Still better than..

Zoe said:This episode was better than the pilot, but it was lame how it ended the same way with all the guys awkwardly banding together behind Jess. I hope that's not how all episodes end.
Did they say where this takes place? That apartment is insane.
etiolate said:It felt like someone found some scripts for a lost Phoebe spinoff from Friends and decided to greenlight it, but put one of the hottest, cutest actresses in place of Phoebe and try to convince me she's a loser.
ivysaur12 said:A cab for LAX drives by in the pilot, so I'm guessing LA.
Zoe said:Guess this another Friends then where there's no way any of them could afford to live in a place like that.
The inside is clearly a renovated school or something - there's lockers, the bathroom looks like it used to be a school gym bathroom. And from the outside, it looks like a bit of an urban wasteland. Just how high would rent have to be that four people couldn't pay it?Zoe said:Guess this another Friends then where there's no way any of them could afford to live in a place like that.
Zoe said:Guess this another Friends then where there's no way any of them could afford to live in a place like that.
Discotheque said:lol, i'll probably check it out for a few minutes.
Replace Zooey on the poster with her friend. Magnitudes hotter she is.
Ashhong said:Didn't Friends have some kind of explanation about how they afforded the apartment? Well, Monica's at least, something about her grandmother?
Jay Sosa said:Is it at least better than 2 broke girls?
jonnybryce said:This show has a few laughs but is more amusing than funny.
2 Broke Girls is neither amusing nor funny and is jammed with so many flat one liners that it's difficult to watch.
jonnybryce said:This show has a few laughs but is more amusing than funny.
2 Broke Girls is neither amusing nor funny and is jammed with so many flat one liners that it's difficult to watch.
Radec said:Show's good. Love the episodes.
Zooey is so goddamn hot when he's not goofing around.
big ander said:Felt like every minute in this episode I alternated from "Heh, this is pretty funny" to "this is the lowest of all comedy and I can't see why I am watching this".
Alright, I give up. Double meaning? lolBlader5489 said:man, took me three episodes to realize the dual meaning of the show's title. :lol
Anyone who thinks Fox's marketing just coined 'adorkable' in 2011 for this show is way too out of it to listen to.shanshan310 said:
Preach!985boi said:Damn Hannah Simone is hot.
Blader5489 said:man, took me three episodes to realize the dual meaning of the show's title. :lol