B+ level 21 Mitsu.Also just got destroyed by an instant kill for the first time in a ranked match. Damn Yukiko.
Is it worth it to spend time practicing defending against IKs? I've only seen it used once, but it was pretty damn humiliating...
Is it worth it to spend time practicing defending against IKs? I've only seen it used once, but it was pretty damn humiliating...
So I think I'm going to settle on either Naoto or Yukiko. Elizabeth will have to wait awhile as I find Naoto and Yukiko a bit more enjoyable to play at the moment. I'd say a week of training and I'll finally be ready to play online. How hard is it to reach C rank and level 30 for those trophies?
It's worth it to know how they work so you don't get randomed out by one and feel stupid
wait what? I need dat info.
It's worth it to know how they work so you don't get randomed out by one and feel stupid
Finally got my copy today and been getting accustomed to the systems and the characters. I'm 28/30 on Naoto's challenges and spent a long time doing 28 because I couldn't get used to the timing on some of it but finally did it. woohoo.
So I think I'm going to settle on either Naoto or Yukiko. Elizabeth will have to wait awhile as I find Naoto and Yukiko a bit more enjoyable to play at the moment. I'd say a week of training and I'll finally be ready to play online. How hard is it to reach C rank and level 30 for those trophies?
I need an arcade stick, or at least a better controller. Too many times the game has registered 236A as Aigis and I did not intend to input that. Fucking terrible PS3 DPad.
If I was playing on the PS3 I'd totally snag that Hori P4A stick.
level 30 takes time but super easy to get. C is relatively easy. I just happen to get smoked repeatedly by the same naoto (I was a B when she was a C, ended up shes now a B and I'm a C) several times. It jsut takes a few win streaks to get to C very fast.
Yukiko takes decent work. You have to learn the different normals like 1D 2D and 3D, 1B 2B and 3B. Be ready to play with little to no mistakes because it only takes 3-4 to lose with her against some of the cast since she has poor options once in the corner.
Naoto I would say would be very strong. She can deal amazing dmg (7k in corner), has solid zoning, and her IK will still gib people that don't know how to deal with it.
Thank you too for the info sir.Not that hard considering there are a lot of people online that don't play fighting games but want to pick their waifu or like Persona RPGs, but I'm not sure how the ranking system works. I just had a 17 game streak with Teddie and fought only people my rank or higher but haven't gotten the "Win to Rank Up" screen yet. I'm currently stuck at C+.
Amazon also has it for $52.48 right now actually.I'm getting awful tempted to pick this up while the Newegg deal is still live, and I'd be on 360. Haven't finished Persona 4 yet though, got 30 hours in back in 08 and stopped for some reason...
Let me know how much you regret having opened your game.![]()
Anything really, even that WWE stick, would be an improvement over what I have now. It's hard to input combos and not damage your hand when your entire thumb is bigger than the fricking pad itself. Neigh impossible to preform some of Aigis's more delicate combos.
You can totally tell Labrys was added into arcade mode after the end release. She has no event scenes and you get a "CONGRATULATIONS!" for winning instead of an actual ending, lol...
Honestly, my arcade stick was probably my best gaming purchase in awhile. I'd try grabbing a pretty cool stick for a first one since it will accompany you for awhile, especially if you plan on sticking with fighting games.
Yeah, but a stick purchase is still a long ways off. I was thinking of going with a universal stick (Lookin at the Eightarcs...) but such a purchase won't be until December at the earliest.
My only real options are possibly the WWE stick in a few months, or something in the $50-60 price range. Maybe.
Anything really, even that WWE stick, would be an improvement over what I have now. It's hard to input combos and not damage your hand when your entire thumb is bigger than the fricking pad itself. Neigh impossible to preform some of Aigis's more delicate combos.
You can totally tell Labrys was added into arcade mode after the end release. She has no event scenes and you get a "CONGRATULATIONS!" for winning instead of an actual ending, lol...
Kinda funny how she's the main character of the game
I actually do own a stick but I only bought it since I want to mod it to a hitbox.
I would have sold you my stick Marshuu but I never shipped anything before. Well I did once awhile back but that's it.
I couldn't buy it right now even if I wanted it.![]()
I couldn't buy it right now even if I wanted it.![]()
Is such a thing even possible? How do you change out the stick recognition board thingy?
Oh well.
Also, do not drop Aigis. I'm sticking with her. She's supposedly great for a reason and I'm going to see why.
I hate how for a P4 game I find myself maining two P3 characters and losing interest in the one I wanted to main most (Chie). I dunno. She is still my favorite character in the series though.
That's the hard part. Soldering the PCB is pretty easy but buying a separate box, buttons ect. is gonna be pretty expensive. Still a lot cheaper than buying one though.
Oh well.
Also, do not drop Aigis. I'm sticking with her. She's supposedly great for a reason and I'm going to see why.
I hate how for a P4 game I find myself maining two P3 characters and losing interest in the one I wanted to main most (Chie).
Sticks for for weaklings anyway. Fightpad or bust.
I sorta wish I had a stick ;_;
Oh well.
Also, do not drop Aigis. I'm sticking with her. She's supposedly great for a reason and I'm going to see why.
I hate how for a P4 game I find myself maining two P3 characters and losing interest in the one I wanted to main most (Chie). I dunno. She is still my favorite character in the series though.
I have a feeling I'll have the same problem. The character I'm least interested in is Labrys (She is the only Persona character whose design I actively dislike), but I'm reading everywhere that she is the most similar to Hakumen, so it will probably end up who I play as online.
I'm starting to wonder if it's actively possible to hate Labrys after playing story mode. She's just too charming. :3
Mhmm, I'm hearing a lot of good things about her in Story Mode (And the mode in general), but I don't think it will change my mind on her design. Way too sci-fi anime for me.
Shit, I feel so stupid not having found this myself!Ok young padawan: When you throw someone out of the corner or anywhere midscreen, do EX bufula immediately which forces them to block it if they tech up back or neutral, and you're in a good position if they tech forward. If they block it, run up and jump behind them with jB. If it hits the ice freezes them and you get a full combo. This is why I was saying before that EX Bufula is her best meter usage. I'll let you figure out the other reasons on your own, I'm giving away a lot of super specific stuff lately.
I can't sleepI keep waking up every 2 hours wanting to play this game more
I can't sleepI keep waking up every 2 hours wanting to play this game more
Taking a break from this for a bit to play Persona 4 Golden.
New feature spoiler:The SOS feature's amusing, haha. Free HP and SP! It's like everyone in Japan (and people who imported) are raising a Spirit Bomb to help me throughout dungeons.
I'd get on andtry my luck against youplay with you, but I'm watching the rhythmic gymnastics finals.![]()
Pervert! jk jk
So I feel stupid but last night messing around I found out you can jump cancel S.Lab's 5A........ LOL
Getting killed by two ffffUCKing combos seems to be very ffffUCKing common when you're playing as Naoto /RAGE
I am now more knowledgeable about something I never asked!Pervert? Well, I am bisexual.... =p
I need to try out Shadow Labrys, I haven't really given her much consideration because I don't see too many of her in online play.