PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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I was thinking of bringing my PSVR to my brother's for Christmas, but I then realized that most of the games I have for it are digital. I was just going to use his PS4, but is there any way for me to be able to download my games on his system?

Sure, log your account in to his ps4 and download them.

How do people feel about battlezone? Is the game a lot deeper than the demo suggests? I played the demo and enjoyed it, but if that's all there is to the game, I feel like I would get bored of it pretty quick.

Neat, but really shallow. I bought it with my headset, traded it in a few weeks later.


Just throwing myself onto team Bound. Love that game and I love that the devs are very open to the public. Lots of interesting stuff to take away from their explorations of VRtech.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
That's not even all of them! Also released right now is Rollercoaster Dreams, and unlike the other two it has a demo, which I am downloading right now. Too bad it is half past 2 where I live and I am knackered to the bone. XD

Where was that guy again talking about a PS VR games drought already? Was it in this thread? I want to point and laugh at him. :]

The thirst is real. Upload VR deemed Rollercoaster Dream a VR title that should not exist and i got to agree. It looks like a buggy mess from the trailer.


Any impressions on Lethal VR?

edit: also, what the hell is this Rollercoaster Dreams demo? It wont let me do anything, playing the game for example.
So as I'm going to bring my PSVR to have the family try it out this holiday season, I was wondering what is the best way to sanitize it between users? So far I have been the only user of my headset so I haven't bothered much about cleaning it up (apart from wiping the lenses after each use with the microfiber cloth). Any particular solution you guys use?

I'm using these for cleaning the unit itself (actually noticed them at the hospital as well when I visited my mum the other day)

and these for cleaning the lenses

How do people feel about battlezone? Is the game a lot deeper than the demo suggests? I played the demo and enjoyed it, but if that's all there is to the game, I feel like I would get bored of it pretty quick.

I think it's a great game and worth the asking price tbh currently on sale on the EU store.

Way overpriced at 60 bucks. When its 20 Im all in.

I got it for £25 from eBay as I was in the same boat as you, but after actually playing it I'm of the conclusion that it's actually worth the RRP and especially the current sale price too.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Any impressions on Lethal VR?

It would have been kinda fun was Move tracking accurate and the game resolution higher.

It's a series of "shoot at targets" (and avoid civilians sometimes) challenges in a virtual room mixed with "throw knifes at targets" ones. Super basic time/accuracy related scoring system. Nothing more sophisticated than that.

Shooting is basically like London Heist (but you press a button to reload). No laser assistance. Basic weapon is a handgun, but you get to use other guns in some challenges like Uzi and Magnum. Doesn't make much difference gameplay-wise.

Some challenges have you holding two guns (or knives / shurikens).

Throwing mechanic kinda sucks due to occlusion (when bringing the Move up above your shoulder) and controller wobbling issues. No surprise you actually aim by looking at the target while doing the throwing motion (just like Batman VR). But even then, I get about 4 out of 10 unjustified misses on average due to the aforementioned problems.

Resolution is very low despite the rather simple graphics.


Picked up Rigs on sale ($45 aud at target) and am impressed. The tutorial does a much better job than the demo, and the pro update looks incredible. It's the first PSVR game I've played that feels like a proper AAA experience, very slick.

Still deciding whether I should pick up battle zone for the same price


Resolution is very low despite the rather simple graphics.
Are you playing on a base PS4 or a pro? I haven't seen if this game is pro enabled but Sports Bar VR was another blurry looking UE4 VR game that looks a lot sharper now it has pro support.


What's the general consensus on Battlezone VR as a single player game?

Or is the co-op matchmaking good enough for solo players to play with randoms? I rember hearing it was stupidly hard for solo players, has that been remdedied? How are the new updates?
What's the general consensus on Battlezone VR as a single player game?

Or is the co-op matchmaking good enough for solo players to play with randoms? I rember hearing it was stupidly hard for solo players, has that been remdedied? How are the new updates?

Solo is hard. Today's patch is meant to introduce health pickups, which may help.

