PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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I could see some fun to be had in Rollercoaster Dreams, especially with kids. I am also waiting for someone to take the plunge, lol.

Apparently the demo will let you visit other people's parks? So let's hope a few people actually buy the game uploads some parks and in a few days we'll get to visit them for free. That should give us a good idea if the game is worth it.


Is SuperHyperCube worth it at $20? I heard a lot of good things about it at launch

I really enjoy it and it's one of the games I go back to most often. This is purely a "high score" game, so don't go in expecting it to be a 10 hour adventure. You'll play it in 5-10 minute spurts (longer, if you're better at spacial reasoning than me). :)


In terms of resources? We technically have one programmer, one artist, and one lead tester (there are 3 of us in total, so we all wear multiple hats) - it would probably take us a couple of months, even for a small scope title. That can end up being prohibitively expensive in terms of time and money when your company is small. The other issue being that not every game lends itself to just supplying one level. Do you include the tutorial? What about the save system? How representative will this be of your final experience? What if you gain abilities as you progress that makes the game more fun? Do you include those? Some people have the expectation that, if you buy the game, the demo 'unlocks' the rest of the title - implementing that takes time and resources as well.

So a lot hinges on how big the game is, and how big the developer is. As I said before, I agree every major release should have a demo - especially those asking full price. It's just not always possible, especially given how hectic it is getting something finished and approved for a hardware launch window.

But this is just our own perspective based on our individual experience. :)

Thanks for sharing some insight, m0dus. The bolded is a very good point

So it seems like something that would be better to plan for from the beginning than tackle near or after launch of the title.


For those that ARE still buying Lethal VR (and don't have severe issues with tracking), here's a protip for the knife throwing (sorry for the low res video - you can skip the first 60 seconds of me goofing around): (METAL GEAR SOLID REFERENCE AT THE END)

You can toss multiple ones, rapid fire, in succession. Obviously, aim for the bullseye.

My brother in law just picked it up for PSVR, so I'm down to compete on high scores with whoever buys it! We can just post screen shots here.
Apparently the demo will let you visit other people's parks? So let's hope a few people actually buy the game uploads some parks and in a few days we'll get to visit them for free. That should give us a good idea if the game is worth it.

Huh OK, I tried the demo and...... There was nothing I could do. Not even one little dumb coaster to ride. Interesting choice for a demo.


Just a heads up!

They have a free $25 Amazon Credit for trying a free 2 month trial of Audible from Groupon. A lot of people are using the credit to buy Final Fantasy for $10 (It is on sale today only on Amazon for $35).

You could use the $25 for PSN Credit (which you get instantly from Amazon) and buy PSVR Games. I am deciding now on whether to get PSN Credit for I Expect You To Die, or should I buy Final Fantasy.

Awesome, thanks for the heads up!


Took one for the team and purchased the 3 new titles out in the UK today.

Quite liked this, but then I went in knowing exactly what it was - a sitting simulator. There are 3 'maps' each with 3 locations you can go to, no walking around, some basic interactions such as throwing sticks and snowballs. Might play it for 5-10 minutes after particularly shitty days at work to escape. The scenes look nice enough, shame they didn't ramp anything up on the PSPro as it's just not quiet where it needs to be visually for proper escapism (aka Gran Turisimo 1 trees).

Was hoping this would be a tribute to the bright blue-sky glory days of Virtua Cop and Time Crisis, instead it's shooting cardboard cut-outs in a bland little room. Duel wielding is fun, but Rush of Blood already does it better. Can't recommend it if you own either Rush of Blood or PS VR Worlds.

Rollercoaster Dreams
Looks like ass, some of the mini games are quite literally made using un-textured primitive geometry thrown together in Unity Editor by monkeys. Tree's pop-in from nowhere, physics are completely off on the coasters with a lot of the animations being 'baked' it. Sad thing is it's still sorta fun just riding on stuff, but given the bare minimum of effort they've put into it they don't deserve any sales. The coaster building itself is almost identical to an old niche Dreamcast title called Coasterworks, to the extent I think someone did a direct copy of a lot of it without bothering to consider the 101 better methods for creating coasters, demonstrated by newer titles such as Nolimits and Planet coaster. Did I mention it looks like ass?

So in all, a pretty shit week. But fuck it - Werewolves will tide me over for a good few weeks until Resident Evil hits.


Just a heads up!

They have a free $25 Amazon Credit for trying a free 2 month trial of Audible from Groupon. A lot of people are using the credit to buy Final Fantasy for $10 (It is on sale today only on Amazon for $35).

You could use the $25 for PSN Credit (which you get instantly from Amazon) and buy PSVR Games. I am deciding now on whether to get PSN Credit for I Expect You To Die, or should I buy Final Fantasy.

Well now I'm getting SHC and the Death Star Battlefront DLC for the price of a coke.



Was hoping this would be a tribute to the bright blue-sky glory days of Virtua Cop and Time Crisis, instead it's shooting cardboard cut-outs in a bland little room. Duel wielding is fun, but Rush of Blood already does it better. Can't recommend it if you own either Rush of Blood or PS VR Worlds.


