SAN=0 shirt! I'd take several if they weren't $37 each.
yeah, it's a little expensive with the school uniform.
SAN=0 shirt! I'd take several if they weren't $37 each.
I'd take several if they weren't $37 each.
The best thing about watching Ano Natsu is getting to enjoy the suffering of Kanna fans.
I always get friendzones, so that's probably why I associate with those character types.
Just how it is. My lot in life.
a little penguin, foreveralone.
Nothing like the face of a girl who's just seen your bread first thing in the morning.
Rick's Bread 02:
You've really got to make the most of the bread jokes or this show is unbearably slow and boring as fuck. I reeeeeeally hope thedoesn't kill the bread references.shift to srs action next week
Jesus, 600 dollars for the outfit!yeah, it's a little expensive with the school uniform.
You know, there's something I realized about Watanabe. Somehow he has never had a title distributed by the same US license holder twice, and he has only worked with the same animation studio twice once in his entire directorial career.
Macross Plus - Triangle Staff - Manga USA
Cowboy Bebop TV - Sunrise - Bandai Entertainment
Cowboy Bebop Movie - BONES - Sony Pictures
Animatrix - Studio 4C - Warner Brothers
Samurai Champloo - Manglobe - Geneon USA
Genius Party - Studio 4C - No US release
Kids on the Slope - MAPPA/Tezuka Productions - Sentai
He sure gets around.![]()
I don't see it either. It's almost like people nitpick every detail of that hsow just because they already hate it. I can nitpick certain parts of it because it certainly has problems, but for me its no deal breaker. Maybe I'm just used to watching Cg'ish anime. I mean hell, I bought Polyphonica and all you have to do is watch the infamous car chase cene to know it has major problems. But it was still fun. I mean shit, I could point out some significant flaws in many of Gaf' beloved shows, but that doesnt make them awful. I never expect perfection in anime. I fully expect to see problems and flaws, due to the often rushed budget cutting nature of the business. Its necessary evil.
But saying things in absolutes like that is more often inaccurate than not...Why just dislike a show if you can hate it?
Is it so hard to accept that other people are simply more discerning than you are and do not actually possess some ulterior motive in "nitpicking"* shows that you like?
The difference between, say, Angel Beats and "many of GAF's beloved shows" is that I'm assuming those actually have significant redeeming qualities and maybe even get creative with a low budget, whereas the creators of Angel Beats took an apparently large budget and shat out something sub-par in basically every aspect.
The writing's good, and one of the show's main strengths as with everything from Key (I know you hate it, but that doesn't make it badly written, just not your thing at all), but as for visuals, apart from the lighting, which was a clear (and fine) design decision, the rest of the stuff that's been mentioned here is very definitely far into the realm of nitpicking.*pro-tip: bad writing and ugly visuals are not nitpicking, they are basic issues of competence
And I care when people try to say that Key's writing is objectively bad, or that they make terrible shows that everyone should hate, or things like that.I don't care if people like Keyshit though. That's certainly their right. I do care when people insist I'm not allowed to discuss my dislike for Keyshit just because they like it. Try to follow the conversation here please.
I don't know about Cajun's case in specific, but I do think that people are more likely to overlook flaws in things they like, and see more problems in things they dislike. It only makes sense, really.Edit - I looked back and in the bit I quoted cajun admits he does not really care about flaws - if other people do, that makes him less discerning by definition. This is basic reading comprehension. It's like you ignored the context of my post so you could get offended about your taste in Keyshit being insulted (which, actually, didn't happen) and go off on a rant about Meguca. Jesus.
Absolutely true, yes. And you're entirely right about Key's writing as well -- Key has very good writers who do a great job. Their writing is far better tan the writing in most anime. Like that style or not, but what people say about them here is unfair.Well, then get into the inherent issues with the plot. What's wrong with it? Keyshit just has to do with the kind of sometimes overwrought melodrama that can come out of their scenarios; unabashed and blatant heatstring pulling. Clearly you don't like that. That's fine. But I can tell you why in many ways Keyshit is objectively brilliant writing in its execution and how Angel Beat's pacing is a textbook case of how to do it right.
