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Cyberpunk 2077 Is Being Flooded With Very Positive Reviews On Steam


Played on launch on PC. Great experience for me, fucking loved it. My only complaint was the story, the premise is just stupid especially for an open world game (where you don't need to focus on the main mission).
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If you look at other games in the Steam global topsellers list, you'll notice that other games received "suspiciously" large amounts of positive reviews in the last few days as well. The reason being that there is currently a massive sale.

Look at Forza Horizon 4 (not 5) for example, if you don't believe it.
Difference being that game was well regarded before this


The only problem I have with the game is the setting (Cybperpunk), which has this suffocating, totally unhumane atmosphere which has a lot of real life parallels. If we really head towards this world, then we'r fucked as a species.


Sorry buddy, I won't turn on mine. Game is still shit. Needs couple of major updates to fix quarter of the issues.

Fools idol

if you mainline the story and sidequests forgetting about the 'open world' elements it's genuinely one of the best cyberpunk games ever made.

for me personally it's second only to the original deus ex, which will forever be king
So because BF 2042 and GTA Definitive continued the lowering of the industries standards, Cyber 2077 is now looking not so bad 🤣

What a time this industry is going through.

I agree, but still very disappointing with many bugs even on PC and the game was not as intricate as was expected.


The only problem I have with the game is the setting (Cybperpunk), which has this suffocating, totally unhumane atmosphere which has a lot of real life parallels. If we really head towards this world, then we'r fucked as a species.
That’s something I found so immersive. Games like Sleeping Dogs and Cyberpunk use their world to build atmosphere that enhances the story, characters and themes. It transports you into another world. Cyberpunk 2077 has, for my money, the most immersive - borderline suffocating - game world I’ve ever played. There’s nothing like it.


I finished it on pc on release and it was pretty good and engaging. Loot system and stealth made no sense so I just ran whole game with a sniper rifle. But story was interesting.
I had some bugs but nothing major. About a bit worse than fallout 4 on release

Yeah, I really don't understand all the autistic screeching about it in on here - I was somewhat disappointed because it really seemed that there was a whole bunch of the game that got cut, but I still found it fun to play - I ran into a total of one bug, which was a missing quest marker fixable by quitting and restarting.

I gather the people playing on console had a much less happy experience though.
It's not a bad game in its core compared to other games. So it makes sense.
Hope it comes to Game Pass when the next gen update hits


Gold Member
Also consider that the title of this news is a bit of click baity.
The game isn't exactly being flooded with positive reviews.
It has an 84% of positive recent reviews. It's not like it's at over 90%


That’s something I found so immersive. Games like Sleeping Dogs and Cyberpunk use their world to build atmosphere that enhances the story, characters and themes. It transports you into another world. Cyberpunk 2077 has, for my money, the most immersive - borderline suffocating - game world I’ve ever played. There’s nothing like it.
Reading comprehension +1


I finished it fairly early during the launch on PC and encountered quite a few minor annoyances, not really game breaking bugs gladly. Still had a blast with it.
The game has gotten over 100gb of updates since but I still want new content before starting a new playthrough.
I don't care much for steam reviews but I might give them a positive one just to piss off GAF lol.


Difference being that game was well regarded before this
FH4 also had mixed reviews when it came out on steam too. Same for HZD. Its a rather common patern on steam:
-> game comes out broken or with technical issues -> flood of negative reviews -> devs fix most of it after a while -> big sale happens -> flood of good reviews by new players
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It is enjoyable game on pc but when you're considering the hype. I expect more content and the world seems unfinished.


I had a blast playing it last year on PC.Can't deny that it needs work but i can't wait to play it again finished.


OH yeah the first thing I do when I buy a game sale on steam is run right out and review it. Give me a fucking break.


Payroll extended right during holiday season, I guess

Since there’s no significant updates On the game atm, I assume this is to generate a buzz for desperate holiday season sales

I’d believe more a new hype if during major updates. As it stands now, this just looks plain fishy and forced

What other games do you know about that gets swarmed of positive feedback 1 yr after launch without significant game updates?

Not falling for this one bit


Also consider that the title of this news is a bit of click baity.
The game isn't exactly being flooded with positive reviews.
It has an 84% of positive recent reviews. It's not like it's at over 90%
It is like ~12k reviews though, it's big enough sample size to make the cries in here about them being fake / astro turfed a little off base.


Gold Member
Also consider that the steam user review score is not the same as a review score.
A review score will try to attribute points based on the quality of a game, in several aspects.
The steam user score is a simple choice between positive and negative.
A game on Steam with a user score of 84% is not a game that is 84% good.
It's a game that has a user base, where 84% found the game positive.
I have games that were just ok, and I gave them a positive score on Steam.
But I also have games I love, and I also gave them a positive score on Steam.
If anyone wants to get an idea of how a game really is, you have to read some of the user reviews.
And the best reviews, positive or negative, are voted up, so they are easy to find.
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Lets be honest here... backlash was blown way out of proportion because FOR ONCE a dev put the PC platform as the priority. On PC we get lots of trash ports. Once console gamers get a bad port hell breaks loose... besides what the heck do you expect from Jaguar cores... my old ass FX 6300 at stock speeds runs circles around them....

