Everyone is secretly a Sakuga fan. They are just in denial about it, or aren't willing to further their subconscious interest in it~
Are there fans of mediocre/bad animation?
Girl? What girl?Joshiraku #3: Now with subtitles!
Marii is best girl.
Shaft fans.
Girl? What girl?
Shaft fans.
Too easy.Shaft fans.
Shaft fans.
Shaft fans.
South Park > anime.I meant like as opposed to sakuga. Like if someone was a huge fan of generic walk cycles and mouths just moving on motionless heads, above all else.
78.8 - high
Shaft fans?I meant like as opposed to sakuga. Like if someone was a huge fan of generic walk cycles and mouths just moving on motionless heads, above all else.
Why do we have only 63,5%? Do you hate me or something?
Has anyone here watched Gankutsuou? Is it worth to watch?. At least in MAL it has pretty great score.
Has anyone here watched Gankutsuou? Is it worth to watch?. At least in MAL it has pretty great score.
Time to get another shelf!heres some shitty pics of my updated collection, now featuring Ika Musume!
the ladies are getting very crowded![]()
HA HA! Watermarking anime gifs and they didn't even bother to optimise it.Sword Art Online 4
FINALLY!!!Pretty cute.
I can't drop an anime about a choir. It's the nearest thing I've been able to associate with when it comes to these school based shows.Can't believe people stopped watching taritari
The first and last anime tshirt sold in the UK.
I'm sure we'll soon beat it with SAOsuicide.gif.I'm pretty sure this has become the most overused .gif on GAF by now.
Still can't get over how ridiculous this one monster looks. Also for a bunch of monsters that apparently feed off humans they do a terrible job at doing just that. This would be the equivalent of me having a bowl of peas and throwing them at my face hoping to catch them all in my mouth. Such a waste.Blood-C 9
Maybe it's just the fact that she's the MC and her survival is fairly integral to the series, but it doesn't seem like the Elder Bairns are putting their full effort into killing her (or at least, they seem to be prioritising others above her). If the above had happened to generic NPC #15 they'd be monster chow about 2 seconds afterwards.
Well I admit I just took the time to slowly catch up on the last bunch of pages. Still half a sleep from my trip outside the house last night.Well, a few people might do.
Crazy people.
That just invites whyanime.jpg!
It's funny that 4chan has quite a mild hotlinking image. You'd think moot would be take advantage of people too lazy to re-host images.Hotlinking 4chan...
Oh boy here we go...Whats everyone's MAL? I'm curious what everyone's have seen ^_^
Time to get another shelf!
and K-ON! figures.
HA HA! Watermarking anime gifs and they didn't even bother to optimise it.
It's funny that 4chan has quite a mild hotlinking image. You'd think moot would be take advantage of people too lazy to re-host images.
We did towards the end of last thread too. Maybe we should just put a list of 'em up on the first page of each new thread or something.
Only kids use arbitrary numbers to rate their enjoyment of anime. True men use WORDS, like "MOE", "KAWAII" and "UGUU~".
What about yuri?Only kids use arbitrary numbers to rate their enjoyment of anime. True men use WORDS, like "MOE", "KAWAII" and "UGUU~".
We did towards the end of last thread too. Maybe we should just put a list of 'em up on the first page of each new thread or something.
Medium-LowWhats everyone's MAL? I'm curious what everyone's have seen ^_^
This be my profile
Has anyone here watched Gankutsuou? Is it worth to watch?. At least in MAL it has pretty great score.
Absolutely, I spent $70 on the Geneon DVD set and it was worth every cent. Fantastic series.Has anyone here watched Gankutsuou? Is it worth to watch?. At least in MAL it has pretty great score.
What about yuri?
The SDBurton club. lolRedundant because true men only watch shows they can use the "YURI" qualificative on.
Again, what girl?!Joshiraku #4
Further proof that Marii is best girl.
Very HighMine again for reference.