The current sentiment about the game. Rewriting history wasn't the best descriptor, more like history will repeat itself and it's getting "rewritten" by people who are unfamiliar with how things went down for its initial release.
Back then before its release it was very hyped, coming off the coat tails of Xenoblade 1, and ran into tons of disappointment for not living up to it in most capacities. It was not a terrible game by any means but you could tell it was a tech experiment and not a full experience even in the things it was doing relatively well.
The few things it does better are offset by other shortcomings, even in gameplay, as that is often cited as being superior to XC1 by XCX fans.
It's much more grindy even when playing normally, Skell insurance and getting one shot over hundreds of meters is not fun.
The DE is improving some of the QoL issues this game had, thankfully, and is also delivering some much needed story content but it's fundamentally still the same, very flawed, game.
The only thing that to me stood out as an actual positive was the side content as that had some pretty cool moments and _some_ of the environments, but the day to day gameplay, the plot, the dialogue, the characters just standing in a circle and talking for the most part, the never ending Tatsu food jokes, the villains who appear just to die without any consequence or character development, the generic looking NLA and even some of the continents being pretty barren and repeating the same caves and field probes as basically its only open world content, the bad multiplayer... all of it together is just not that great.
Most of the qualities often associated with Xenoblade X are commonly found in other games like actual MMORPGs but they are usually done better there.
I watch a couple people reacting to XC1-3 and who never experienced X, and they look at it expecting some kind of "same, but different" just like people did after XC1 looking at XCX trailers, but I'm afraid the enjoyment will be limited after the initial hype wears off.
I am undecided on whether I'm going to buy it, for collector purposes having everything on the Switch is pretty cool but I don't really have any desire to play this game again.