I'm dying inside, lol
Yeah, Apparently they said it'd take a few days for those to show up on the server.

I chuckled at how it said It will take time for things to "resister" (obviously meant to say register). I'm surprised it was published with so much broken or awkwardly presented English. I thought there were people that look out for this kind of stuff. Also, looking at some screenshots, why are the parks all set in the year 2000?
Probably the best place to ask but.

What are your thoughts so far on PSVR?

Has it been worth it?

What games are your favourite and show off your its capabilities?

Also how are you setting it up in regards to an AV receiver?
Probably the best place to ask but.

What are your thoughts so far on PSVR?

Has it been worth it?

What games are your favourite and show off your its capabilities?

Also how are you setting it up in regards to an AV receiver?

So far it was worth it, but I occasionally find myself "too tired" to put it on so I'll play something else non VR. I personally don't use it for anything other than VR games. RE7 has me pumped to have a "full-fledged" VR game in Jan.

Batman, Rush of Blood, Thumper, and Star Wars are what I use to show it off. I throw people into Resident Evil to scare them.

As for AV, mine is ran through one, but you shouldn't use it as you'd miss out on 3D sound. You need hard-wired headset.

I chuckled at how it said It will take time for things to "resister" (obviously meant to say register). I'm surprised it was published with so much broken or awkwardly presented English. I thought there were people that look out for this kind of stuff. Also, looking at some screenshots, why are the parks all set in the year 2000?

The review for this game makes me want it. I lost it at asfalt.


Lethal VR is alright but the knife throwing feels terrible, I'd still rather play the shooting ranges on VR Worlds. Holding a gun and reloading it by putting a clip in yourself just feels better and you have actual hands in that which made it feel like you were gripping the gun.


Probably the best place to ask but.

What are your thoughts so far on PSVR?

Has it been worth it?

What games are your favourite and show off your its capabilities?

Also how are you setting it up in regards to an AV receiver?

Worth it as a showpiece, not as a legit platform yet.
Just a heads up!

They have a free $25 Amazon Credit for trying a free 2 month trial of Audible from Groupon. A lot of people are using the credit to buy Final Fantasy for $10 (It is on sale today only on Amazon for $35).

You could use the $25 for PSN Credit (which you get instantly from Amazon) and buy PSVR Games. I am deciding now on whether to get PSN Credit for I Expect You To Die, or should I buy Final Fantasy.

Thanks a ton!
Just a heads up!

They have a free $25 Amazon Credit for trying a free 2 month trial of Audible from Groupon. A lot of people are using the credit to buy Final Fantasy for $10 (It is on sale today only on Amazon for $35).

You could use the $25 for PSN Credit (which you get instantly from Amazon) and buy PSVR Games. I am deciding now on whether to get PSN Credit for I Expect You To Die, or should I buy Final Fantasy.

Oh Yeah, dont forget to cancel your audible membership! I already cancelled but didn't use the gift card yet. You just have to make sure the item you add to your cart is more than $25 for the discount to show up.
Oh Yeah, dont forget to cancel your audible membership! I already cancelled but didn't use the gift card yet. You just have to make sure the item you add to your cart is more than $25 for the discount to show up.

hmmm i only did a 20 dollar card and the discount showed up for me
Probably the best place to ask but.

What are your thoughts so far on PSVR?

Has it been worth it?

What games are your favourite and show off your its capabilities?

Also how are you setting it up in regards to an AV receiver?

I like it a lot. I was in it for sit down games not stand up and flap about, I knew the limitations of the technology prior to purchase but if it had been the other way around I might have been slightly disappointed. I like that I also have these types of games to jump into when I want but I know from prior experience they don't hold my attention and not really my sort of thing.

I think it has been worth it I have had a huge amount of fun with it, now the "wow I'm in a game" impressions have disappeared unless it is something spectacular or unusual there is loads to keep me interested. One thing I was looking for was how does the headset add to gameplay, with the games I have clicked with I don't think I could go back to the traditional versions of them and in the case of racing games I know I can't so in that aspect it has been successful. My interest in standard games in now mainly in slower paced games such as RPG's where there is either no VR solution or VR might not be a good fit.

My favourite games are the ones that are more subtle in the VR implementation but the added immersion increases the quality of gameplay drastically. Driveclub, Battlezone, Windlands and EVE: Valkyrie (saving this to buy later but have played a lot already so I don't burn out early in the traditionally slow launch window) but I wouldn't necessarily advise them as show pieces as they all drop people in the deep end, in some cases the initial impressions aren't the strong point it is smaller elements over time that build up to make a much better lasting impression and easy to spend hours in. In terms of show pieces games I'd recommend Tumble, Playroom VR, VR Worlds, Rush of Blood, Eagle Flight and Batman.