I don't know, but I assume because the Key haters only want to see the bad things in Key's work, and refuse to acknowledge that any good elements could even exist.And you still missed it. My point was that what you're saying can be taken one way or another if you're not careful. I read the previous Angel Beats conversation, and all I got out of it was purple Haruhi and some out of context in-between frames that doesn't show what the show looks like in motion. It really is nitpicking if that's what you have against Angel Beats. While they're certainly issues, they're superficial issues, issues that can be looked past, and if you don't like Keyshit, well, that's a good reason to not like the show. However, it's also a highly subjective reason to since Keyshit seems hit or miss.
There are plenty of things in Angel Beats to discuss and debate. There are plenty of themes, choices, ideas, plot progressions, narrative structures, and framing devices that we can go into depth about. Why focus on the QUALITY in between that most don't notice?
The highlight is the main story, not the comedy, though. I mean, some of the comedy was funny enough, but Key's best at drama, and it does show.If you're going to try and defend Angel Beats then at least post the shows key highlight:
I was glad to see that a good number of people agreed with me on this issue.Frankly, that discussion seemed kind of pointless. I mean, yes, I think the show is ugly and the lighting is garish but whatever, the visuals are the LEAST of the show's problems.
Good points here indeed, and you're right. The first paragraph is what debates should be, and the second is what they sadly sometimes become. I certainly would rather that they were more like the former than the latter.I think there's a fine line. When someone hates on something you like it's only natural to get defensive to an extent. And that's not a bad thing, that kind of defensive posturing is what leads to debate and discourse. Ideally some sort of compromise would be reached or the parties involved would just make an implicit agreement to just leave the others be. Agree to disagree etc.
I say it's a fine line cause it's very easy to go from defensive argumentation to petty bickering where nothing gets discussed and nothing gets resolved. I sure have been guilty of that more than I would like to say...
I can understand how the strength of those "AB is so terrible" statements would lead someone to believe that you mean it objectively, sure... there's no hint that you don't. I do somewhat understand -- I've certainly been blamed with that kind of thing before, not saying "in my opinion" on things that I think are clearly statements of opinion and not fact so I don't need to say it -- but yeah, sometimes you do need to specify which it is. Sometimes it's obvious, sure, sometimes it isn't.I'm specifically talking about people complaining that others state their opinions as fact. Short of my saying "Angel Beats is objectively bad," it's just being willfully obtuse and/or overly defensive. Am I seriously going to be expected to tag everything I say with IMO when it's pretty obvious it's an opinion?
It's a ridiculous line of thought. IMO.
And none of this has anything to do with what I was trying to communicate to cajun, honestly.
You know, there's something I realized about Watanabe. Somehow he has never had a title distributed by the same US license holder twice, and he has only worked with the same animation studio twice once in his entire directorial career.
Macross Plus - Triangle Staff - Manga USA
Cowboy Bebop TV - Sunrise - Bandai Entertainment
Cowboy Bebop Movie - BONES - Sony Pictures
Animatrix - Studio 4C - Warner Brothers
Samurai Champloo - Manglobe - Geneon USA
Genius Party - Studio 4C - No US release
Kids on the Slope - MAPPA/Tezuka Productions - Sentai
He sure gets around.![]()
Maybe he'll go PA Works next.
Hahahahahahaha, this is great, but no. AB has more than a few minor issues, and you loving it doesn't change that. It's a terrible show. I hope you're not recommending it to people.
You liking it is one think, but making others suffer through that atrocity is wrong.
You see? You're proving my point yet again! That's beyond crazy.Hmm, I guess. But the way ABF talks about it, if he recommended it to me like that and I actually watched it because of him, I'd want to find a way to get him permabanned to pay him back. That's be the only way I could consider us even.
Well your above statement was actually more extremist than most anything I've seen said about the thread, at least in this thread, so maybe you can claim some credibility as being original by being even more extreme in your hate than the other people here who dislike Key...I don't mind the animeGAF label, but I had 13 posts in the last thread. Keep that animeGAF hivemind bullshit to yourself. I hate AB because it's a bad show. That's all there is to it.
