Sounds like you're talking about a different show.The Earth is safe. Out of nowhere plot bologna that doesn't fit in the grander story and had no real hints, clues, or lead up will never be acceptable. Unless you're also a Lost fan I guess.
Sounds like you're talking about a different show.The Earth is safe. Out of nowhere plot bologna that doesn't fit in the grander story and had no real hints, clues, or lead up will never be acceptable. Unless you're also a Lost fan I guess.
The Earth is safe. Out of nowhere plot bologna that doesn't fit in the grander story and had no real hints, clues, or lead up will never be acceptable. Unless you're also a Lost fan I guess.
FMA original ending was pretty bad. At least Shambala gave it some closure.
Don't cry CCii's!Pizza
I'll never understand the hatred for Brotherhood, but I also have no interest in watching the original.
I'll never understand the hatred for Brotherhood, but I also have no interest in watching the original.
It was a good ending, unless you're just completely against the idea of theparallel world.
I still haven't watched Conqueror of Shamballa. The word of mouth makes me rather hesitant, since I liked the ending of the first series.
Shambala made the ending a million times worse.
I'm not expressing hatred. It does some interesting things and isn't without merit, but I simply hold the original in considerably higher regard.
Well, in my case, I was just talking about those two examples, not the show as a whole.
More over, I don't need to have seen the original to notice how rushed and weird those two episodes are.
Finally, the only way to learn why certain factions prefer the original would be to go watch it yourself! I can understand that such a move might not be attractive for a whole host of reasons, but at least you'd no longer be ignorant as to the quality of the original.
There those there out there that find pleasure in harming themselves and killing there brain cells.
plus fma 1 aka fma filler is older so it's more hip.
Why Queen's Blade? We know Agent Aika has the best kind of fanservice.
Heh. So it could be the rose tinted-nostalgia goggles.
There is a part of me that's curious to see how seven episodes of content in Brotherhood can turn out to be 25 episodes in the original, but given that I see Brotherhood as a fairly internally consistent singular text, I don't think I'd be all that interested in the original.
I am mainly againstbut I guess I am biased like that.parallel worlds out of thin air as an ending to a series
It's as good an explanation for the Gate as any IMO.
Shamballa was so bad it ruined whatever good will I had left for the original FMA's ending. Avoid it at all cost!I still haven't watched Conqueror of Shamballa. The word of mouth makes me rather hesitant, since I liked the ending of the first series.
Code Geass R2 16
Things are about to get good. I think they've shown all the mechs in the series now... And they'll all be together soon. Loaded withand all that stuff.overpowered nukes
And Suzaku's totally gonna outdouche Ledouche.
It hurts hurts.
Code Geass R2 16
So C.C. hasturned into a...complete polar opposite of her old self, besides liking pizza.
Let this nightmare come to an end!
Also, a super team has emerged to take back Japan! Butrefuses to let the mission go on easy mode.Papa Ledouche
The confession toabout the regained memories was...underwhelming, but it's leading up to what could possibly be an entertaining tangible conflict.Suzaku
Don't let me down again, Code Geese!
Why would I watch what amounts to official fan-fiction with an ending that everyone hates though? That's about enough to get me to prejudge the show.It would be odd to hold any kind of opinion about a show you haven't seen yet.
Moeblob C.C. is a false idol. A cruel mockery of the real C.C.are you guys shitting on moe slave C.C.? ARE YOU???
Why would I watch what amounts to official fan-fiction with an ending that everyone hates though? That's about enough to get me to prejudge the show.
Kimi to Boku is probably one of those shows that people complain is slow, but I really don't mind its breezy tone.
Wait....Im only on episode 10 of Code GEass R2...but they changed C.C.?
*upends the fucking tea table
Rest easy. The mistress is fine.Wait....Im only on episode 10 of Code GEass R2...but they changed C.C.?
*upends the fucking tea table
Enjoy the last moments of amazing CC![]()
If you were Suzaku, would you really believe Lelouche if heCode Geass R2 17
Mechs and keikaku finally make a triumphant return. But... Kallen's not there. There simply isn't hope without Kallen.
The conversation between Ledouche and Suzaku was unnecessarily painful to watch. If they were trying to be honest with each other... Why couldn't Ledouche simplyInstead, he went out of his way to lie... For some reason.explain to him that his Geass went out of control during his meeting with Euphemia, and that Rolo killed Shirley because he's a fucking asshole? I'm not one for main characters playing the victim card... But the situation seemed to call for it this time.
Ledouche "impersonating"is a nice example of delicious keikaku, haha.Cornelia
Chihayafuru got caught up in boring sports show syndrome. It's not like I wanted Chihaya to become a loli ninja vampire hunter and for her to suddenly cross dimensions intoI don't hate the ending. And though you may have quibbles about the manner in which they go about it, I don't see why deviating from the manga is a bad thing in itself. Weren't you the one complaining about adaptations feeling the need to remain faithful to the manga in the case of Chihayafuru?
To me, breezy means relaxed, which implies slow or idleness. lolIf something is "breezy", then it isn't "slow".
Oh boy.CC can suck it. I hate her...
Oh boy.
Eh, she doesn't really do anything that is deserving of hate. Then again,CC can suck it. I hate her...
There is likely a correlation between the two.CC has datass and datpizza, that's all she needs.
CC has datass and datpizza, that's all she needs.
There is likely a correlation between the two.
It's as good an explanation for the Gate as any IMO.
CC has datass and datpizza, that's all she needs.
Card Captor is a ten years old girl dude. That's just not on.