Co-op is fine playing with randoms; the difficulty and healing mechanic encourages teamwork.

I've been able to complete the campaign solo before the balancing patch, but it is tough. The difficulty punishes you if you push ahead too quickly, you need to take every opportunity to reduce the enemy power levels; letting them rank up as you progress makes the endgame very hard.


What's the general consensus on Battlezone VR as a single player game?

Or is the co-op matchmaking good enough for solo players to play with randoms? I rember hearing it was stupidly hard for solo players, has that been remdedied? How are the new updates?

I only played co-op with my friend and/or my brother over the internet. So I was always with 1 or 2 people, usually 1. I think the game is amazing, but that could be because it plays much better with others and with communication. It's way deeper than it seems.

IMO it's tough to accept someone's opinion on whether the game is good or not if they've never beaten it, because before you've beaten it, you're probably just aimlessly shooting things. Once you learn the intricacies of the game, you start to see how fun and smart it is.
It would have been kinda fun was Move tracking accurate and the game resolution higher.

It's a series of "shoot at targets" (and avoid civilians sometimes) challenges in a virtual room mixed with "throw knifes at targets" ones. Super basic time/accuracy related scoring system. Nothing more sophisticated than that.

Shooting is basically like London Heist (but you press a button to reload). No laser assistance. Basic weapon is a handgun, but you get to use other guns in some challenges like Uzi and Magnum. Doesn't make much difference gameplay-wise.

Some challenges have you holding two guns (or knives / shurikens).

Throwing mechanic kinda sucks due to occlusion (when bringing the Move up above your shoulder) and controller wobbling issues. No surprise you actually aim by looking at the target while doing the throwing motion (just like Batman VR). But even then, I get about 4 out of 10 unjustified misses on average due to the aforementioned problems.

Resolution is very low despite the rather simple graphics.

Exactly what i expected..passs.
If more of these games come out and i dont see people comparing the shooting mechanics/tracking to Pixel Gear (the PSVR Gold Standard) then theres no way i buy it.

I can get my shooting gallery fix elsewhere.
Has anyone come up with a decent solution for getting HDR without having to constantly switch HDMI cables yet?

Wrote a nice long post about the things I tried.

Boils down to this being the solution that works:

Still have to move cables around but since they are extension cables you are never plugging/unplugging anything from the back of the PS4 or breakout box.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Are you playing on a base PS4 or a pro? I haven't seen if this game is pro enabled but Sports Bar VR was another blurry looking UE4 VR game that looks a lot sharper now it has pro support.

Base PS4

Exactly what i expected..passs.
If more of these games come out and i dont see people comparing the shooting mechanics/tracking to Pixel Gear (the PSVR Gold Standard) then theres no way i buy it.

I can get my shooting gallery fix elsewhere.

Yeah Pixel Gear is better looking (crisper/colorful) and more fun IMO. Gun tracking is about the same tho. They both share the controller wobbling issue since it's a PSVR issue. The virtual gun pivotal point in PG is vertically off by quite a margin (feels like you are holding the lower end of a stick on top of which the virtual gun is attached - this is wrong!) compared to Lethal VR (which is where it is expected to be).


It would have been kinda fun was Move tracking accurate and the game resolution higher.

It's a series of "shoot at targets" (and avoid civilians sometimes) challenges in a virtual room mixed with "throw knifes at targets" ones. Super basic time/accuracy related scoring system. Nothing more sophisticated than that.

Shooting is basically like London Heist (but you press a button to reload). No laser assistance. Basic weapon is a handgun, but you get to use other guns in some challenges like Uzi and Magnum. Doesn't make much difference gameplay-wise.

Some challenges have you holding two guns (or knives / shurikens).

Throwing mechanic kinda sucks due to occlusion (when bringing the Move up above your shoulder) and controller wobbling issues. No surprise you actually aim by looking at the target while doing the throwing motion (just like Batman VR). But even then, I get about 4 out of 10 unjustified misses on average due to the aforementioned problems.

Resolution is very low despite the rather simple graphics.

