Y'know, I've probably spent a very unhealthy amount of time thinking about the meaning of that title sequence within the show and in the real world.
Nah, it's fine. New Girl's title sequence is legitimately great IMO for getting a fairly complex tone down in like 30 seconds*: Jess is adorkable, the guys love her, but they also aren't blind to how tiring she can be.
* The show has had multiple title sequences:
1) Stills of Jess dancing by herself. It's like 5 seconds long. C-
2) The full version of the title sequence, starting with Jess fake-waking up. B+
3) The short version of #2, starting with the picture frame bit and rolling to the end. Maybe just 10 seconds long, but it gets the whole point of the show across just as strongly as #2 does. A+ in my book for doing everything #2 did but shorter.
As for the episode itself, I liked that Nick and Winston sort of had similar plots but the show didn't really beat us over the head with it when Nick figured out the advice he gave to Winston worked for him too.