Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 rolls out new forum rules to curb toxic behavior, which immediately sparks toxic behavior

So they turned Henry gay in the second game while he was straight in the first game?



The guy is trying to gaslight us, it is gaslight 101. Yes in the first game some1 was gay but it was an npc, actually the villain. How is letting Henry get into gay action the same thing like in the first game. Why did they even feel the need to put this in. Such bs lol.
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The guy is trying to gaslight us, it is gaslight 101. Yes in the first game some1 was gay but it was an npc, actually the villain. How is letting Henry get into gay action the same thing like in the first game. Why did they even feel the need to put this in. Such bs lol.
Welp, we're in the big city now. Henry has become exposed to many more things, so therefore now his eyes have been opened. It's like going off to college.
Let me start by saying that I have no problem with gay characters in video games. Baldur's Gate 3 is one of my favorite games of all time and all the companions are bisexual.

That being said, Vavra turning Henry gay is not a move I saw coming. Henry was 100% straight in the first game, there was zero indication that he was bisexual. This is like Geralt showing up in The Witcher 4 with purple hair introducing Ciri to stepdaddy Dandelion. Like WTF. Henry as Geralt were/are set characters that you can play around with but they are there own person.

I'm really confused as to why Vavra would do this. I'll still get the game, I don't have to choose the gay option but I don't like when creators change a characters sexuality for no reason.
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
In the third game Henry will have the option to be trans. what? it's an option, why are you boycotting the game chud? lmao

Medical technology in medieval times had no chance to turn someone trans

You could always put a dick in a bum, since forever, at various degrees of risk depending on the time periods.

Season 2 Shrug GIF by The Office


Why were you not able to play Henry as gay in the KCD1?
You have to remember the first game came out in not great shape. This was a small studio attempting a very unique experience.

There were bigger issues to look at than giving romance options. I think there's only 1 romance option in the first game but maybe I missed something.
You have to remember the first game came out in not great shape. This was a small studio attempting a very unique experience.

There were bigger issues to look at than giving romance options. I think there's only 1 romance option in the first game but maybe I missed something.
There are more than one.

I sincerely doubt "homosexual relations" were desired but cut due to budget concerns.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Henry isn’t a blank slate RPG protagonist. He’s more like Geralt. So to suddenly be able to change his sexuality in the sequel based on player choice doesn’t seem like it’s a natural route to take things.

Also, a lot of players identified with Henry and saw him as a rare traditionally masculine character in a sea of modern writing. Now you’ll probably see endless gifs of him getting reamed whenever the game comes up in online discourse. Ah well!
Could it be a case where he wanted it to be in the first game too but time or development issues might have prevented implementing it?
Could be...

Could also be that they are owned by a large, DEI company now. But who can say?

Let's also examine it like this. He said this after the release of the first game:

Now he says this:

Now, full disclosure. I agree with this newer take - that it is possible and not unreasonable. But why not examine the entire picture? I think there's really only one conclusion to be drawn. But that's just me.
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Yeah totally lame reason.. "the big city", what a nonsense, if you're straight, like Henry in the first game.. then no reason in the world will make you want to bone a dude, don't like it, a shame changing a character like that.
So play the game that way I don't understand the issue...? Everyone is going to play the game differently


Absolutely Cozy
So play the game that way I don't understand the issue...? Everyone is going to play the game differently

As I see it you either think harder so that you can understand the issue, or maybe it's not just an issue to you that they completely changed the character.


I will, but i can't understand the chance, why?
Did you mean change? I don't see how anything has changed.

Not having a gay option in the first game doesn't mean he can't be. I'm guessing if they had more time and budget for the first game they would have had the option there. As long as there's correct historical consequence for it I don't see the issue.
Now you’ll probably see endless gifs of him getting reamed whenever the game comes up in online discourse. Ah well!
Just for the lolz, I need this to be a thing. I'm sorry, but it is very funny how the anti-woke crowd, and especially grifting influencers, championed KCD2 as the game they could shove in the face of DEI nutjobs. Only to find out you can make Henry gay. Talk about getting the rug pulled beneath you. Too funny
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Did you mean change? I don't see how anything has changed.

