Yet we still watch them again and againUnboxings really are the worst tech videos...It's just teasing. We know exactly what's in the box already
I guess beggars can't be choosers. The thirst is infinite!Yet we still watch them again and again![]()
About my alarm clock or the unboxing?
As opposed to posting on a forum about how stupid unboxing videos are? You must be so cool amongst your friends.Has to be one of the most stupid trends of recent times.
Watching somebody take something out of a box ffs.
As opposed to posting on a forum about how stupid unboxing videos are? You must be so cool amongst your friends.
Man you should try standup comedy. So funny.Run along and get your sleep child. Let us know how he removed the instruction manual from the box, did he use his left or right hand. And in what manner did he place the power cable on the desk the box is placed on.
I really can't wait.
I'd rather unbox it myself when it arrives.
Unless he's gonna plug it in and start playing Demon's Souls then I'll just wait thanks.
Hope we get some real measures including the stand. So i finally know how much space I need
Hope we get some real measures including the stand. So i finally know how much space I need
Definitely one of the bigger Playstation fanboys out there.As much as people like to call people MS shills here I never see anyone call out Geoff as a Sony shill even though he does actual shilling for PlayStation.
just an observation...
What the fuck is wrong with you monster?Jeesus fucking christ. Who on earth cares about the fucking box? You buy the console, take off the box, throw the plastic and carton into recycling.
That narration is gold!
Reminds me of this... Skip to 1.30 and listen to what he says!
Mate if you have no interest in this topic or participating in the conversation, you can leave the thread.Run along and get your sleep child. Let us know how he removed the instruction manual from the box, did he use his left or right hand. And in what manner did he place the power cable on the desk the box is placed on.
I really can't wait.
Yet we still watch them again and again![]()
Always been a mystery to me why people care so much about unboxing something they will unbox themselves...
We already know what's in the box anyway.
Hype marketing gonna hype I guess.
We see you virtue signalling in that fucking t-shirt.