Avowed | Review Thread


Gman is the only review that matters and this game looks so bad that I want Microsoft to cancel my Gamepass subscription early.

A role playing game with almost no role playing.

What kind of drugs do you have to be on to say this looks better than Starfield?
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It's more common now but back when FF12 first came out, lots of folks laughed at it because it 'played itself' once you set up the proper gambits, little did we know how many other games would follow similar setups in the years after that.

A game ahead of its time, FF12.

Well they never got it right, unlike FFXII. Games usually limit AI actions, FFXII let you go all the way.

FFXII was a huge culture shock for the series itself, esp. the single players entries. XI was accepted as a pure MMO. XII looked like an offline version of that. In hindsight its the last truly good -new- FF game. But its far better than FFVII Remakes too.


Gold Member
Yeah, unlike trash Sony releases
Ps5 Wow GIF by PlayStation


Gold Member
I've played a bit of it and it is VERY disappointing for an Obsidian game and just demonstrates they are only Obsidian in name. (I am a fan of FONV and played a little POE and KOTOR)

Out of the reviews I've seen, this one most closely covers what I saw with the game.

  • Overblown sound effects
  • A lot of bad dialogue that doesn't have a sense of medieval fantasy but is very modern
  • A lot of voice acting that doesn't look right with the character model
  • The UI is annoying (no character stat sheet next to your inventory for example) and there's a lot of things just thrown together like transmogrifying (WoW term?) gear or sending and retrieving stuff to an item box through the menu (does a wormhole just open up?) I couldn't figure out how to drop a mouldy piece of food so the UI tells me left click to consume so I think it might be right click to drop. Nope, right click also consumes so it poisoned me.
  • You'll be constantly going into the inventory menu and eating loads of individual food items to replenish health if you've no potions. You can't make these food items better or cook them or anything from what I've seen.
  • The graphics are very grainy looking. Like an excessive film grain effect over the entire screen.
  • Framerate can go down to the 70's-80's with nothing happening around you (max settings, DLSS quality, 3440x1440, RTX 4090/9800X3D)
  • There's lots of (RT?) noise on surfaces and shadows.
  • No HDR and in SDR it looks a little washed out.
  • Towns are boring. Lots of doors are closed. NPC's stand around and don't move. There's abandoned work stuff/equipment lying around with no NPC near it or using it.
  • A lot of NPC's look bad and reminded me of Starfield.
  • Can't kill NPC's or even attack them. I freed a prisoner at the start and tried to attack her only to find my weapon swings just go right through her body.
  • The build variety (looking at the skill tree and 'classes') seems limited and there's not many typical RPG stats.
  • Dialogue choices don't seem to matter much.
On a purely world and gameplay design perspective this is a 15 year old game.

Are you playing the pc gamepass version?

Is dlss working? Acg said that dlss doesn't work on pc gamepass.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
There you go.

It's obviously the "haters", Sony ponies and the chud "snowflakes" who are at fault here, not the fact that it looks mediocre as hell, has a terrible art direction and it's full of bugs (game breaking ones at that), no sir...

Also: Maybe you've been living under a rock sir but, this is also coming to the PlayStation so your "theories" don't actually hold.

"Looks like a banger of a game"
As of now it is not coming to PS5. Most of these 1st party games will not be on PS5 on day 1. Unless they were historically multiplatform or mainly multiplayer. Avowed and South of Midnight are not coming anytime soon but Doom is. I guess Sony fans are just teens who cannot buy a second console.


Gold Member

Customization wasn't bad, but going from playing the first Kingdom come Deliverance to this is jarring. Character feels stiff and heavy , its been awhile since i played a regular RPG. The combat worlds apart from KCD but its all good though i dont know if i can enjoy a regular combat system anymore after KCD. lol

i just wanted to try it out. Ill jump back in after im done with KCD 1.
Looks a bit like a curly, virgin, unshaved damon jackson.

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Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
As of now it is not coming to PS5. Most of these 1st party games will not be on PS5 on day 1. Unless they were historically multiplatform or mainly multiplayer. Avowed and South of Midnight are not coming anytime soon but Doom is. I guess Sony fans are just teens who cannot buy a second console.

You missed the whole point but ok Calvin 😉

Regarding the "teens" part, I suppose digs/poking at others is fun but, truth is, spending 549€ in 2025 for a dead console/platform which the majority of its "exclusives" are also coming to the competition, is not only unneeded but completely moronic from a financial point of view, it makes zero sense.
There's a reason why i sold my XSX 2 years ago since the writing was already on the proverbial wall.

But I digress, first it was "our exclusives are good", after that it became "some games might be coming to other platforms, sure but X games are going to be a no-go", and now you've fallen to the "well, X game might be coming indeed to the competition but Y is definitely not" - I'm curious to what fans like you will be saying in 6-12 months from now where the majority - if not all of the once exclusives are going to be available on the competing platforms .

See, I don't care about platforms, just the fact that some of you have to turn everything into system wars with the usual "Herp derp it's the haters'/fanboys fault !" when X mediocre product is getting blasted.

PS: I do have a PC which makes the whole point even more moot since I can already play these games.
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Moderated wildly
You missed the whole point but ok Calvin 😉

Regarding the "teens" part, I suppose digs/poking at others is fun but, truth is, spending 549€ in 2025 for a dead console/platform which the majority of its "exclusives" are also coming to the competition, is not only unneeded but completely moronic from a financial point of view, it makes zero sense.
There's a reason why i sold my XSX 2 years ago since the writing was already on the proverbial wall.

