Oh, it has buckets in it, don't you worry.
K. I have a present for you too bro.
Oh, it has buckets in it, don't you worry.
Haha, I really should have figured that out as that was essentially my feelings towards it as well.
I'll have to perhaps take a closer look as I just gave the one video a quick glance, but it does just essentially seem to be some simple mini game type activities.
better be fucking buckets cuz i heard that i'll be bawling at the end.
Indeed, I agree that the sudden change in tone here makes for an odd contrast in mood. It does seem that it was intended to be a comic relief moment for the characters to let off some steam or to show that even amongst all the tension the crew still have a light natured side to them. It's implementation combined with the music and turn back to the more serious tone immediately afterwards is a bit jarring though.
In regards to the first spoilerI'm not sure I agree that it seemed like an afterthought as the scramble button was always there and mentioned a few times,even more with just some of the camera work, I believe, as Tada was running around the ship. Although I suppose I agree with the vaccine not working and how the button was ultimately used seemed unsatisfying.
In regards to the second spoilerI agree completely with you here, that the big reveal felt obvious to me that it was most likely an instructor and they simply tried to throw in a red haring. I mentioned it would have been nice to have some of the characters fleshed out a bit more because it really did feel it could have been any number of the characters with no change really to the final product. This was one of the big disappointments I had with the film. The way they killed him off rather unceremoniously in the credit sequence came across as a little awkwardly to me as well.
In regards to the third spoilerI found the gender issues with Frol really interesting as well and was also initially felt really let down with the ending where it just seemed to be a typical guy gets the girl story. I thought afterwords though that maybe by passing the test she did prove herself capable especially when you consider the 0.1% and 3% success rate numbers mentioned at the beginning.
The post credit scene mentioned that Frol and Tada completed pilot training together so I saw them represented perhaps as equals and in the end maybe it wasn't so much about gender and her planets views on it but also more about the self and choices made and in proving him/herself in some ways it maybe didn't matter whether Frol became a male or female in the end. Although with all that said I do still feel disappointed and maybe it's just a long winded way of justifying it.
While I liked the character designs, personally I felt for characters that were supposed to be coming from different regions of space that many of them felt too human like and wished they seemed a bit different in appearance.
Personally for some of the issues it has I like it enough that I think people should maybe watch the film at least once.
Summer is ending up pretty dismal on the whole but you may enjoy Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, Natsuyuki Rendezvous, Joshiraku, Tari Tari, or Bimbougami ga!, which are the only shows with any redeeming qualities.
Nobody likes UtakoiIf you want to watch a show that started this season, I cannot recommend Natsuyuki Rendezvous enough; its voice direction has been a revelation to me and the understated and naturalistic way it handles drama is refreshing. I hope other anime directors take lessons from Kou Matsuo. Otherwise, Hyouka has been out-of-this-world lately; the end of the film arc and the entire festival arc is near perfection. I'll also throw in a recommendation for my secret favorite show Yurumates 3D, the best 3-minute show this year.
Ohhh god. Yes there are buckets of something in it >_
If it won't scare you away again, how's OP coming along, Hosanna?
Nobody likes Utakoi
Anyway welcome back guys, I missed you
Long story short, I had terrible stress building up for months and I had a hypochondriac episode that triggered a panic attack that I couldn't shut off for two weeks. MP was too busy trying to gather his marbles to watch anime or have any fun in general. I'll probably be okay now, though if I disappear again it may mean that there's been a death of someone very close to me that I've been dreading for a while and some of you know about.
So, you a Curebro or have you just been following the release of the game?
To be honest, ever since my first post, for some reason everyone here just assumed I was male even though I never stated nor implied that I was![]()
We might never see him post again. Great.![]()
Well fuck...
Seriously, welcome back Hosanna! You too Mad Pierrot! All we need is Miri and the gang will all be here.
Manyuu Hikenchou. Finish what he started.
I'm not here. Thanks.
Who are you?
