next set of starters should be dark, psychic and ghost.
Psychic isn't supereffective against Ghrost.
next set of starters should be dark, psychic and ghost.
Psychic isn't supereffective against Ghrost.
Rock > Flying > Grass, no?
I got done setting up my wireless router at my new place with WPA, but I was thinking about switching to WEP for Pokemon. I'm trying to think if it's worth it though, since I'm not even really playing Black anymore but mainly because I couldn't connect my DS to the internet.
Or they just give you an Eevee and you decide from there.
And I'll pick a Fire Stone, come at me bros.
But Conquest and XD already did thaaaaaat...
Starters should be Grass/Flying, Fire/Rock and Water/Fighting for extra lulz.
Just do what me and Zeroth do, switch it when we need to use it for pokemon, lol.
So, no DSi/3DS?
Dream world only abilities and moves?Don't have enough to upgrade to a DSi, and have no interest in a 3DS.
Someone answer this for me, instead: besides battling/trading, is there any real reason to need online for Black/White?
Those are pretty much the reasons for online...Don't have enough to upgrade to a DSi, and have no interest in a 3DS.
Someone answer this for me, instead: besides battling/trading, is there any real reason to need online for Black/White?
Don't have enough to upgrade to a DSi, and have no interest in a 3DS.
Someone answer this for me, instead: besides battling/trading, is there any real reason to need online for Black/White?
Infernape annoyed me because it was pretty much "here's Blaziken again, only slightly better making Blaziken completely useless." Fortunately, Speed Boost managed to return Blaziken to its rightful place. .
How easy is WEP to "crack" versus WPA?
Here's our combined effort:
I think it's offset by Empoleon getting ice moves. While it doesn't get STAB for those moves, they are 4x effective against Torterra whereas both Torterra and Infernape get 2x super effective moves against their counters.Infernape annoyed me because it was pretty much "here's Blaziken again, only slightly better making Blaziken completely useless." Fortunately, Speed Boost managed to return Blaziken to its rightful place.
And while we're talking about starters, does anyone else feel like Empoleon got super-screwed in terms of its trio? I'm not talking competitively or anything, but in match-ups versus its peers. I mean, you have the grass starter slamming it with its ground type, and from the other side you have the fire starter and its fighting type. Meanwhile, Infernape and Torterra's typings work out fine against the other two starters, while Empoleon can only hit Infernape with supereffective STAB moves. Just seems like they were about to make a double circle of sorts, but then decided to screw Empoleon instead.
Is this one of those Pokemon rip-offs you see them selling at dodgy market stalls? Looks impressive for its kind
There is a reason why it is dead.t-minus 3 seconds before complaints. Medabots thread is dead, and I thought Medarot 7's coolness might interest you guys
Eh, I always found Infernape overhyped even in competitive play. Great movepool, but he never gets full coverage. And once the surprise factor wears off, I find him easy to check. And while 104 is pretty good offensive stats, I don't really see it as sweeper material. Sure he has Nasty Plot/Swords Dance, but he can't really take a hit. Not to mention Rain is omnipresent now.
I mean, he's good and worthy of OU, but not that amazing.
Maybe but he was a great wall breaker. Physical, special, all in the same set.
So Mew won that contest?
Are we getting him as a prize?
And a Mew T Shirt as well at the store called Hot Topic.
^I have a Sailor Moon shirt from Hot Topic.
Wait, I can rebattle Bianca in White?
I was not aware.
And a Mew T Shirt as well at the store called Hot Topic.
Only on weekends, I think.
pokemon games are kinda boring so i cant play them for very long at a time
What is that Arcanine planning to do in the event Gyarados is KO'd?![]()
Run on the water with Extremespeed.