They poop onto bystanding heads and scatter trash around the place.
Because that's just what they do!
I can relate to this. I hate crows.
They poop onto bystanding heads and scatter trash around the place.
Because that's just what they do!
Bland episode. I just wanted to go to the pool. Or really do anything interesting. And the yuri levels on this are starting to get way too low. At least the next episode looks good.
They poop onto bystanding heads and scatter trash around the place.
Because that's just what they do!
Yeah, don't buy anime from Japan unless you are a super fan or it'll never get licensed here.Well, I ask because it's Region Free, thought it might...
Speaking of Mayaka from Hyouka is I recently game across a blog post that explains why she's such a good character -
I'd say that it'll take you a couple of minutes to read.
I ctrl-f'd Touhou and now see that he thought Smug-chan was cosplaying a toehoe. Ho ho ho.
Code Geass Nunnaly Wonderland
some animation i guess ?
Blue Exorcist movie PV
Cant wait to see Rin again and that stance they have him in when he grips his sword and draws forth the flames. The environment looks especially detailed and the dragon float?
Speaking of Mayaka from Hyouka is I recently game across a blog post that explains why she's such a good character -
I'd say that it'll take you a couple of minutes to read.
It is a most impressive figure, that's for sure.![]()
Sukeban Deka Dub 1
"Why do people exist?" - Gouzou *flashes to giant snake* Mizuchi
Apparently they exist to whirl around bullet-proof yo-yo's as a weapon and laugh in the most over-the-top way imaginable. The entire premise of this is so over the top it's criminally fabulous~ and should be watched by everyone, but only the Dub.
Damn, Hosoda's raking in some mad money.
also why do you hate on Goro and his best work yet duckroll, hasn't he suffered enough having Hayao as a father?!??!?!
People can't be satisfied knowing F/Z is awesome, they have to convince us come hell and high water that the first episode wasn't garbage!
That would be Envelope. He atoned for his sins though.
Nanoha A 13
ah, and it ends with more death!
Ew everyone grew out of lolis into ugl- my god, what am i saying? i'm rotten!
anyhow, A is a ton better than first season in production, and nearly completely dumping the SoL shit. And fucking talking gun staffs. love the sound effects.
Blood-C 1-3 - Looks like it follows the Golgo 13 forumula of 20 minutes non action and 2 minutes action. Seems really basic so far. Should I actually be watching this?
But can I trust youYes.
I probably would have recommended skipping straight to A's, but some of what Nanoha set up was obviously important to understanding how that world works. but yeah, A's just kind of said fuck everything and threw action in your face.
But can I trust you
Envelope is a villain but yes, you can trust him.
Wait, why am I a villain now?
She, I believe.
Which of course leads me to finding these two posts that argue that Satoshi is gay:
A lot of my conclusions have been drawn from things that, to me, are fairly obviously meant to lead us, as viewers, to certain conclusions. I would like to do a separate post about this at some point, but allow me to explain it succinctly. I think of these things as signposts things that are generally understood (whether they are accurate in real life is another matter) to be indicative of homosexuality in a character. For example, a female character who plays softball and has short hair. Here, softball and short hair would typically be assumed to be indicative of her sexual orientation; they work as signposts marking that the lady in questions enjoys the company of other ladies, wink wink, nudge nudge. Its a way for the author, the director, the whomever to out their character without saying so directly, even as they go for the stereotype to maximize audience comprehension of the characters gayness.
I would question the context, but Nunally is in Wonderland, afterall.
As for the comments on quality, I honestly didn't expect any better.
I do want to know, however, if there was anything...laughable by chance?
The world is not ready for great MILFs
You didn't die a hero.Wait, why am I a villain now?
Damn, can't I just get the thing in a few plastic cases? Hella expensive.
Wait, why am I a villain now?
I'd explain but we've been Godwin'so there's little point.That's what Hitler said.
You didn't die a hero.
Meme is the best character, clearly.I am so ready
The mistake was starting it, that and getting into the hundreds with Bleach that was a waste of time.
I got that from the explanation at the end but if the buildup to that end game is that boring I don't wanna stick it out. I watch shit for entertainment not to answer any philosophical questions because I've already figured all of those out, thanks Twilight Zone!
Anyways, I think you guys shouldn't be surprised but I guess it's because I've been so scarce recently that maybe people don't know me yet. I'm mAcOdIn, I hate most things in anime, especially recent things in anime. I like tomboys and bad ass women who don't look like tomboys. I wont hold that against them. I like Holo, Spoor, Natsume Tsujimoto, Yakushiji Ryōko, Rally Vincent, women like that. I hate tsunderes, Tessa from Full Metal Panic and, well, I really hate Tessa from Full Metal Panic. I like mecha but hate most mecha shows. I hate NGE. Somehow I liked K-on enough though that I bought a guitar! I'm most recently miffed about purchasing Ghost Slayers Ayashi only to find out they don't hunt or slay any fucking ghost at all. Did I mention I like ghosts? Kobayashi's the best VA ever! Omigawa's cool too though. Shaft's the best studio now unless they actually try, then we get crap like Nisemonogatari or Madoka Magika but more Natsu no Arashi would be great. Only things I truly have to look forward to are Bluray re-releases of past shows because I think everything recent sucks or barely straddles the watchable. I'm one of those. And once we move on to the next sweet higher-def resolution waiting for the same shows to come out on that will probably be all I have to look forward to then too, until then though I will continue to watch shit and rage at how the modern fails to capture the lost magic of the past.