I'd say the biggest problem is a lot of the games show a small slice of potential but there is a lack of content that takes advantage of what the hardware can do. Windlands for example shows how a first person metoridvania, a fast paced FPS and first person platformer could work but doesn't do anyone of them to the level I would like. Same goes for the 3rd person platforming level in Playroom VR, I want more but there isn't anything filling that niche yet apart from a brief showcase. Also developers not giving options for those that do get VR sickness and those that don't I see as a potential big issue going forward. At first I thought it would be only those that get VR sickness easily would be the ones with the biggest problems when it comes to lack of options but it seems many devs are starting to bend over backwards to try cater to them but forgetting that there is a lot of people who can handle the experiences at the more extreme end just fine and by not including the ability to remove the comfort options it makes for a massively hindered experience.
I'm actually mostly ok with the tracking when using guns (as long as I'm aiming ahead), but throwing knives is a royal pain in the ass. I assume the robustness of Vive tracking allows you to enjoy the action in any situation where as the "glitchiness" of it on PSVR drags me out of the fun.

You are experienced with move controllers and you were a fan of them back then(PS3 fps games etc) if I remember correctly.
What's your opinion about psvr's tracking issues? Moves or camera is the basic issue?

I tend to believe that a better detection camera(with increased resolution maybe) would have solved the problems of tracking and space.


You are experienced with move controllers and you were a fan of them back then(PS3 fps games etc) if I remember correctly.
What's your opinion about psvr's tracking issues? Moves or camera is the basic issue?

I tend to believe that a better detection camera(with increased resolution maybe) would have solved the problems of tracking and space.

The tracking of Move controllers works great, even perfectly, in other games. Rush of Blood and The Heist are pretty dead on and Pixel Gear is damn near perfect.


Just a heads up!

They have a free $25 Amazon Credit for trying a free 2 month trial of Audible from Groupon. A lot of people are using the credit to buy Final Fantasy for $10 (It is on sale today only on Amazon for $35).

You could use the $25 for PSN Credit (which you get instantly from Amazon) and buy PSVR Games. I am deciding now on whether to get PSN Credit for I Expect You To Die, or should I buy Final Fantasy.

Where does the credit show up? I've done it, got my free audiable account with 1 credit in it but when I go into then Amazon azzoj t I can't see where the credit is.

I've even got all the way through the buying process to the check-out bit but it looks like it would charge me full price.

Probably the best place to ask but.

What are your thoughts so far on PSVR?

Has it been worth it?

What games are your favourite and show off your its capabilities?

Also how are you setting it up in regards to an AV receiver?

Went to tradeshow here, played it. Loved it, bought it. No regrets. Thumper. GOTY. Rez Infinite incredible.

really like it. I'm busy but I play the games I have between the other games (normal) I have.

Trying to get through tethered. It's immersive and the only way to play it is on PS4pro (not even joking).

Looking forward to RE7. Kitchen Demo scared me in ways I didnt imagine possible.


Probably the best place to ask but.

What are your thoughts so far on PSVR?

Has it been worth it?

What games are your favourite and show off your its capabilities?

Also how are you setting it up in regards to an AV receiver?

First week was amazing and using it as a showpiece has been fun, but other than that, I totally regret spending $500 on it. I could have had the same experience I've given my friends and family had I known anyone who was a sucker like me and bought it.

The future looks poor as well if PS experience was supposed to show the future of PlayStation VR. If there is nothin at E3, I'm selling it asap.


Where does the credit show up? I've done it, got my free audiable account with 1 credit in it but when I go into then Amazon azzoj t I can't see where the credit is.

I've even got all the way through the buying process to the check-out bit but it looks like it would charge me full price.


It'll be promotional credit which you can't actually view anywhere except the final page of the checkout. It'll be added automatically so if you have it you'll see it. If its charging you full price you haven't got it yet.


It'll be promotional credit which you can't actually view anywhere except the final page of the checkout. It'll be added automatically so if you have it you'll see it. If its charging you full price you haven't got it yet.

How long does it take? I did it an hour ago.
It'll be promotional credit which you can't actually view anywhere except the final page of the checkout. It'll be added automatically so if you have it you'll see it. If its charging you full price you haven't got it yet.

How long does it take? I did it an hour ago.

We're having the same issue and we did it about 2 hours ago. On the final checkout page there's no indication that we have any promotional funds.

It looks like it's just going to charge us the full amount.


We're having the same issue and we did it about 2 hours ago. On the final checkout page there's no indication that we have any promotional funds.

It looks like it's just going to charge us the full amount.

I actually ordered and cancelled straight away and the invoice was for the full amount.

It appears to not work anymore which is a shame.


Launched the Rollercoaster dreams demo by curiosity. There's one park you can visit right now. But lol, the demo won't let you ride anything. Not convincing me to buy it that's for sure.


This is why I haven't jumped in yet; it's not going to work in my living room and I just don't currently spend a lot of time in my office where it would work... I worry I'd buy the thing and then no use it as I spend the majority of my time with my wife and it's not really a group activity.
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