As much as I dislike TLOU, it at least had nuanced writing at points. The ending was the perfect example. Same goes for Bill. He was gay, but it wasn't blatantly said and screamed to the heavens every few seconds.
TLOU 2? No fucking nuance at all.
I think writing was TLoU's best point (and the performances). Gameplay was serviceable, but intentionally minimalistic to take a backseat to the story. The solution to "escort mission" problematics is not elegant nor great, but it works as to not bother the player and keep them on the narrative.There's also the terribly forceful walking sessions, that tries to immerse you, but since you're forced into a tempo at times, it just takes you out of the experience. And those fuckings ladders. Seeing the canoe in the TLoU trailer also gives me terrible Uncharted flashbacks.
Honestly, I'd say the fear that Druckmann will be preachy should've been my least worry. After all, Bill was handled great in the original. And Left Behind was a simple way of telling the story of Ellie's first love and her loss, naturally revealing her sexuality. In TLoU2 it seems Druckmann fucked up the plot instead, thinking he was clever, when he wasn't.
Still, it can possibly be salvaged. I doubt it'll salvage in the gameplay department, so it depends on whether the characters, the relationships, the dialogue and interactions can somehow make up for the plot ruining things. Never say never, though I remain highly doubtful.
I think the regretful thing is that by tying TLoU to zombies, they kinda ruined the potential to branch out and not limit yourself to the setting. My idea for TLoU as a franchise would've been focused on the "Last of Us" scenarios, but different ones. I was thinking the 2nd game should be set in a sci-fi setting, but more traditional old sci-fi with human settlers due to an exodus from the planet. That would allow for new enemies, new problems and dilemmas people face trying to survive, relations that develop, etc. I was thinking it could be inspired by various mangas like Stardust Memories and Hotel, or various older sci-fi novels and short stories and comics. I think that sort of thing is what has helped Final Fantasy a lot, by being more free to experiment, while still keeping a brand name.
I honestly thought that with the Savage Starlight comics in TLoU, that they might've gone that direction. Would help with zombie fatigue.