Nobody likes Utakoi![]()
If it won't scare you away again, how's OP coming along, Hosanna?
I'm _______. You guys can't see me because I died to fandeath. It's okay. It's not yall's fault. Just don't fight, okay?
I will shoulder his burden in this time of need.
Manyuu Hikenchou 1
That's ... uh some secret sword style and that's ... uh some sort of punishment for Kaede. I suppose jealousy is quite the ugly thing. This is simultaneously more and less graphic than I expected too.
This whole premise is ridiculous though.
Hosanna. Eureka 7.![]()
I'm _______. You guys can't see me because I died to fandeath. It's okay. It's not yall's fault. Just don't fight, okay?
A g-g-g-ghost!
So what else is not airing besides AO during the Olympics?
So what else is not airing besides AO during the Olympics?
Tsuritama short film/novel is out.
It looks fucking, disgustinglycute.
Tsuritama short film/novel is out.
It looks fucking, disgustinglycute.
Are any of you fans of Oh Edo Rocket?
I started watching that the other day. Its pretty bizarre but a lot of fun. I don't really know what to make of it yet (2 episodes)
I like this development.
DidTapioca have cute baby ducks?
The problem is that once you let out the steam you can't pull it back in. Why someone thought inserting that scene right before the dramatic climax was a good idea is a mystery to me. It's especially annoying because the time wasted on it could have been spent on much needed characterization instead.
If Tada had ended up pressing the scramble button when he was about to during the chase sequence, I would have liked its use better than what ended up happening. The decision to press it by the group felt too easy as well; surely everyone wouldn't agree so readily to failing just because of the potential of Frol dying.
Perhaps the film could have sold Frol's decision to become a woman had it delved more into her internal struggle about her gender identity. But as presented it was nothing more than the teary girl wilting into the arms of the strong guy. It didn't help that Frol's frailty was emphasized at several points, making the ending feel like she wasn't cut out to be a man after all.
It's no Star Wars cantina, certainly, but I didn't have a problem with it. The bigger problem is that, aside from, the varying alien cultures weren't clearly portrayed, which of course links into the issue of generally lacking characterization.the Menir
Nafe: Wait, please clarify. Are you trying to correct us or remarking on the assumption?
Are any of you fans of Oh Edo Rocket?
I started watching that the other day. Its pretty bizarre but a lot of fun. I don't really know what to make of it yet (2 episodes)
I agree with the bold part here. Although I guess I will admit to laughing at a couple of the pies to the face, or whatever they were again.
The decision did seem a bit odd at first when earlier the king almost went and shot Ganga, even though he was their only source of a vaccine. For the ending though, such as with the instructors speech, I suppose it was to show how everyone had come together after all their hardships and to help further justify their pass. If they had ended where you mentioned it would have shown that they failed as a team to trust and work together which isn't the message they wanted to get across. In the end though there were probably better ways they could have carried it out.
Yeah, if they had taken the time to develop Frol and Tada's relationship more it might not have left such a sour feeling about the decision. I suppose within the story you could say days went past but to the viewer it seems their relationship develops pretty fast. Even in general I suppose, proposing to someone after you've only known them for less than two months is rather quick even in reality. It's also true that for supposedly being gender neutral they did seem to basically emphasize/imply that Frol had stereotypical female traits with things such as her strength.
The little bit about the past and cultures that they did reveal I thought was interesting but I agree that it would have been nice if they explored that a little deeper.
I was remarking on the assumption but I may also still be female. To be honest I don't really want to give out any personal information such as gender, age or country if that's okay.
Nafe, forever anonymous.I was remarking on the assumption but I may also still be female. To be honest I don't really want to give out any personal information such as gender, age or country if that's okay.
Nafe, forever anonymous.![]()
Nafe is clearly a Kyuubei. Here to make contracts with us and sap our depression after giving us hope!
Wow, I have a lot of catching-up to do.
I was remarking on the assumption but I may also still be female. To be honest I don't really want to give out any personal information such as gender, age or country if that's okay.