It is in no way terrible in the ways that matter the most -- story, writing, characters, plot, action, comedy, etc. It is okay to great in every one of those categories, and terrible in nothing.If you like it, that's fine. But it's still a terrible show. There's nothing wrong with liking terrible shows, if all you're gonna do is like it. When you start proclaiming it as a great, or even good show, when it's obviously an ill-made piece of trash, you're gonna have people disagreeing with your opinion.
Ok ABF, I'll bite. The show has overwrought drama and really ugly visuals.
Indeed. I know there are other people on GAF other than me who like their stuff a lot, too, they're just not willing to argue so much against the critics... understandable. (for instance, AB finished high in the 2010 "best anime" thread here.)To be fair, A LOT of people like it.
Clannad's my least favorite Key anime... somehow I just can't bring myself to care about it as much as I do the others. I know, I'm sure it's all subjective stuff, but yeah, AB and Kanon are my favorites of theirs, Air is in the middle, and Clannad is last.I actually liked Clannad a lot at times. Most of the KyoAni Key shows though suffer from pacing problems.
There are too many characters for every one to have a great story in only 14 episodes, but I did find some of the sub-stories in the episodes interesting, sure. I do like when a series has a central, continuing plot, but they did a reasonable job of both following it while also having some other stuff here and there.It's also poorly paced (for example - an uninteresting, barely resolved subplot is brought up 2 or 3 episodes from the end when it should be engaging us with the central conflict, which also happens to be the only remotely interesting one)
Well of course, tragic pasts and presents is what Key does. The only difference here is that EVERY character this time has a tragic past; in past Key shows, it was sometimes only some of them that do.and suffers from completely flat characters all with a predictable, token "tragic" past.
I think this has been discussed before sometime, but yeah, if you are talking about what I think you are, obviously someone was held for a while somewhere else so that they could appear in that order... it's not impossible to reconcile, but it probably doesn't perfectly line up without something like that. But given the setting something like that is possible, I'd think.I'm not convinced that the timeline offered by the ending for the three main characters makes any sense whatsoever.
The concept with AB was clearly "Key drama, but with action and comedy too", and that's what it achieves. I think that it's a model of how to do tone shifts right, and that the mixture of drama and serious actually fits really well, but for someone who dislikes tone shifts, sure, it could well be jarring.The tonal shifts between almost always unfunny & awkward comedy, SERIOUS DRAMA, and random concert scenes (ok, those were kind of tolerable?) are handled horribly jarringly every single time and gives the impression that the show has no idea what it wants to be and, instead of picking one thing and sticking to it (even generic KEY VN drama is better tbh) it whiplashes all over the place for the worse.
It's not, but whatever.And did we mention it's fugly as hell?
She looks like Haruhi, but she does not, in fact, act like her beyond the superficial beginnings of the series.I found not-Haruhi really offensive as fuck because you know she looks and acts like that specifically because of Haruhi. Its like, yeah sure steal ideas and designs but don't be THAT blatant about it.
Eh, animes very frequently have some kind of unreal elements to them, so Key's in plenty of company in having supernatural elements in their series, that's for sure... sure, some of Key's supernatural stuff is kind of odd, but given the kind of stuff you often find in anime, I don't think it's TOO odd in comparison to other works.You're trying to help your case here right? Cause that sentence does the exact opposite.
Nobody else does tragedy anime as good as Key. They just don't.Yeah, just gonna completely disagree there.
It was all clearly thought out ahead of time, though, as I explain in some of my replies above... (read that stuff too) I agree that the series is confusing at times, yes, but it DOES mostly explain itself by the end. The important questions are eventually answered, even if it's pretty confusing at times along the way. There are plenty of animes that are confusing at least some of the time, and yet good anyway, so I don't think being confusing rules it out. How about my #1 overall favorite anime ever, Lain... that's very confusing until the end for sure!There's no logical process to anything that happens in the show. That isn't being "unexpected", that's being stupid and confusing. Hell, I'm sitting here trying to rebut you and I'm realizing that I never actually understood the plot to this show and trying to organize in my mind what happened, why it happened, and what any of that shit has to do with anything is just leaving me confused again. That shouldn't happen!