Lethal VR has been one of my most enjoyed games on Vive (our friends and family had a couple of get togethers where went in hard on score attacks)...But it just sounds so pedestrian, so boring, from you description. Where as when all of us played it, we felt like adrenaline fueled bad asses (there was a point where we got so good we were able to chuck 3-4 knives per target without missing).

Is it JUST from the tracking? Or are you not feeling the game?
Base PS4

Yeah Pixel Gear is better looking (crisper/colorful) and more fun IMO. Gun tracking is about the same tho. They both share the controller wobbling issue since it's a PSVR issue. The virtual gun pivotal point in PG is vertically off by quite a margin (feels like you are holding the lower end of a stick on top of which the virtual gun is attached - this is wrong!) compared to Lethal VR (which is where it is expected to be).

Interesting. You think the Pixel Gear tracking is a wobbly?
Out of all the aim and shoot style games I have played I think it has been the sturdiest and most accurate. I think it might have something to do with you only using one gun/Move Controller. I know exactly what you mean though about where you "hold" the gun in virtual space. It's not exactly in your hand but I find once you adjust to where it sits its the easiest game to do headshots and just aim at a distance and shoot what you are pointing at.


Wrote a nice long post about the things I tried.

Boils down to this being the solution that works:

Still have to move cables around but since they are extension cables you are never plugging/unplugging anything from the back of the PS4 or breakout box.

That's enough for me! It was constantly unplugging from the back of the console that was really starting to wear on me (and probably the console).

Thanks for the suggestion!


What so you think Perfect is?
Oh, misread your post and forgot Perfect is coming out this week, too. That makes 4 titles before considering the quality of each. It might all be crap, I don't know, haven't played any yet, and certainly don't plan on buying it all.

Again, I was just assessing the point that "hardly anything is being released", which simply isn't true.
Oh, misread your post and forgot Perfect is coming out this week, too. That makes 4 titles before considering the quality of each. It might all be crap, I don't know, haven't played any yet, and certainly don't plan on buying it all.

Again, I was just assessing the point that "hardly anything is being released", which simply isn't true.

Then you must have been talking about someone else. Because my opinion is that too much crap is coming out. I would rather see nothing released then the junk they are trying to hawk.
So you and Upload VR thoroughly tested the game by looking at an old trailer? And where exactly did you find bugs in the trailer?

Anyway, might just jump into the demo now and will post impressions.

I dont think its a real demo.
I think its one of those Buy it Now type of demos like Super Hyper Cube was on the demo disc.


Does anybody here play RIGS often? I'm thinking about picking it up, but I'm wondering if it has any long-term appeal.
Hands down my favourite PSVR game. Only game I've continued to play, great community, regular events (Beat the Dev, tournaments, etc), great communication from the devs, new content starting from today with the new map...

Etc etc, can't recommend it enough


Man I'm so bummed that Star Trek got delayed like 4 months. I'd be playing it right now. I wonder what the issue was? Hopefully they are just adding more stuff to do.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I got a PSVR but returned it due to the tracking being poor. Bought a Rift w/ Touch and the controls are light years ahead of what the PSVR offers (pretty sure the Vive is just as good).

Just wish that PC VR was getting the same type of games that PSVR is getting.

As a PSVR only owner, I think if you have PSVR, there's no real need for Vive or the Rift (unless you have limitless money of course).


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Interesting. You think the Pixel Gear tracking is a wobbly?
Out of all the aim and shoot style games I have played I think it has been the sturdiest and most accurate. I think it might have something to do with you only using one gun/Move Controller. I know exactly what you mean though about where you "hold" the gun in virtual space. It's not exactly in your hand but I find once you adjust to where it sits its the easiest game to do headshots and just aim at a distance and shoot what you are pointing at.

The odd holding stuff in PG is probably by design to an extent. When aiming straight/upright, having the virtual gun higher than the Move allows to aim from down the sights without obscuring the trackers on the headset (since the top of the Move is at nose level more or less). But when you go gangster style (hold the gun sideways) the alignment is totally off. Like I have to rise my arm up/right above headlevel to get the sights aligned to my right eye.

