We...we can't be friends after this betrayal.
Can't be helped, Instro.
We...we can't be friends after this betrayal.
I want my own Milhi
Dog Dads' 6
Thought we were going to get a real villain for the series, but Calvados seems like an alright guy. Does make me thing there's going to be some kind of conflict down the line though.
pet girls is the ultimate objectification
our animal eared friends should be treated as equals!
*pets UChip
Hyouka 13-16:
I.......I think I might have to go back and watch their entire repertoire now.
kind of reminds me of KO Traveling Hobo's avatar
Dude...your eye is looking a bit somethin' there.
Start with their Key anime!
Hyouka 13-16:
I don't even know where to begin in discussing this series of episodes because everything about them was so superbly magnificent in every conceivable way that I'm still trying to process the visual, narrative, and directorial splendor that I was exposed to tonight. Although a bit late to feeling this way I am now absolutely in love with the series and can only hope for it to finish strong after coming off of this truly spectacular festival arc. KyoAni how do you do it
I.......I think I might have to go back and watch their entire repertoire now.
Start with their Key anime!
Hellsing OVA - 01
After catching the promo for the 10th and I believe final episode of the Hellsing OVA I decided to play some catch up. Considering how it's been awhile since I've last seen it (episode 7 was the last one I saw) I figured I'd be better off starting from the beginning. Get that whole experience and whatnot.
I forgot how crazy this show is with the gore and violence, not that I'm complaining in this case since we are dealing with ghouls, vampires, and everything else that is unholy. And holy crap at the gun detail, even the casings look sexy.. especially with that slowmo goodness.
Seras is awesome. I was always fondof her struggle in fighting to keep the last bit of humanity had left as she continued to face trials that encouraged her to embrace her new life as a vampire. Really looking forward to seeing her development over the course as she comes to terms with what she has become.
Oh yeah, Alucard is so boss.
How is Natsume's Book of Friends? The premise seems ok but I can see it get rather boring after a couple of episodes.
Hellsing OVA - 01
It's all that Brain's Base has left, as a studio, to temporarily slow their rapid decline into complete irrelevance.
Nichijou 23
...right? RIGHT?!?!?!?
I'm only just starting to catch up with this thread after a two-day absence so I don't even know what that means. Can you explain?
Rinne no Lagrange 17
Somewhere along the way this show got seriously lost in muddled space politics, with the character relationships becoming more diluted as the story moves further and further along. Somehow things flew even further off the deep end in this episode and there quite legitimately is nothing other than the music bringing me back anymore.
I'm only just starting to catch up with this thread after a two-day absence so I don't even know what that means. Can you explain?
I still maintain that Rinne no Lagrange has always had an identity problem and the it was never really clear when, if ever, the show was going to settle down to focus on any one thing in particular.
Boy do I have news for you...
I'm not letting myself get too excited until I know more, but still, SHGKSDGHDKSGHKDGHFKLGHFLKD.
There is a mysterious new website related to penguindrum that says "penguinbear"
Boy do I have news for you...
I'm not letting myself get too excited until I know more, but still, SHGKSDGHDKSGHKDGHFKLGHFLKD.
I still maintain that Rinne no Lagrange has always had an identity problem and the it was never really clear when, if ever, the show was going to settle down to focus on any one thing in particular.
Oh man, this looks amazing. Can't wait for fake action scenes by KyoGods
So it worked?I like Rinne a lot for various reasons, but the show came off as way too forced.
It was very obviously desperately trying to appeal to the otaku.
So it worked?
So it worked?
Based off it's sales figures, not really.
Well, I don't really know what to say about that. If Brain's Base's marketing strategy is going to be anything like the one the one they executed during the build-up to Penguin Drum we're not going to know anything about anything for a while.
I am slightly confused about what any of this might mean because I don't really feel like there's anything more that needs to be said about the world and characters of Penguin Drum.
I just hope that it turns out to be something more exciting than an iPhone game.
Man, I wonder how that feels to be one of the animators or staff that worked on the show and to see it sell badly.
Man, I wonder how that feels to be one of the animators or staff that worked on the show and to see it sell badly.
They're too busy starving to worry about that. It's not like most of them get more money if it sells well.
The slow deterioration of your spirit over the course of your posts about Nichijou warms my cockles.
