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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Apparently BONES is adapting Zetsuen no Tempest for the Fall season. Not confirmed, but given their relationship with Aniplex and Square Enix, it sounds plausible.


Code Geass R2 18


Oh dear. Ooooh my. Oooooh dear.

Well, well, well, Code Geass.

Yet another
of a moment!

has proved useful on the field and Guren returns! Awww yeah!

Of course, misunderstandings stick and things...escalate.

Oh "backfire" how sweet your melody plays into the ears of man!


Kimi to Boku is probably one of those shows that people complain is slow, but I really don't mind its breezy tone. If you're going to do a show about guys hanging out together with no real hook to the show (they don't join a band or play some boring sport or aren't setting up gag-like punchlines), then this is a fairy decent way to do it.

And because talking is boring for most people, you can do hawt scene inserts like this one:

Makes your characters instantly classy.[/QUOTE]

Those were some of the best inserts this season for it. Canonwise pairing, it actually made me wish they could get together, though I guess age difference and all.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Lelouch was forced to watch his show.
He's clearly horrified.


Geass is the most spectacular anime of all time. Ever since R2 finished I have found myself caring less and less about anime every day because nothing will ever be like the times I had with Geass.



Geass is the most spectacular anime of all time. Ever since R2 finished I have found myself caring less and less about anime every day because nothing will ever be like the times I had with Geass.

I mean that in a good way. I love code Geass. Im in no rush to finish it though. I dont want it to end too quickly.



Geass is the most spectacular anime of all time. Ever since R2 finished I have found myself caring less and less about anime every day because nothing will ever be like the times I had with Geass.
This man speaks the truth. When one finishes Geass it leaves a void that no other show can fill.

I just want to see the reaction to the
Nuke been used
That was Episode 18. The one they just saw.
Master Keaton 36-end


Yeah man, cocaine is where it's at!

Well that was a rather uneventful "finale". Even calling it that is pretty generous. There really wasn't anything that felt "endgame" about these last 2 episodes outside that final remark from Wolf where
Keaton can never be a professor, only a master.
It wasn't really even a higher scale assignment than he's used to.

Well anyway, the show was pretty eh. The suspenseful mindfuckery that I've come to expect from Urasawa's work was nowhere to be found. Instead, I got a subdued episodic series of low key investigations and occasionally some unsatisfying character development.

Now not everything has to be some crazy Kaiji style series where the mundane becomes exciting, but even in the context of this show, I wasn't particularly engaged. Most assignments had a rather boring setup and by the time it got interesting, it was already over. Even in the rare case when I did find the setup thought-provoking (mainly the
babysitter daughter
case), there wasn't enough closure for it to really have a lasting effect. Maybe I'm just biased against episodic stuff, but I just can't work up the energy to care a bunch of self-contained stories when I know Keaton will be off on another self-contained adventure next week.

The only real positive thing I have to say about the series is the criminally underused Daniel. The guy was awesome.

So yeah, pretty much everything from the concept to the presentation was underwhelming. Had this been a Japanese MacGyver like the first episode kind of lead me to believe, I might have been more receptive, but as it stands, I got nothing. Even with the adrenaline of jogging while watching it, I still found myself zoning out a lot. Was just really mind-numbingly boring.

And with that, I have completed both contracts. Hosanna and Envelope, both of you guys need to pick up the pace!


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R2 19

It was good while it lasted, but now
the chess game
is over. It's time for the ultimate keikaku.

It was obvious that something like this would happen, since, like, the fourth episode of the first season. Everyone's
butthurt! Yeah, he used his Geass. So what? How does that make him a "con man"? He still brought you all those victories. He still saved your skin multiple times. Babies.

But the conversation Ledouche had with Suzaku the other episode came to bite him in the ass. Stupid, stupid Ledouche.

I guess he still has CC 2.0,
Orange Boy
, and Kallen, who's probably all wet now because of one of those awesome displays of humanity and awesomeness he decides to share with the world randomly.

Oh, yeah: and Rolo redeemed. Deal with it,


Code Geass R2 19


Play a tune, little one.

Rolo played into the hands of the world: the world, the order, Ledouche. In the spirit of feeling humanity when spending time with his "brother", he complied to all he had to say, even under the premise that he was a pawn in a larger game of chess again.

The interesting part is that, even though he holds this feeling not unlike other Geass users have: Mao and C.C., Ledouche wasn't the contractor for Rolo. The touch of humanity seems to be the one thing any Geass user desires in the end when their power is no longer utilized for pure pleasure. Regardless of who gives them that feeling, they do not require gods or deities, just people.

They are all only human in the end.



all these posts are making me want to watch Code Geass something fierce

Kuromajo 5

The Spiritual World must have a pretty shitty union movement if they can't even get child labour laws established.


all these posts are making me want to watch Code Geass something fierce

Kuromajo 5

The Spiritual World must have a pretty shitty union movement if they can't even get child labour laws established.

I see Cute.

Also, I should continue code Geass. I left off in the middle of episode 10 after falling asleep. I just fall asleep at random pretty much.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Code Geass R2 20

We've officially reached the point when it's impossible to discern what the hell is going on. The end is definitely near.

So now
CC's back! Yay! And so is... Marianne!
And Suzaku grew balls and is now Ledouche 2.0!

Those are all mundane happenings, though - says the weird king guy from his thought dimension with spiralling crystallized diarrhea or whatever.
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