5/2)

During the weekend, Telsiai was choking on its own imminent death. I wish I was joking, but it was progressively getting worse. There are times when I was literally having 3~5 minutes lag. I see nothing happening, I press skills, and as the sole healer of the party, I am also hoping that we haven't been wiped out yet. I just spam heal hoping that the server (game is supposedly TCP) registers my skill use and that my teammates aren't 3 sections away already to get back to the heal. I ask some party members and some but not all are getting lag.

Then boom. Commander LoadFail for the entire server. This happened on BOTH saturday and sunday.

Telsiai is only playable when it is not on peak. My work gives me *very* flexible time, so I can take advantage of that but when a game is telling you when to do things because of server stabilities, it is shit.


Anyone using the add-ons? I was opposed to them but the fog viewer assists you in getting they 100% map completion for all you conpletionists out there. Also completing a map gives you 3 exp cards via wings of Valor based on its level range.

I'm also using an add-on to remove the fps counter and a quick select for channel changing instead of the default drop-down menu. All of which have been mod-approved I should mention
Anyone using the add-ons? I was opposed to them but the fog viewer assists you in getting they 100% map completion for all you conpletionists out there. Also completing a map gives you 3 exp cards via wings of Valor based on its level range.

I'm also using an add-on to remove the fps counter and a quick select for channel changing instead of the default drop-down menu. All of which have been mod-approved I should mention

I'm using all the Excrulon mods, which are the exp tracker (part of the package as I don't find it very useful), Map fog viewer, enhanced monster frame and monster kill tracker. The best one, IMO, is the map fog viewer for the reason you listed.

I'm also using SweetFx with a profile to enhance contrast and color of in-game graphics. One of my biggest issues with the graphics in this game was the lack of color, and this mod helps a lot. Though I'm unsure if I should keep using it, as i've heard it might give me a VAC ban.


Unless its a "Not available yet" issue, every time I load the game it hangs around on the first pop-up screen and then closes. Game never seems to patch/update or even boot. Checked files, uninstalled and re-downloaded and still the same. Might check in a few days in case it was a server/founder issue.


Yeah, I'm going to avoid the game in the next few days, don't want to bother with crashes and lags.
Shame about my token though.


Is Varena the GAF SEA server? Telsaiai seems to be for SEA too so I was just wondering in case you guys are in the other one.

EDIT: Gonna go for Varena as Telsaiai seems to be not available at the moment.


Telsiai is temporarily locked to new players. I think they're wanting to direct new players to new server Varena.


Wow man. This game is laggy af.

Do you get a stat point every level? I'm already level 15 and I only got a single stat point wtf?!

I can't even put points in any skills.


Wow man. This game is laggy af.

Do you get a stat point every level? I'm already level 15 and I only got a single stat point wtf?!

I can't even put points in any skills.

Skills you purchase via some quests and then you put currency and time waiting into that skill. You balance stat points as you level you character and then getting skills as your job level increases.


Can't wait to read newcomer impressions. I think I'll stay off the server for a bit but keep a close eye in case the server stabilizes.


Skills you purchase via some quests and then you put currency and time waiting into that skill. You balance stat points as you level you character and then getting skills as your job level increases.

So you still get a point per level right? I don't get one as I level. I got one in level 2 but not anymore after that.


You get a stat point per base level and a skill point per class level which you can allocate. You're likely having issues due to server response time. You can buy attributes that add bonuses to your skills but they become costly.

Also Raide, the wait time for attributes has been patched out recently.


You get a stat point per base level and a skill point per class level which you can allocate. You're likely having issues due to server response time. You can buy attributes that add bonuses to your skills but they become costly.

Also Raide, the wait time for attributes has been patched out recently.

Wasn't the wait time patch out only for token users?


You get a stat point per base level and a skill point per class level which you can allocate. You're likely having issues due to server response time. You can buy attributes that add bonuses to your skills but they become costly.

Also Raide, the wait time for attributes has been patched out recently.

Ahh I see. Not played since the last round. Hoping to jump back in soon. Currently planning to move, so zenny is tight. :D


Just started playing this a few hours ago. Pretty cool so far and I really like the art.

I'm Courante on Klaipeda if anyone wants to add me.
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