Not having a gay option in the first game doesn't mean he can't be. I'm guessing if they had more time and budget for the first game they would have had the option there. As long as there's correct historical consequence for it I don't see the issue.
Eh. The game I played, in mandatory sequences, gave me the impression he was heterosexual. Yes, there were further optional sequences to confirm or seek that out further.. but that's what's odd about it, IMO. I agree about the latter point, but it's all kind of odd and coincidental with the other factors.


Eh. The game I played, in mandatory sequences, gave me the impression he was heterosexual. Yes, there were further optional sequences to confirm or seek that out further.. but that's what's odd about it, IMO. I agree about the latter point, but it's all kind of odd and coincidental with the other factors.
Yeah I agree, canonically he would be straight. The opening couple scenes indicates this pretty clearly. It's an rpg though so I don't see an issue with having options.
Yeah I agree, canonically he would be straight. The opening couple scenes indicates this pretty clearly. It's an rpg though so I don't see an issue with having options.
You don't find any dissonance there? I do agree, generally. It just doesn't fit with what came before, for me anyway. Not a dealbreaker for me, personally.

Lokaum D+

So they turned Henry gay in the second game while he was straight in the first game?

They turned no one gay, is a player choice, as long as you are straight Henry ll be too, they are forcing nothing upon the player.

and WH Studios may even put discrimination towards gay players, since in the 1400 beeing gay was considered an abomination and WH Studios like to keep npc interactions real, ffs i cant even walk dirty in the first game that ppl talk about It, imagine beeing gay.
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You don't find any dissonance there? I do agree, generally. It just doesn't fit with what came before, for me anyway. Not a dealbreaker for me, personally.
It's kinda similar to mass effect, I don't think male Shep could romance another guy until the third game, and would feel a bit weird. But overall it doesn't change the game really, because I'm not going to play it that way.

If they didn't include it I wouldn't care... the potential consequences for it could be interesting in game though! Punishment, how you're treated, that sort of thing.


Gold Member
Why are some people saying they turned Henry gay?

I have played hundreds of hours Mass Effect and my Shepard was never gay even tho I had the option to choose so.

I don't see this as woke or a downside, but the opposite. This is a roleplay game and they are giving you options to do whatever the hell you want to be with consequences in the game's world

One thing is to fight against DEI which I am all for it, but making a drama out of this is frankly stupid because in the first game you can make your Henry be a psychopath, murderer, a thief and a lier if you wanted to. All these actions are considered sin as well, so why would practicing homosexuality be any different within the context of this time period?

Having options in these types of games is great so I agree with the studio on this one

Another thing would be forcing this on the player without being able to choose it, in that case then. i would be totally against it and mad at the situation
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Gold Member
We need Vara Dark on BLACKED.

Keep your perverted fetishes to yourself next time.

Why are some people saying they turned Henry gay?

I have played hundreds of hours Mass Effect and my Shepard was never gay even tho I had the option to choose so.

The critical difference between these examples is Shepard in the Mass Effect series (correct me if I’m wrong, I only played 2 and 3) always had the option of pursuing a gay romance since the start, whereas Henry in KCD1 was strictly heterosexual, so suddenly making that a player choice in the sequel seems … questionable.
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Why are some people saying they turned Henry gay?

I have played hundreds of hours Mass Effect and my Shepard was never gay even tho I had the option to choose so.

I don't see this as woke or a downside, but the opposite. This is a roleplay game and they are giving you options to do whatever the hell you want to be with consequences in the game's world

One thing is to fight against DEI which I am all for it, but making a drama out of this is frankly stupid because in the first game you can make your Henry be a psychopath, murderer, a thief and a lier if you wanted to. All these actions are considered sin as well, so why would practicing homosexuality be any different within the context of this time period?

Having options in these types of games is great so I agree with the studio on this one

Another thing would be forcing this on the player without being able to choose it, in that case then. i would be totally against it and mad at the situation
The us vs them mentality leaves no room for nuance


Keep your perverted fetishes to yourself next time.

The critical difference between these examples is Shepard in the Mass Effect series (correct me if I’m wrong, I only played 2 and 3) always had the option of pursuing a gay romance since the start, whereas Henry in KCD1 was strictly heterosexual, so suddenly making that a player choice in the sequel seems … questionable.
Maybe fem Shep but not male I don't think, not in ME1. Not sure ME2 allowed it either.
This came, best I can tell, from the Saudi rumor. Then came people on Twitter asking dude for clarity, he choose a really offensive asker to respond to, calling him a Nazi piece of shit. From there, gasoline was poured on the speculation and it spread to all twitter threads (from voice actors promoting game, everything) and to Steam forums asking for clarity, or aggroing. Then in response, they added the new "Code of Conduct" post to the Steam forum.

