Reminds me of those emotion face charts we had back in elementary school.
What the...just give me Recon plz.
Reminds me of those emotion face charts we had back in elementary school.
Skyrims artbook.
dmg04 said:giving it to some girl.
dmg04 said:got me laid >.>
It just hit me, we have not seen female Spartans in action. 343 is not for gender equality. -1 sale.
Why is it that inexperienced Halo players just try to melee in all situations, especially when they are no where close to melee range, instead of just using their gun?
Serious question, makes no sense to me.
Skyrims artbook was all too badass. Silly me giving it to some girl. At least it got me laid >.>
Silly me giving it to some girl. At least it got me laid >.>
At least it got me laid >.>
It just hit me, we have not seen female Spartans in action. 343 is not for gender equality. -1 sale.
It just hit me, we have not seen female Spartans in action. 343 is not for gender equality. -1 sale.
Except for in the Anniversary videos, where the people just went around trying to AR each other (and missing) at close range and never meleeing everWhy is it that inexperienced Halo players just try to melee in all situations, especially when they are no where close to melee range, instead of just using their gun?
Serious question, makes no sense to me.
Don't tell me, it's canon!They're confirmed to be in AFIAK
Grifball does require some host, so he more than likely sucks at that too.
You asked for it...
The saddest Halo helmet I've ever seen
That's the shit you gotta unlock after dropping too many double-digit negative K/D bombas.
"I'm sorry I'm so bad, you guys"
The kids I babysit (11 and 13) often resort to sprinting + meleeing cause they just can't aim straight. Meleeing is easier and more consistent than landing five successful shots for them, I guess. I just watch and shake my head, haha.Why is it that inexperienced Halo players just try to melee in all situations, especially when they are no where close to melee range, instead of just using their gun?
Serious question, makes no sense to me.
:-(You asked for it...
The saddest Halo helmet I've ever seen
That's the shit you gotta unlock after dropping too many double-digit negative K/D bombas.
"I'm sorry I'm so bad, you guys"
Good, i have no compunctions of using others reluctance against them.
HAZOP it is what i'll wear.
then the guy from the footage unlocked it immediately
psychological warfare.
i'm not sure if i could shoot someone looking that sad.
He didn't like the iron fist of Wu ruling over how many posts he could make.The Zoo has moved to THC, code red.
Well at least you keep the toilet paper close by. ;_)
RE for 3DS 20$ on Amazon, PRIME shipping available. Going fast.
Oh god, now we are all witness to a faptermath.
I almost bought it, but I can wait for it to be even cheaper. I have way too many 3DS games I have to finish at the moment.
I burst out laughing because of the guy holding the guitar...
juices why the fuck do you have a VCR
I think it's there because of all the times he gets shit on in Halo.
Gotta get use out of all those old Porno VHS's
I almost bought it, but I can wait for it to be even cheaper. I have way too many 3DS games I have to finish at the moment.
Hahahaha wowjuices why the fuck do you have a VCR
Credit Jackpot Weekend is in Arena... and there are over 6,000 players in Arena right now. Crazy. I didn't believe that the Jackpots influenced playlist numbers this much.
edit: 6,000 people and it STILL takes me 5+ minutes to find a game. And I'm not even that good.
lol @ a forum full of video game nerds making assumptions / judgement calls on a girl who likes video games.
He didn't like the iron fist of Wu ruling over how many posts he could make.
His best bet is probably to move to somewhere NOT staffed by GAFfers.
Only you could turn that into sexism. Guy or girl, anyone who trades sex for a skyrim art book is a guaranteed gross person.
You need to stop the witch hunts.
Hey, who said the book was the ONLY thing that got me the home run?After a couple of dates, TDKR, a kickass dinner... it just sealed the deal
Oh Dragonborn, Oh dragonborn! I'm about to FUS!!! FOOOOOOOOOSSSS....
(just havin a buit of fun now)