But I digress, first it was "our exclusives are good", after that it became "some games might be coming to other platforms, sure but X games are going to be a no-go", and now you've fallen to the "well, X game might be coming indeed to the competition but Y is definitely not" - I'm curious to what fans like you will be saying in 6-12 months from now where the majority - if not all of the once exclusives are going to be available on the competing platforms .

See, I don't care about platforms, just the fact that some of you have to turn everything into system wars with the usual "Herp derp it's the haters'/fanboys fault !" when X mediocre product is getting blasted.

PS: I do have a PC which makes the whole point even more moot since I can already play these games.

I wouldn't dream of advising anyone to buy a series X now. I was apprehensive of getting my son one for Xmas, to the point I was trying to push a PS5 on to him instead.

Just doesnt make sense. Even MS seems to have abandoned the platform and production of it.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
I wouldn't dream of advising anyone to buy a series X now. I was apprehensive of getting my son one for Xmas, to the point I was trying to push a PS5 on to him instead.

Just doesnt make sense. Even MS seems to have abandoned the platform and production of it.

Denchy, the X is a fookin' good console brother but that's not the point (which the other 2 gents are missing), problem is always the software, You can have the best hardware in the world but when the software is subpar...yeah.

Mind you, it's not like the PS5 has been all that stellar either this gen 😉

Again, this has got nothing to do with "console wars", just wrong attitudes from specific people/fans.



I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Story based RPG.

Not a sim style rpg.

Massive focus on dialogue based choice and consequences.

Also can kill anyone.
Please, lets stop making excuses in place of the companies making those lazy games.

It's 2025, games should be way better than what was released 30 or 20 years ago, not simpler and dumber.


I wouldn't dream of advising anyone to buy a series X now. I was apprehensive of getting my son one for Xmas, to the point I was trying to push a PS5 on to him instead.

Just doesnt make sense. Even MS seems to have abandoned the platform and production of it.
So you bought an Xbox for every room in at your place but can't be bothered to let your kid have one.

Lmfao ok guy.


Ex-Arkane i should have said, he now works at Wolfeye studios (Weird west)

He's really disappointed that its not an "Obsidian" RPG. While some reviewers approached it as what is this "game" and had better impressions.

Another french reviewer I saw basically said this is his favorite obsidian RPG of all time.

And look at this combat footage, he says its very skilled based. Parries and counters etc. I didn't see many reviewers doing combat as good as this reviewer, @ 15:12

Polar opposites for sure. I think it probably lands somewhere in-between. For some peoples this might click better because of the combat movement flow and parkour elements than say booting up janky ass Fallout new vegas. While for some others its the worst "obsidian" RPG. 🤷‍♂️ Will be interesting to see user impressions later down the line. Avowed might just be its own thing.

It seems that those who liked TOW doesn't like this game, while those who didn't like TOW, liked it.

IMO the "division" is because one part expected a game with Skyrim mechanics on all fronts and didn't get what they wished for despite developers saying multiple times it wasn't Skyrim, the other side wished for a game with better combat mechanics which is a very mixed bag in action RPGs and got what they wanted.
I'm picking it up on pay day. I mean KCD2

I feel avowed will be a great blast for many. Combat looks slick and overall just a fun game. Nothing groundbreaking, just a solid ass solid game.

Im far too wrapped up in FF7 Rebirth to look at it I think. Ill give it a go and see if it grabs me for 20 to 30 hours but I am in no rush. will just play on gamepass.
It’s pretty amazing. It’s like potentially a generational game imo


I don't think that is fair as far as Parris is concered. This is the same guy who gave Indiana Jones a 7/10.

Indiana Jones, an actual good , ill lean into it being a great game he gave it a 7. He knew about Gulf America before it was happening.. Or his contract tells him you need at least one controversial review. lol. He is a lesser version of Colt, ill give him that.


Saw a boar in the wild. Thought 'oh cool, some food'.
Shot an arrow right at it.
Arrow went through it.
Ran up to it with my axe and mace out and took some swings at it.
Weapons pass right through the boar's body.
Boar just continues walking about as if I'm not even there.


Identifies as young
Indiana Jones, an actual good , ill lean into it being a great game he gave it a 7. He knew about Gulf America before it was happening.. Or his contract tells him you need at least one controversial review. lol. He is a lesser version of Colt, ill give him that.

Nah....I don't buy that. The guy seems geniune enough. I find that I agree with his takes more than I disagree. Nothing about him comes across as a paid shill to me.
People who have played/are playing say the combat is great and it feels good to play. I’m not going early access but impressions I’m reading aren’t jiving with review scores. It sounds like a lot of fun to me. I’ll be picking it up on PC next week.


I wouldn't dream of advising anyone to buy a series X now. I was apprehensive of getting my son one for Xmas, to the point I was trying to push a PS5 on to him instead.

Just doesnt make sense. Even MS seems to have abandoned the platform and production of it.

Right. Enough is enough.

Dench 2.0 is not new and improved. I for one want the old Dench back. Just get back to bigging Xbox and laying into PS.



You don't see the irony of those two sentences?
Of course not. They same people in here saying “Avowed is reviewing well” would be among the first to talk mad shit if a Sony first party game was hovering between 79-80 metascore.

Everything about this game looks like Game Pass fodder. Take out the ludicrously low scores and the biased outlet scores as one would when evaluating any normal distribution curve and this is a 7/10 game with outdated design and middling mechanics.
KCD 2 has all that in spades.

Keep coming up with more excuses.

Please, lets stop making excuses in place of the companies making those lazy games.

It's 2025, games should be way better than what was released 30 or 20 years ago, not simpler and dumber.

So every RPG is supposed to be sim style now? I wonder how you will be able to enjoy Witcher 4, most CRPGs etc


The game honestly looks pretty fun, but there's an uncanny valley thing going on with the character models that's making me not want to check this out.
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