New Girl Season One |OT| Zooey Deschanel is f***ing cute, got it?

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wenis said:
Also I need a gif of Schmidt doing that wall walk at the beginning of the episode. I was dying that entire time :lol

Another great episode.
The best part of the show is the men and their interactions. Particularly how much Schmidt annoys everyone.

And one of the gags that I found so funny this season was the girl Schmidt always hooked up with at weddings. That he was putting on the strong face and trying to avoid her, but kept getting sucked back in. And how seeing vacation photos was like a turn on.


I don't know about this show, seems very much targeted to a female demographic.

I also have to be careful when watching, my wife made a comment last week during the episode about how Zooey shouldn't wear such short skirts because she has flabby legs, or something. I declined to point out that Zooey is a goddess and every man who watches the show thinks of nothing other than banging her.
lawblob said:
I don't know about this show, seems very much targeted to a female demographic.

I also have to be careful when watching, my wife made a comment last week during the episode about how Zooey shouldn't wear such short skirts because she has flabby legs, or something, I had to resist the urge to immediately respond "bitch, you crazy!! Zooey is a fucking supermodel!!"

Her legs are not flabby. They are just not rails like many other women on TV. Zooey is skinny, but looks more natural than many others on TV. The funny thing is that my wife loves the show because of Zooey (she reminds her of friends she had), while I love it because of the roommates. Which is funny, because Zooey was why I wanted to start watching it to begin with.

While I find the Zooey character sometimes annoying, lots of the time she is quite charming. And I always find her damn cute to boot.

And as for targeted towards female demographic, there is nothing wrong with that. I also like that the first few episodes were directed by Jake Kasdan. If you havent seen Zero Effect yet, it is on Instant Watch.


PhoncipleBone said:
Her legs are not flabby. They are just not rails like many other women on TV. Zooey is skinny, but looks more natural than many others on TV. The funny thing is that my wife loves the show because of Zooey (she reminds her of friends she had), while I love it because of the roommates. Which is funny, because Zooey was why I wanted to start watching it to begin with.

While I find the Zooey character sometimes annoying, lots of the time she is quite charming. And I always find her damn cute to boot.

And as for targeted towards female demographic, there is nothing wrong with that. I also like that the first few episodes were directed by Jake Kasdan. If you havent seen Zero Effect yet, it is on Instant Watch.

I do agree that they are striking a good balance with Zooey's character. She is someone who I suspect is not funny, AT ALL, has not a single scrap of comedic instinct. As a result, they make her character goofy as a way to channel humor via the character, which I admit seems to work pretty well without making her come across as grating.


Okay im buying in.. this show is great.. they have some really awesome jokes..

Dj diabeatit... he has diabetes... lol cat bird...


This show definable has gotten better and seems to have settled into a nice pace. I think Zooey pulls off the annoyingly cute thing pretty good.
ivysaur12 said:
Alright, I think since Tuesdays are already dull enough, I'm gonna jump back into New Girl.
The show is quite good, and seems to improve each week. Tonight's episode was so funny. Man, I love Schmidt and how easily Cece controls him.


Wait, did the "Cece Crashes" episode just air tonight? I don't have cable, and I watch it on Hulu+ but... was online last night. Does it go up on H+ early? Or am I missing something?


love on your sleeve
MrPliskin said:
Wait, did the "Cece Crashes" episode just air tonight? I don't have cable, and I watch it on Hulu+ but... was online last night. Does it go up on H+ early? Or am I missing something?
That was last week's episode.


So this show didn't turn shit? I watched the first episode a while back and couldn't stand that one dude personifying the stereotypical frat guy and Zooey's extra quirky behavior. If those were dialed down, I could get back into it.


giga said:
So this show didn't turn shit? I watched the first episode a while back and couldn't stand that one dude personifying the stereotypical frat guy and Zooey's extra quirky behavior. If those were dialed down, I could get back into it.
i thought it would have been cancelled by now. the happy posters in this thread are making me a little envious of the awesome tv I now imagine I'm missing...

Edit: whoa, did they replace the black guy after the pilot?!
This show is fantastic.

Schmidt is hilarious and I think Zooey is really beginning to find her place in the show (and yay, she just divorced!). God, she's gorgeous.

But I do pray that things aren't gonna get weird between her and Nick, that would suck.


Greyface said:
i thought it would have been cancelled by now. the happy posters in this thread are making me a little envious of the awesome tv I now imagine I'm missing...

Edit: whoa, did they replace the black guy after the pilot?!

Yeah. He did both Happy Endings and New Girl. I guess he picked Happy Endings when that got picked up for another season.
Happy Endings is another great show. You should check that out if you already havent.


Schmidt is easily New Girl's MVP. Keeps ticking all the right bases, every single episode. I also don't think he's gone an episode without at least once getting his top off. Check one for the ladies. And multiple checks for Cece... My god, she is amazingly hot. And she works a good foil for Schmidt and Jess.

Good to hear them mention the douche jar this episode as it's been missing since the pilot!

Easily my favourite show this season. Keep it up.


Beaulieu said:
wait, so this show is good ? wtf...
or are you guys the type of people that also like BBT and HIMYM ?

Yea, to my surprise it is actually a pretty good show. I've caught the last two and liked them.
Beaulieu said:
wait, so this show is good ? wtf...
or are you guys the type of people that also like BBT and HIMYM ?

lol yeah right.

My Comedy Pantheon:
Parks And Recreation
Modern Family
Eastbound & Down
The Venture Brothers


This show is just okay to me. I prefer Up All Night as far as the new comedies go.

I really hate how each episode ends in such a corny way though.


giga said:
So this show didn't turn shit? I watched the first episode a while back and couldn't stand that one dude personifying the stereotypical frat guy and Zooey's extra quirky behavior. If those were dialed down, I could get back into it.

Schmidt is no longer such a frat guy (he's incredibly insecure) and Jess's quirkiness is less adorable and more ridiculous i.e. funny.

Glad they called back to the douchebag jar from the first episode last night, though.

I love this show - I watch it on the way to work on Wednesday mornings and it never fails to raise a smile
it doesn't make me laugh out loud as often as Happy Endings does on Thursday mornings though!


Beaulieu said:
wait, so this show is good ? wtf...
or are you guys the type of people that also like BBT and HIMYM ?

I know it's popular to hate on popular things here, but yeah, shows I'm watching and enjoying this season:

New Girl
Modern Family
Parks and Recreation


wait, so this show is good ? wtf...
or are you guys the type of people that also like BBT and HIMYM ?

Better than BBT and HIMYM, not as good as Parks, Modern Family, Happy Endings, or Community. But it's in its first season, let's see how far it takes itself.
This was the first episode where Jess seemed somewhat normal and not goofy and dorky to a ridiculous extreme.

Another funny one, and I loved Nick's soap dispenser in the bathroom.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
anyone else feel like the fighting between schmidt and nick was realistically tense?
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