thats a lot of endgame content
Yearly expansions!
thats a lot of endgame content
Yearly expansions!
A never ending hell.
Glop will NEVER be animated so you'll never know about it
Ah, but I already do know about it.
I just won't see the only interesting event I've picked up from Sword Art Online animated!
It will be a movie about penguins turning into cars.
Kamba and Shouma will replace Anthy and Utena in the ending sequence, you read it first here.
I'm only referring to mammalianized title.No thanks. I'm really not ready for an interspecies romance involving penguins.
No thanks. I'm really not ready for an interspecies romance involving penguins.
Glop doesn't exist. That never happened. It never will.
Don't like Okarin and the supporting cast push too many VN cliche buttons for me, not funny to me, I find Kaiji ridiculous, hate battle shounen, not funny to me, don't like any of the characters.
I have very, VERY particular tastes in anime these days. I think I only finished two shows last year - Penguin Drum and Blood C. And I genuinely like Blood C a LOT.
Thus far this year I've only finished Apollon and will hopefully finish Natsuyuki Rendezvous, but everything else I started I either didn't like or got bored with after a single cour (Space Bros.and Seiya Omega).
I'm not saying there weren't other shows of a good standard - I cb recognise a well made show when I see it even if it isn't to my taste (shows like Gurrenn Lagann, for instance) But PingDrum had me tuning in religiously each week, overanalysing every minute of it, marvelling at the invention behind it all etc. And that's the kind of thing I want from anime - to be inspired and impressed.
ufotable line at c82 = lol![]()
I hate the freckles on Lizbet. Ugh. Also her hair color along with the hair style? meh....
ufotable line at c82 = lol
Such a fun show to watch. Everything they talk about is absolutely retarded, but that's also what makes it great.
Joshiraku is much ado about Cute nothings.
Its wonderful.
Yep. Those girls are really something.
Those girls actually make me want to watch the show but it seems like a boring premise. Still though, those are some good looking characters.
Those girls actually make me want to watch the show but it seems like a boring premise. Still though, those are some good looking characters.
Gundam Wing 44 - 49 (end)
Really amazing. I struggle to find anything that I disliked about it beyond Relena's initial presentation and voice acting showing but. Thus far my favorite protagonists and story of the Gundams Ive seen, with Duo, Quatre, and Heero being my favorites. Wufei was alright but a bit too much of an on his own type of guy and Trowa was just Trowa, just the happy medium normal type of guy. The chemistry between the Gundam pilots was great whenever two of them interacted and when there four or five they were really memorable. They are all such great friends and really Quatre or Duo with everyone else was the highlight. Duo had the best personality, Heero with the best MS skills, Quatre for excellent strategy and ability to round them all up, Duo for best MS and nickname (God of Death, Deathsythe), and Trowa for best support. Everyone bonding with the Gundams was well done and even trusting in them too. Triez and Zechs were also good and delivered on the type of storyline with best friends fighting that I like for stories to have as they always make for really emotional and intense dramatic moments and both characters always had great lines and philosophical speecheswhen she finally actually rose to power and contributed to some interesting moments with Dorothy for awhile and at least made Heero seem somehwat sentimental at times, I was kind of thinking she ended up being somewhat decent. Noin and Une were definitely really well done and a valuable asset to have for all times in the anime too, so I must commend them.and thank goodness for Triez's development of mobile suits and taking part in fighting as well as Zechs rise to power on the frontlines of space
Plot10, probably on my favorite anime ever list.It seemed every group of 10 episodes got better and better. The best was the constant shift in who the enemy was with it being the Alliance, then Oz, then Romefeller, then White Fang, then all, and how the leaders shuffled out to lead to the ultimate match up with Libre and using it against Earth, just the final nine episodes had me on edge as they threatened to destroy the world and all armed weapons. Whoever wrote this did a good job with both characters, suspense, and drama.
Thanks to those whom suggested it! Thanks to anime channel/bandai for having it all on youtube and keeping the comments enabled, there were some really hilarious comments (and spoilers)...but it was entertaining. And I guess I will now check out Endless Waltz...and then browse those 40000 gundam wing fanfics, and what in the world is Frozen teardrop?
Dynamic yet boring.
there's method in his madnessThe premise is that Kumeta has shit to say and "cute Rakugo girls" is what he pulled out of his hat of deranged ramblings he wrote down while high on coke one weekend afternoon.
You should watch Gundam Seed.
You should watch Gundam Seed.
Alright so quick qustion. It's hard to keep up with anime these days and I just wanted to ask what anime's have been god so far. Right now im watching hyouka, sword art online, and oda nobunaga. Anything i'm missing?my waifu irisu
Alright so quick qustion. It's hard to keep up with anime these days and I just wanted to ask what anime's have been god so far. Right now im watching hyouka, sword art online, and oda nobunaga. Anything i'm missing?my waifu irisu
Dog days' 6
HOLY FUCK. Action, pervert, star eyes, hnnngprincess, this is the doggest of dog days.
But seriously, this hair. :O
Gundam Wing 44 - 49 (end)
Really amazing. I struggle to find anything that I disliked about it beyond Relena's initial presentation and voice acting showing but. Thus far my favorite protagonists and story of the Gundams Ive seen, with Duo, Quatre, and Heero being my favorites. Wufei was alright but a bit too much of an on his own type of guy and Trowa was just Trowa, just the happy medium normal type of guy. The chemistry between the Gundam pilots was great whenever two of them interacted and when there four or five they were really memorable. They are all such great friends and really Quatre or Duo with everyone else was the highlight. Duo had the best personality, Heero with the best MS skills, Quatre for excellent strategy and ability to round them all up, Duo for best MS and nickname (God of Death, Deathsythe), and Trowa for best support. Everyone bonding with the Gundams was well done and even trusting in them too. Triez and Zechs were also good and delivered on the type of storyline with best friends fighting that I like for stories to have as they always make for really emotional and intense dramatic moments and both characters always had great lines and philosophical speecheswhen she finally actually rose to power and contributed to some interesting moments with Dorothy for awhile and at least made Heero seem somehwat sentimental at times, I was kind of thinking she ended up being somewhat decent. Noin and Une were definitely really well done and a valuable asset to have for all times in the anime too, so I must commend them.and thank goodness for Triez's development of mobile suits and taking part in fighting as well as Zechs rise to power on the frontlines of space
Plot10, probably on my favorite anime ever list.It seemed every group of 10 episodes got better and better. The best was the constant shift in who the enemy was with it being the Alliance, then Oz, then Romefeller, then White Fang, then all, and how the leaders shuffled out to lead to the ultimate match up with Libre and using it against Earth, just the final nine episodes had me on edge as they threatened to destroy the world and all armed weapons. Whoever wrote this did a good job with both characters, suspense, and drama.
Thanks to those whom suggested it! Thanks to anime channel/bandai for having it all on youtube and keeping the comments enabled, there were some really hilarious comments (and spoilers)...but it was entertaining. And I guess I will now check out Endless Waltz...and then browse those 40000 gundam wing fanfics, and what in the world is Frozen teardrop?
I thought it had too many
I have a figurine of princess Biscotti and her ahoge is the stuff of dreams.
So adorable it hurts.
Alright so quick qustion. It's hard to keep up with anime these days and I just wanted to ask what anime's have been good so far. Right now im watching hyouka, sword art online, and oda nobunaga. Anything i'm missing?my waifu irisu