So this is just the latest in the story.
Thanks for explaining it.


Vavra's recent response basically boiled down to: "Okay, you got us. The game has some woke elements, but we totally wanted to insert those and it has nothing to do with Warhorse nowadays being owned by Plaion and Embracer Group. And it really has nothing to do with Embracer Group having official ESG goals. Trust us, we wanted to have a feminist moor in the game. It makes total sense and was incredibly vital to the story, trust us, bros!"
Eh, Vávra left his previous studio when management forced him to do things he didn't want to do. He is a dollar multimillionaire now who could chill on the beach with his wife and three kids if he wanted to, instead he is working his ass off for 7 years to make some of the most ambitious games on the planet. If you think he would do that when being forced to do stuff he doesn't want to do, you don't know him. Which is fair, since he is Czech and you haven't read the thousands of articles and seen hundreds of interviews he has done over the last 20 years. But I can guarantee that anything that is in the game is there because he either put it there, or agreed with his fellow designers was interesting for it to be there.
People call the code of conduct "draconian" when like 80% of it is stuff no reasonable person should be saying in decent company and the other 20% is just about not being generally rude (although I probably wouldn't have spelled it out, since apparently that qualifies as provocation these days).

Regardless, I am still mainly interested in the quality of the game. I am never going to consciously go for any of the apparently optional gay scenes, no matter what, but I also lose absolutely nothing by that being part of the game in some way.
Yea I agree all speech in decent company is woke. Just look at university safe spaces.


Changing Henry's sexuality is disappointing, but not that surprising considering what kind of a publisher they got after releasing KCD1. It's still sad Vavra signed off on all of this and decided to hide it. If it wasn't for the Arabs we probably wouldn't find out until release.
It would be changing Henry's sexuality if you had to become gay. But you don't. It is up to you.
In real life, there are plenty of people who discover they are bisexual or even gay later in life.

Now, personally I agree that the safer option that would not result in backlash would be to not provide the option. But Vávra likes pissing against the wind and doing the unsafe things, it is what it is. He thought it would be interesting to explore this topic in a medieval setting, and so the option is there.
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Life Diff

If what they want is clarity, then this isn't the best way to go about this.

If you don't have to have gay sex, then just say you do not have to have gay sex. That entire quote was beating around the bush personified.

You are taking the chance of hurting game sales to not spoil things.
Are people dense? He clearly says it’s a role playing game and as such you can choose what you do and don’t do. Aka if you want to be gay you can.
The whole anti-woke movement is slowly deevolving from a voice of reason into retarded gibberish.

Is this how it was supposed to look like, canceling games based on rumors and a few pieces of information taken out of context?

Not to mention the idiotic YouTubers who position themselves as oracles of morality, repeating this nonsense and making it propagate through communities for their own financial gains.

I wouldn't want to be a community manager in an environment where one idiotic ideology is replaced by another, with millions of dollars at stake.

It doesn't help our case, at all.
Did this game get cancelled?
Are people dense? He clearly says it’s a role playing game and as such you can choose what you do and don’t do. Aka if you want to be gay you can.
Can you chose to be racist? How many slurs does Henry have the option of yelling out? Can Henry be trans? I mean it's a role playing game and if you wanna role play as a trans Henry why won't the game let you? Are there pronouns as an option in the game? Why not? Why can't I roleplay as a Xir?

Seems to me there are select things they explicitly chose to allow you to roleplay as and many things they chose to not allow. I wonder what their selection process was.


Gold Member
I don't see the problem, it's an rpg so multiple choices are good.

I'm sure that henry is not gonna be gay without an input from the player.


At this point I'm convinced some people just need to be constantly outraged to at least feel something in their lives.

If Henry is not forced to have a gay romance, it's not the devs who "made Henry gay", it's the player who does, by their choice. So if Henry is gay in KCD, it's because of... you.


They could have made a very simple post: don't be an asshole.

On the other hand, I don't care that much about the drama. Hope the game is good and fun.
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