Hyouka - 16
I need something interesting to watch now.

I need something interesting to watch now.
Thanks, I'll post this week's Top10 for comparison:
1. Kamen Rider Fourze & Go-Busters
2. Umizaru 4
3. Wolf Children
4. new Pokemon film
5. Dark Knight Rises
6. Madagascar 3
7. new Naruto film
8. Eight Ranger
9. Another
10. Helter Skelter
Mal was in a 12 episode TV series where he was the main character. Han Solo is a supporting character in a film trilogy. Mal has more development by definition. Similarly, Drake stars in 6+ hour games, while Indy stars in 90 minute movies.
Your argument seems like "they're more 'complex' so they're better", but that seems like the sort of argument that'd make Xenosaga the greatest story ever told. The quality of writing matters more than the quantity.
How well do US blockbusters typically fare in Japan?
I need something interesting to watch now.
Hyouka - 16
I need something interesting to watch now.
Depends on the "blockbuster" really. It can vary greatly for reasons I never fully understood since I haven't really done any research into the releases. I believe the popularity of a theatrical run could also vary depending on the availability of sub/dub screenings nationwide, release delay from the US opening, etc.
Depends on the "blockbuster" really. It can vary greatly for reasons I never fully understood since I haven't really done any research into the releases. I believe the popularity of a theatrical run could also vary depending on the availability of sub/dub screenings nationwide, release delay from the US opening, etc.
Sora No Woto 8
Filler episode, apart fromRio answering the phone.
Good point - I had hoped they'd give Yen figures as well but apparently not. In this instance it doesn't matter because clearly Wolf Children's doing better anyway.
The last top 10 was:
1. Umizaru 4 (long-running manga adaptation about coastguards)
2. Dark Knight Rises
3. new Naruto film
4. Wolf Children
5. new Pokemon film
6. Eight Ranger (Johnny's boyband promo movie)
7. Helter Skelter (psychological thriller - manga won the Tezuka award so might be vaguely classy? A little Perfect Blue esque from the sound of things)
8. Brave
9. Spiderman
10. Nanoha movie
The ending was actually kind of touching.
That would be something I would be interested in. Certain superhero movies are far more popular overseas compared to the states and I wonder if that's tied to anything.
It would be interesting to find how much Us movies sell, on average, in Japan proportional to the US home market. Do anime movies typically top the charts?
Haibane Renmei 5
Today's featured Haibane is Nemu.
This episode made effective use of Rakka's curiosity. I like how they developed the "Beginning of the World" theme over the course of the episode.
Here also marks the introduction of an entirely different nest of Haibane, who have some kind ofconnection with Reki's past. It's kind of weird seeing an angel "biker gang", but I'm now more curious about what happened earlier. It sounds like Old Home was pretty empty not long ago.
The show keeps gliding along. At times it makes early Hyouka seem like gripping drama, but it's still pulling me in deeper. The Old Home gang is becoming like a real group of people. They're taking on more dimension the more I see them.
You're watching the wrong series. Of course the mystery will end up being trivial. I thought the film arc would have made that perfectly clear.
There's no "average" though, because like I said, stuff which are really popular in the US don't always translate to the same popularity in Japan, and some stuff which are less popular in the US might do really well in Japan, or somethings a huge movie does really well in both territories.
That's the last 5 years of yearly charts on Box Office Mojo since we're comparing with US sales. The market in Japan is much smaller than the US, but the top movies of the year are generally expected to make about 100 million judging from the charts.
Unless it's a Miyazaki movie, anime movies pretty much have no chance to top the annual charts. Most of the really successful ones tend to do about 40-50 million tops (even non-Miyazaki Ghibli movies!). The top movies of each year are usually Hollywood blockbusters with a shitload of marketing behind them and having broad international appeal, and big domestic Japanese live action movies with popular stars.
So GAF any of the recently aired new anime series worth watching?