Cowboy Bebop 26 [END]
It's all... a dream...
My spirit merely reflected episode quality as I continued!
Hayo Miyazaki said:Descendant of a Giant Sloth - From press conference materials for Only Yesterday November 21 1990
My old friends and I all refer to Isao Takhata, the director, by the nickname "Paku-san." Paku-san's hobbies are music and studying. He possess rarely seen and highly sensitive compositional skills, by by nature he is a real slugabed sloth. People say that humans are descended from apes, but when we look around the studio, we sometimes wonder if the pig character Cho Hakkai, or Zhu Bajie as the Chinese call him, in Saiyuki, or aliens from Ganymede. And if that's the case, then when all is said and done Paku-san must be the descendant of some giant sloth that once crawled the planes of earth in the Pilocene era.
The first feature animation that he worked on was Toei Animation's Little Norse Prince Valiant. I was on the production staff too, so it does indeed seem ridiculous for me to praise him too much, but I've always believed you should have a different view of a work after the production than you did before. With Little Norse Prince Valiant, Paku-san really proved that animation has the power to depict the inner mind of humans in depth. However, he also showed how risky and scary it was for a corporation to make him the director of a feature-length film. A production that was supposed to take a year was delayed once, then delayed again - by the time it was finally completed I had gotten married, had my first son, and my son had already celebrated his first birthday.
The producers at the time-I use plural here because there was quite a turnover-are still unable to hide their anger at Paku-san [Jexhius - by the way, that movie was made 22 years before this piece was written. I guess they really hold a grudge!]. But at the same time they also speak of of him with an odd nostalgia, which all goes to show how mysterious the world of filmmaking can be.
I've worked with Paku-san on many productions since then. Of course, since he's the descendant of a giant sloth, I tend to become like the raccoon character in the manga and animation Bonobono. But sloths actually have very sharp claws, and they're hardly peace-loving animals. Sometimes they will suddenly stage ferocious attacks and slash their opponents, so it's important not to get on their bad side. Of course, I myself do not have a sufficently sterling character to find fault in others for their ferocity. I'm sure that Paku-san cuts his foes more deeply than I do.
With Paku-san, you can be guranteed that at several points in the prodcution he will begin yelling, "I can't possibly make this film!" He wants to be logical and coherent, so he will begin discussing at great length why something is impossible (and this includes projects that he himself has proposed), boring the producers or colleagues who must listen to him to the point of stupefaction. But those of us who are old friends of his will ignore him and consider it all merely an unavoidable part of the process. Of course, we do this with an enormous amount of sympathy for those who have been subjected to what he has to say...
I have had Paku-san work as a producer on several of my own films. Conversely, Only Yesterday is by no means the first film where he is the director and I the producer. I work him on a feature length documentary film called Yanagawa horiwari monogatari. It was supposed to take one year and ended up taking three, but since it was an indie film with no fixed release date there was no problem with that.
The moment I ran across Only Yesterday I knew instinctivly that Paku-san was the only person who could properly turn it into a film...The original story had highly abbreviated, manga-esque characters, so it occurred to me that-even if Paku-san were to bring his typically complicated approach to the project-we still might be able to adhere to some kind of schedule. Of course this supposition on my part would later be proved to be wildly off target, for a 27 year old adult protagonist (not in the original story) soon appeared...and the film quickly started spiralling out of control.
So I would up experiencing the same sort of fear that many other producers have when working with Paku-san. In advance of a summer release we had planned spring screenings. We had to cancel them; the production was proceeding so slowly that the entire studio seems to have been transformed into a giant sloth.
In view of this, Suzuki the producer and others realised they had to somehow corral the sloths and drive them towards the finish line. I hope that you will all keep in mind the highly intense internal struggles that went on in the background that made all this possible.
It only takes a little bit of mental gymnastics to think of Adolescence Apocalypse as a sequel, and that was pretty good.
If this turns out to be a happy meal toy or something I'm going to have to jump out the third story window of this building.
At first I was hesitant to believe that it would be an animated project, but since Ikuhara's name is attached to it, I think that it kind of has to be at this point, no? I think that a film or OVA is much more likely than a second series given Penguindrum's commercial failure, but little else in terms of meaningful speculation can be derived from the Penguinbear site at this time..
Ultimadrago is somewhere bawling his eyes out.