Yeah, you're right. We - in the UK - obviously don't give a shit about security which is why when a private security firm dropped the ball they were immediately replaced.
You really do come off as a massively insecure, inferior little child in these threads. It's rather embarrassing tbh. I've seen your post history and whenever a foreign politician (especially an American) criticises the UK you seem to take personal offence and blow everything out of proportion. Settle the fuck down and smoke a joint, or something. For the last couple of weeks the UK media has been (correctly) lambasting the government for getting it massively wrong in two key areas, security and immigration. It's as though you simply turn a blind eye to all this domestic criticism and yet as soon as a foreign politician makes any sort of comment you just lose your shit. Really embarrassing. And did you really describe his comments as "burning diplomatic bridges"? lol
It wasn't a smart comment and he could have worded things better, but he's well within his rights to question the security/customs officials. He's just learned an important lesson in foreign policy, which he is obviously not well versed in, and that is in fact part of the reason he's in London during the Olympics in the first place. Cameron handled it well by sniping back and drawing a line underneath it. Storm in a teacup.
You should be complaining about why the Prime Minister is even meeting this moron in the first place, because he certainly didn't do the same for Hollande.
FWIW, the security and immigration issues have been fully resolved. The strike has been averted and the British Army have taken control and will do the job 100x better than any other shit private contractor could have done. I breezed through Heathrow this morning in no time.
This time next week nobody will remember any of this bollocks.
I personally have no problem (for the most part) with fellow British people moaning about things but when a foreigner does it they can fuck off.
Now I'm certain that I was just baited by a troll. Well done.