Also, lat ep. of Fairy Tail I watched was 128, which I believe is part of a filler, should I bother watching the remaing eps. after that or just skip to a certain ep.?
So GAF any of the recently aired new anime series worth watching?
Also, lat ep. of Fairy Tail I watched was 128, which I believe is part of a filler, should I bother watching the remaing eps. after that or just skip to a certain ep.?
So GAF any of the recently aired new anime series worth watching?
Also, lat ep. of Fairy Tail I watched was 128, which I believe is part of a filler, should I bother watching the remaing eps. after that or just skip to a certain ep.?
So GAF any of the recently aired new anime series worth watching?
Also, lat ep. of Fairy Tail I watched was 128, which I believe is part of a filler, should I bother watching the remaing eps. after that or just skip to a certain ep.?
In SAO, if people can use an exploit to kill you in your sleep why don't they just lock the door? Or lean a chair against it? Or leave their hands down their pants?
If there is an eavesdropping skill and such perhaps there is a lockpicking one? They should have a rule where you cant die in a town though.
No amount of lockpicking can defeat the old chair against the door trick.
That doesn't actually work. Unless the floor causes a lot of friction, like if it has a carpet.
Haibane Renmei 5
Enter Nemu the librarian.
*Jumping to an important piece of information Nemu shares* She informs Rakka ofanother faction of Haibane. My assumption is that their existence feeds the parallel for the common label, "wrong side of the tracks", in terms of the race. Additionally, Reki seems to be moderately acquainted with the group. This element will most definitely be expanded on in the future (I think). Though, I question how important the specifics really are. Perhaps the Haibane Reki eloped with got her into smoking?
All the while, Rakka contemplates her place in this new world (again). She has a hunger for knowledge seemingly hidden from her conscious on her whereabouts before Haibane birth and the worth of her life after the fact.
Furthermore, when Nemu readsher Beginning of the World book aloud, she mentions the Haibane as mistakes while humans were the "correct product." Is this a sense of inferiority amongst some Haibane or is it simply an explanation to their (apparent) smaller numbers than humans?
In any case, things are taking their time, but I see the world-building potentially paying off later on. "Potentially." I look forward to seeing more of the environment fleshed out (as well as what I mentioned last week).
It would be funny if the games has some bugs
like some people are stuck in a wall or something.
Actually the resting rooms in SAO are programmed to be 100% unbreakable/crackable so no amount of high level lockpick can break into the room. Players are safe when sleeping in a inn.In SAO, if people can use an exploit to kill you in your sleep why don't they just lock the door? Or lean a chair against it? Or leave their hands down their pants?
That's not a real thing or?
That's not a real thing or?
Wolf Children
That was amazing. Absolutely, stunningly amazing. The core is so very simple but it's told with such elegance and restraint that it's- oh, man. I'm going to go out and watch it in a cinema again when it launches in September.
I just have From Up On Poppy Hill left to watch, I'll do that tomorrow.
The old bug in WoW where you'd get stuck in the looting animation would be pretty great. People just sliding around everywhere while crouching.It would be funny if the games has some bugs
like some people are stuck in a wall or something.
I thought you were going to say "why are you going to design a character like that, she looks awful". You've let me down.
oda nobuna no yabou - 05
- Man, why did Hanbei have to go from a dapper priest dude to a uguu~ loli.
1.- You'd think that after all this time he'd have to change out of his school clothes. I wonder how much he smells. Perhaps it's the musk that draws in all the lolis.
2.- I think Asai is a girl. That knife gives it away.
- Oda continues to be completely useless.
- Will keep watching.
Asai sound like a dude though!
Wolf Children
That was amazing. Absolutely, stunningly amazing. The core is so very simple but it's told with such elegance and restraint that it's- oh, man. I'm going to go out and watch it in a cinema again when it launches in September.
I just have From Up On Poppy Hill left to watch, I'll do that tomorrow.
Sora No Woto 7.5
SDBurton would approve.