That said, I think the laser sight in PG has a discriminating role in how you judge accuracy. In games with no laser sights such as Lethal VR you are more likely to do transitional/positional adjustments to aim at the target (just like in real life), which are affected by wobbling. With laser sight it's very natural to adjust your aim by rotating the gun, which compensates the sight-target misalignment caused by the wobbling without you even noticing.

Also worth pointing out is that in Lethal VR targets can pop up right at your sides, and aiming in that direction really exacerbates the wobbling issue.

Lethal VR has been one of my most enjoyed games on Vive (our friends and family had a couple of get togethers where went in hard on score attacks)...But it just sounds so pedestrian, so boring, from you description. Where as when all of us played it, we felt like adrenaline fueled bad asses (there was a point where we got so good we were able to chuck 3-4 knives per target without missing).

Is it JUST from the tracking? Or are you not feeling the game?

I'm actually mostly ok with the tracking when using guns (as long as I'm aiming ahead), but throwing knives is a royal pain in the ass. I assume the robustness of Vive tracking allows you to enjoy the action in any situation where as the "glitchiness" of it on PSVR drags me out of the fun.


Neo Member
I have very bad motion sickness. Spin me around a few times? I'm down for the count. Drive on a hilly road with lots of ups and downs? You better have the AC cranked and pull over half way through so I can settle myself. I've very happy to say I've had a total of 0 seconds of motion sickness while using PSVR. That was my only concern about VR. It is everything I've wanted it to be and more. I feel like i'm 20 years younger, spending a cold winter completely immersed in my games.


The odd holding stuff in PG is probably by design to an extent. When aiming straight/upright, having the virtual gun higher than the Move allows to aim from down the sights without obscuring the trackers on the headset (since the top of the Move is at nose level more or less). But when you go gangster style (hold the gun sideways) the alignment is totally off. Like I have to rise my arm up/right above headlevel to get the sights aligned to my right eye.

That said, I think the laser sight in PG has a discriminating role in how you judge accuracy. In games with no laser sights such as Lethal VR you are more likely to do transitional/positional adjustments to aim at the target (just like in real life), which are affected by wobbling. With laser sight it's very natural to adjust your aim by rotating the gun, which compensates the sight-target misalignment caused by the wobbling without you even noticing.

Also worth pointing out is that in Lethal VR targets can pop up right at your sides, and aiming in that direction really exacerbates the wobbling issue.

I'm actually mostly ok with the tracking when using guns (as long as I'm aiming ahead), but throwing knives is a royal pain in the ass. I assume the robustness of Vive tracking allows you to enjoy the action in any situation where as the "glitchiness" of it on PSVR drags me out of the fun.

How is the Kill Room section handled? On the other platforms, I have to move around the room quite a bit as the targets show up all over the damn place (and through tiny opening).


Does anybody here play RIGS often? I'm thinking about picking it up, but I'm wondering if it has any long-term appeal.

I played through the season, and found it to be one of the VR titles I went back to the most. I have 0 interest in the multiplayer, but if that's your deal they seem to really support it a lot with play with the devs days.

I hope they execute well. Fruit ninja seems like a great casual vr introduction.


Hands down my favourite PSVR game. Only game I've continued to play, great community, regular events (Beat the Dev, tournaments, etc), great communication from the devs, new content starting from today with the new map...

Etc etc, can't recommend it enough

I played through the season, and found it to be one of the VR titles I went back to the most. I have 0 interest in the multiplayer, but if that's your deal they seem to really support it a lot with play with the devs days.

Thanks, I guess I'll be picking it up.

Well worth grabbing and if in the UK it's £25 on Amazon at the moment. Really good game and looks stunning on the Pro too.

I am in the UK so I appreciate the price advice. Bought.


I dont think its a real demo.
I think its one of those Buy it Now type of demos like Super Hyper Cube was on the demo disc.
You certainly can't do anything yet, but if I read the menu correctly, you will be able to walk other people's parks "in a few days" or something. Currently, the list is empty.

But there is a video in the "trending" section that looks quite alright.
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