Catering to consoles already gimped TW3. Cyberpunk should have been a PC and next gen only game. The alternative would be to release the game on last gen consoles as well but push them like no other game has: dynamic 720p and 20 - 25 FPS on PS4 and 480p on Xbox one.

I think that devs didn't push last gen consoles as hard as they should. They always aimed for 1080p dynamic 1080p 30 FPS on most games.
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Great game, worth a playthrough or two, curious what future updates and DLCs will bring to it
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K' Dash

I played 25 hours then decided to wait for the next gen patch.

The game was released in a really bad state.

Also, those reviews are of course real and not bought from a farm in china.


why are people saying that the bugs were the only problem ? ffs
i guess you need a reminder
Lots of these issues apply to shitloads of other AAA games tho, including many acclaimed ones.

I mean, its still fair criticism, but if you're going to complain about this type of thing you must apply the same standard to other games like The Witcher 3, Deus Ex, loads of Ubi games, RDR2, Bethesda, yada yada. In short, when talking about issues with game mechanics, its not really much different than other stuff of similar budget out there.

Its kinda surreal seeing this guy crapping all over Cyberpunk then turning around and praising Skyrim and The Witcher 3 out of all things. The Witcher 3 specially because pretty much all of the criticism he applies to Cyberpunk can be applied to The Witcher 3.
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I bought it at launch for PS5 and refunded it after a few hours, never looked back. Im going to wait for the nextgen versions and gonna watch some DF video about the improvements before even consider buying it again for a low price


The game was fine on PC. Less glitchy than an Ubisoft game. So what if it was too ambitious for shitty 7 year old hardware?

I see this take over and over again

I've played more than 90h of it on a PS4 Pro, and now I'm replaying it on PC with Ray Tracing and all that stuff.

It's the same game, just prettier

The same game that spawns cops right behind you out of nowhere if you comit a crime, that doesnt have barbers and etc. to customize your character, that has absolute braindead npcs walking around ...

It's the most gorgeous but most lifeless open world game that I have ever played.

You say Ubisoft, but Watch Dogs Legion has a much livier London than this game. Not even gnna mention RDR 2. And both of these games run on "shitty 7 years old hardware".

I'm not saying that the game is bad. I've played more than 90h of it, after all. The gameplay is great.

But there are so many things that even Sleeping Dogs or GTA IV got right but they didnt on the open world aspect.

The game came out nearly a year ago. These reviews are occurring in the last few days. They're rewarding CDPR for the quality of the game that these players played today, not for baseless hype and marketing the occurred over a year ago.
Maybe you didnt understand my post correctly

Why do you thing that I'm happy for the devs? I think that they have created a good/ sometimes great game.

But at the same time that people are rewarding CDPR for the quality of the game, they are also giving money to executives that rushed the fucking thing, straight up lied to customers about the game's state.

I'm not sayingt hat they shouldnt buy or appreciate the game, its just a shitty situation
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Gold Member
Isn't the game pretty much exactly what it was at release a year ago, just with some bugs fixed (and new ones added)? Is it really a significantly better game today?


Isn't the game pretty much exactly what it was at release a year ago, just with some bugs fixed (and new ones added)? Is it really a significantly better game today?
Yes, but remember this is PC and not last gen consoles. The majority of cyber punk bad was last gen outcry. The game was for the most part very good on PC. People were just put off by the complaints and didn't bother to check who was complaining.


It's an average open world game that was overhyped and released in an unforgiven state. It's not a bad game, but anyone in this thread claiming it's a "great" game are being dishonest with themselves. Yes it was beautiful to look at, and yes it had a good story and set of characters, but it's one of the most shallow AAA Open World experiences out there, and it didn't deliver on so much of what CDPR said it would. The Civilian and Police AI was absolutely atrocious and meme worthy, and the game had an appalling lack of customization. Let's not forget they sold this game as an RPG, and right at the cusp of launch they changed it to an "Action-Adventure". If you stick to the main story, with some side quests here and there, yeah I can totally understand how it can be a wicked fun ride. But once you start trying to interact with the world and look for other things to do, it quickly falls apart.


That’s something I found so immersive. Games like Sleeping Dogs and Cyberpunk use their world to build atmosphere that enhances the story, characters and themes. It transports you into another world. Cyberpunk 2077 has, for my money, the most immersive - borderline suffocating - game world I’ve ever played. There’s nothing like it.

I didn't feel like that. The only thing I notice this game waste way too much effort on futuristic ads for no particular reasons and that most of places are way too much colorfull.


Gold Member
Yes, but remember this is PC and not last gen consoles. The majority of cyber punk bad was last gen outcry. The game was for the most part very good on PC. People were just put off by the complaints and didn't bother to check who was complaining.

That's not really true though, is it? Yeah, the performance was completely unacceptable on last gen, but the game itself is also very lacking in terms of features and gameplay from what I've understood.


I bought the game about 2 month ago but i stopped playing due to the enormous amount of bugs.

Sadly i would say that even without the bugs it´s a highly mediocre game :(


That's not really true though, is it? Yeah, the performance was completely unacceptable on last gen, but the game itself is also very lacking in terms of features and gameplay from what I've understood.
Its not really lacking any less than other games of similar scale though.
You can say for example its not a very good RPG or the way you affect the story is lacking, but these same things can also be said about The Witcher 3, or Deus Ex games. Its not really much different from those in its shortcomings.
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