I think there was more than one episode with effective drama, but yeah, Key was trying something different here, with substantial comic and action elements as well as the usual tragic drama. I do think they did a good job with it, but sure, they probably could do even better given another chance at it... the comedy could have been a bit better, more of the characters could have used more attention (or it could have had a smaller cast), etc. I don't think that Angel Beats is perfect, just quite good. It's not perfect.I'm going to break character for a moment because I need to point something out. As much as I disliked the show, there was something there, some semblance of competency among the pile of nonsense that popped its head out for a short while before digging itself underground for good. I'm talking about the, which is by far the best episode of the show and the only episode that left a lasting impression on me outside of confusion or apathy. It wasn't scatterbrained, poorly paced, or nonsensical like the rest of the show. There was actual focus. A structured narrative that had a beginning, middle, and end. Events that followed a theme, which incidentally was the same theme that the rest of the show had tried and failed to follow. The humor was standard stuff, but didn't clash with what the story was trying to do as a whole. And a concluding act that, combined with the rest of the episode, managed to makeYui episodesituation genuinely sympathetic. And then of course they ruined that in the final minutes by crossing the line from "sympathetic and thought-provoking" to "overwrought and cheesy" but damnit, they almost pulled something off there! THAT was what the show should have been all along. It wouldn't have been as erm... "unique" as it ended up being, but at least it would be watchable. At least there would be a point. At least it wouldn't give me a reason to hate everything about it and maybe I would be able to pay attention to what it was doing without me having to do a thesis in my head to understand the story.Yui's
I followed it as it first aired, so that was definitely not the case for me. And it was certainly a surprise, and helped make the show more interesting.I'll be fair and say I don't know how that would have turned out, becauseI had already known beforehand that Kanade was the "main girl". How couldn't I with all the awareness the show generated over the past two years?
You're right, that part kind of got dropped in favor of arguing over AB... maybe I'll respond to those posts too, a bit later.ABF, maybe i missed it
but you didn't explain what was generic about Eureka 7
is Canann really that bad? if so then i'll know what i'm watching after Angel Beats.Finally, the Canaan sequel we deserve.
is Canann really that bad? if so then i'll know what i'm watching after Angel Beats.
well, that's a shame given how great Sword of the Stranger was.It's not really "super bad" so much as just extremely disappointing coming from the director of Sword of the Stranger.![]()
well, that's a shame given how great Sword of the Stranger was.
fake edit: oh, it looks like mari okada's credited as the writer for it. lol
She wrote Hanasaku Iroha too.
Also, you didn't like the central plot, about? That's too bad...the MC and Kanade
to be fair, while she's credited as the Series Editor she wasn't the only writer on the series:She wrote Hanasaku Iroha too.
---Series Composition: Mari Okada
Junji Nishimura (4 episodes)
Keigo Koyanagi (ep 7)
Mari Okada (13 episodes)
Tatsuhiko Urahata (5 episodes)
Tatsuto Higuchi (eps 5, 14-15)
that would do it lolI blame Type-Moon and Nasu for Canaan.![]()
Eureka 7 AO Episode 2 spoilersThe explosions in Eureka AO would make Micheal Bay explode with envy
Just compare the visually interesting backgrounds from Sengoku Collection posted above to the bland looking shit from Angel Beats!:
At least those Angel Beats shots have good sense of atmosphere, though. I like the atmospheric tone in those shots quite a bit. (The second one probably more so than the first).
As for Sengoku Collection, I haven't watched it, but those shots aren't the kind of thing I think of when I think of great background art in anime. I'd think of Sora no Woto, or something, not that (SnW had great backgrounds...). I guess those are different (modernist), but... eh. That bridge design is kind of interesting, though, I guess. I find the two hard to compare, however -- that's modern-art-design, with no atmosphere, while Angel Beats has quite generic scenery, with a strong sense of atmosphere. Two quite different styles.
Yeah, I don't understand the praise for Sengoku. The bridge has an interesting form but the pictures look flat with just few details.
Yeah, I don't understand the praise for Sengoku. The bridge has an interesting form but the pictures look flat with just few details.
Yeah, I didn't mention that because I haven't seen it in motion, but based on the pictures Sengoku Collection definitely looks very flat.
Well, based just on those pictures, they are obviously going for a flat style. Nothing wrong with that.
Eureka 7 AO Episode 2 spoilers
Thatwould make even him roll his eyes!first Secret's destruction