Haibane Renmei 4
There's a common theme running through this episode.
Beyond that, this episode is about Rakka spending a day with Kana. Kana's an awesome spunky Makoto-type character, so I had a good time with this episode. Her boss is great too.
Everything has its place in the world of the show, and Rakka's still trying to figure out how it all fits together. The show is really taking its time in unfolding everything about the characters and what they do, so there's a lot of room for girls to do cute things while they talk about their lives. It's pretty nice to watch it once a week.
I wonder what else crows will do in episodes to come.
Nanoha StrikerS 1
wow. shit is quite different now. Not really digging armor form nanoha as an adult. Twin tails on a grownup is a bit... not to me taste.
They did a fair job introducing the new gals, and i'm all for more folks having Revolver Stake style weapons.
Having magic circle on your grappling hook is a bit silly though.
But wow, how did nanoha end up in this show... i don't even. huh.
nanoha strikers 2
so weird that this season is more military and i guess politics.
And i guess all the programs/knights from A's are just... people now? Sure why not.
oh and adult yuri. YES.
Nanoha Strikers 3
ooh training time. And speaking of which, weren't the whole cartridge system considered dangerous and what not in A's? Now everybody is using it!
The pacing of this show is so weird... they sure like to take their time now that this show is twice as long as previous ones eh?
Is it also going to have terrible CGI cars and incredibly ugly character designs?
Someone told me that after my initial viewing. I should get back to it and check it out before I forget.If you haven't tried out the dub of Sukeban Deka you're really, really missing out.
I would question the context, but Nunally is in Wonderland, afterall.
As for the comments on quality, I honestly didn't expect any better.
I do want to know, however, if there was anything...laughable by chance?
Damn, can't I just get the thing in a few plastic cases? Hella expensive.
thread over.
It was 70 I think and it was supposed to be a limited time thing... what a lie. loldidn't the Baccano bluray have a crazy price listed when it first came out and now they re-releasing the bluray at a reasonable price ($50).
kayos90 249
cajunator 249
Jexhius 151
i just don't recognize this community anymore...
Speaking of Mayaka from Hyouka is I recently game across a blog post that explains why she's such a good character -
I'd say that it'll take you a couple of minutes to read.
Everyone gets turned into cat girls and start![]()
I thought she was a penguin, not a cat.
kayos90 249
cajunator 249
Jexhius 151
i just don't recognize this community anymore...
kayos90 249
cajunator 249
Jexhius 151
i just don't recognize this community anymore...
Speaking of Mayaka from Hyouka is I recently game across a blog post that explains why she's such a good character -
I'd say that it'll take you a couple of minutes to read.
So, Hyouka. Its become my favorite currently-airing show
dat beautiful Kanna
Wait, this is a real thing? This whole time I thought this was just a running joke on this forum.
Whose the yellow haired dude in the front of the group on that lunch box
Madoka Magica pricing and episode release scheme they could go for I guess, what was that, each four episode set was 79.99?
Haibane Renmei 4
There not much to say about this episode. We get proper time between Kana and Rakka, as well as gain insight to Kana's passion while living in the run down Old Home. Kana shows herself to be the more "rough and tumble" Haibane from the Home though she has good intentions towards Rakka and wants her to get accustomed to the life they live.
I find myself wondering on probable conflicts that may arise in future episodes. RakkaHeck, I was even wondering whethernever did share that she had a crow "friend" in her birth dream, did she?would be of significance down the line because of its mark of previous curiosity in technological advancement. You know, the usual story. Anyways, my thoughts mirror the ones I had before. I don't find myself aggravated with the show, yet I wouldn't mind "something to happen." Not to greatly undermine character interaction with Rakka and humans from outside the Old Home, but an overarching event to actively keep me looking forward to the next week would add to the experience. It hasn't come yet, but once it does, I hope it's executed in an entertaining and thought-provoking fashion.the Old Home clock
The world is not ready for great MILFs
Someone told me that after my initial viewing. I should get back to it and check it out before I forget.
Penguin Musume Heart 3
Everyone gets turned into cat girls and startrapingcuddling with everyone.
But can I trust you
Whose the yellow haired dude in the front of the group on that lunch box
You mean you've never seen him before?
And you call yourself a yaoi fan?
Yuru Yuri S2 5
First segment was funny. Kyouko remains the best character. Sakurako and her little flavor of craziness has vaulted her up the standings this season. Wonder if she can keep this up.
I do take issue with the rather unorthodox decision of making the entire second segment a scenic look at an empty train station. Not sure what they were going for there.