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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R2 15

Damn. Shit's already getting metaphorical and there's still 10 episodes to go? This is going places.


I guess that expains quite a few things, though. I can accept the whole
"I'm immortal so I'm tired of living because it sucks"
thing as I've done many times before, but I didn't quite understand why CC formed a contract with Ledouche when
she could've simply get her wish by staying with the crazy old king from the start...
Couldn't she? Well, I guess we'll see.

But, aw, Geese! Why? Why must you do this? Why do people insist on this?
I hate memory resets so much. They're the cheapest faux-drama-inducing plot-devices in the history of storytelling, because they either: A - Destroy any feeling of closure arbitrarily, if they aren't reverted; or B - End up reverted in stupid ways by some deus-ex-machina that's never explained. Like the one in this season's debut episode.

And why CC?

I am disappointed.


Code Geass R2 15


Don't cry C

It is time for Ledouche to confront
his father
. We learn more about C.C.'s past and how
she became a granter of Geass
. And for good reason, it was about time we got this story from her!

A gift and a curse, etc., etc.

is about to grant C.C.'s wish when Ledouche doesn't feel like being NTR'd.

Which leads toooooooo
C.C. gaining free-of-charge amnesia



I'll never understand the hatred for Brotherhood, but I also have no interest in watching the original.

Well, in my case, I was just talking about those two examples, not the show as a whole.

More over, I don't need to have seen the original to notice how rushed and weird those two episodes are.

Finally, the only way to learn why certain factions prefer the original would be to go watch it yourself! I can understand that such a move might not be attractive for a whole host of reasons, but at least you'd no longer be ignorant as to the quality of the original.
I still haven't watched Conqueror of Shamballa. The word of mouth makes me rather hesitant, since I liked the ending of the first series.


I'll never understand the hatred for Brotherhood, but I also have no interest in watching the original.

There are those out there that find pleasure in harming themselves and killing there brain cells.

plus fma 1 aka "filler that didn't happen" is lot more hip cause it's older.


I still haven't watched Conqueror of Shamballa. The word of mouth makes me rather hesitant, since I liked the ending of the first series.

Personally, I liked it.

It went to some weird places because of the need to have action scenes in a movie, but it tugged at my heartstrings. Also, I actually thought it gave good closure.


Subete no aware
I'm not expressing hatred. It does some interesting things and isn't without merit, but I simply hold the original in considerably higher regard.

Well, in my case, I was just talking about those two examples, not the show as a whole.

More over, I don't need to have seen the original to notice how rushed and weird those two episodes are.

Finally, the only way to learn why certain factions prefer the original would be to go watch it yourself! I can understand that such a move might not be attractive for a whole host of reasons, but at least you'd no longer be ignorant as to the quality of the original.

There those there out there that find pleasure in harming themselves and killing there brain cells.

plus fma 1 aka fma filler is older so it's more hip.

Heh. So it could be the rose tinted-nostalgia goggles. :p

There is a part of me that's curious to see how seven episodes of content in Brotherhood can turn out to be 25 episodes in the original, but given that I see Brotherhood as a fairly internally consistent singular text, I don't think I'd be all that interested in the original.

And in the same way that someone who watched the original first would be put off by the "changes" in Brotherhood, I'm sure I'd spend a lot of the time wondering how it is possible that the original would go off the rails so wildly (given what I know about the second half of the show).


A Good Citizen
How can you be nostalgic from a series that isn't even a decade old yet?

Besides, I watched both series at around the same time last summer. First series is better.


Heh. So it could be the rose tinted-nostalgia goggles. :p

There is a part of me that's curious to see how seven episodes of content in Brotherhood can turn out to be 25 episodes in the original, but given that I see Brotherhood as a fairly internally consistent singular text, I don't think I'd be all that interested in the original.

It would be odd to hold any kind of opinion about a show you haven't seen yet.


I still haven't watched Conqueror of Shamballa. The word of mouth makes me rather hesitant, since I liked the ending of the first series.
Shamballa was so bad it ruined whatever good will I had left for the original FMA's ending. Avoid it at all cost!


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R2 16

Things are about to get good. I think they've shown all the mechs in the series now... And they'll all be together soon. Loaded with
overpowered nukes
and all that stuff.

And Suzaku's totally gonna outdouche Ledouche.



Code Geass R2 16



So C.C. has
turned into a...complete polar opposite of her old self, besides liking pizza.

Let this nightmare come to an end!

Also, a super team has emerged to take back Japan! But
Papa Ledouche
refuses to let the mission go on easy mode.

The confession to
about the memories was...underwhelming, but it's leading up to what could possibly be an entertaining tangible conflict.

Don't let me down again, Code Geese!


Code Geass R2 16

So C.C. has
turned into a...complete polar opposite of her old self, besides liking pizza.

Let this nightmare come to an end!

Also, a super team has emerged to take back Japan! But
Papa Ledouche
refuses to let the mission go on easy mode.

The confession to
about the regained memories was...underwhelming, but it's leading up to what could possibly be an entertaining tangible conflict.

Don't let me down again, Code Geese!
The whole C.C. amnesia thing was a bit BS but at least it lead to some more C.C. backstory and more Pizza so I forgave it. Not long now.


Subete no aware
It would be odd to hold any kind of opinion about a show you haven't seen yet.
Why would I watch what amounts to official fan-fiction with an ending that everyone hates though? That's about enough to get me to prejudge the show.


Kimi to Boku is probably one of those shows that people complain is slow, but I really don't mind its breezy tone. If you're going to do a show about guys hanging out together with no real hook to the show (they don't join a band or play some boring sport or aren't setting up gag-like punchlines), then this is a fairy decent way to do it.

And because talking is boring for most people, you can do hawt scene inserts like this one:

Makes your characters instantly classy.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R2 17

Mechs and keikaku finally make a triumphant return. But... Kallen's not there. There simply isn't hope without Kallen.

The conversation between Ledouche and Suzaku was unnecessarily painful to watch. If they were trying to be honest with each other... Why couldn't Ledouche simply
explain to him that his Geass went out of control during his meeting with Euphemia, and that Rolo killed Shirley because he's a fucking asshole? I'm not one for main characters playing the victim card... But the situation seemed to call for it this time.
Instead, he went out of his way to lie... For some reason.

Ledouche "impersonating"
is a nice example of delicious keikaku, haha.


Code Geass R2 17



So yet again Ledouche decides to allow his emotions let himself plan something for the betterment of another and
unexpected events smash those plans.
It was just when things were getting cleared up between two old boyfriends as well!

It puts an yet another perspective on Ledouche's stilted development with compassion and empathy towards others (sans Nunally). This moment didn't feel "chancey", even though it led to a "lolmisundertanding" moment. As we know that Suzaku's side
is very likely to spy on his whereabouts and conversation

Of course, after that development flag is made Ledouche uses the keikaku card to get out of whatever rut he was placed in!

Also war rages and it has not been waiting for Zero, but he's back and ready to attack! Perfecting a method he had raised a few episodes prior even.

Not a shabby episode to get some things cleared up and to
corner Suzaku about explaining Geass

Let the real war commence!
Why would I watch what amounts to official fan-fiction with an ending that everyone hates though? That's about enough to get me to prejudge the show.

I don't hate the ending. And though you may have quibbles about the manner in which they go about it, I don't see why deviating from the manga is a bad thing in itself. Weren't you the one complaining about adaptations feeling the need to remain faithful to the manga in the case of Chihayafuru?

Kimi to Boku is probably one of those shows that people complain is slow, but I really don't mind its breezy tone.

If something is "breezy", then it isn't "slow".
Code Geass R2 17

Mechs and keikaku finally make a triumphant return. But... Kallen's not there. There simply isn't hope without Kallen.

The conversation between Ledouche and Suzaku was unnecessarily painful to watch. If they were trying to be honest with each other... Why couldn't Ledouche simply
explain to him that his Geass went out of control during his meeting with Euphemia, and that Rolo killed Shirley because he's a fucking asshole? I'm not one for main characters playing the victim card... But the situation seemed to call for it this time.
Instead, he went out of his way to lie... For some reason.

Ledouche "impersonating"
is a nice example of delicious keikaku, haha.
If you were Suzaku, would you really believe Lelouche if he
told the truth about the Euphinator?
I mean, it's hard enough for the audience to accept and we actually see it happen.


Subete no aware
I don't hate the ending. And though you may have quibbles about the manner in which they go about it, I don't see why deviating from the manga is a bad thing in itself. Weren't you the one complaining about adaptations feeling the need to remain faithful to the manga in the case of Chihayafuru?
Chihayafuru got caught up in boring sports show syndrome. It's not like I wanted Chihaya to become a loli ninja vampire hunter and for her to suddenly cross dimensions into
WW2 Germany
or whatever the heck happens in the original FMA.

I mean, my understanding is that they made some cuts when doing FMA:B - since all the manga fans were complaining about the show. Given that I didn't really feel the cuts (well, at least when I was watching it 2 years ago or whenever), I'd think those cuts served the TV series fairly well. You can certainly change a text in that manner anyway.

If something is "breezy", then it isn't "slow".
To me, breezy means relaxed, which implies slow or idleness. lol


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R2 18

Yeah, hm. That's... Where's that "I called it" gif?

That command, Ledouche. It was destined to come back and bite you in the ass.

But, yeah! Guren's back and kicking some serious ass! And-- fuck that. Shit's seriously fucked up now.

You did it, Suzaku.
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