TCG, VG, all the same.... Why on earth is that preschooler carrying psuedo-legendaries??
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TCG, VG, all the same.... Why on earth is that preschooler carrying psuedo-legendaries??
Is there anything else than Munna, Riolu and Swablu in Pokémon Dream Radar? I'm drowning on them.
It seems the orbs you collect in Dream Radar do determine the next search. Like collecting mostly Orange Orbs can get you access to Ralts and Blue Orbs access to Togepi. Meaning that you can't go trigger happy and have to watch what the color is. Would be nice if they explained that!
Eh different strokes, nothing to get upset about.Well the journey from Gym 6 to Gym 7 is certainly a long one,.random Virizion jumping off a cliff, i'm not sure how I feel about these legends lobbing themselves unto me, it got caught far more easily than that damn Skarmory from yesterday though
Funny story, one of my friends picked up White Version 2 today, while in the cesspool of GAME two teens behind him attempted to mock his purchasing choice as it's "a casual kids game and you look too old", upon asking them if they play a lot of games they gave a response that makes me both laugh and cry in equal measure, "yeah mate, we're hardcore gamers, we get every single COD that comes out and no one can beat me at the new FIFA"
This stupid country.
Eh different strokes, nothing to get upset about.
Eh different strokes, nothing to get upset about.
Why wouldn't it be?
The first event of the 2013 Pokémon Video Game Championships season starts today! Anyone going to a tournament?
Well the journey from Gym 6 to Gym 7 is certainly a long one,.random Virizion jumping off a cliff, i'm not sure how I feel about these legends lobbing themselves unto me, it got caught far more easily than that damn Skarmory from yesterday though
Funny story, one of my friends picked up White Version 2 today, while in the cesspool of GAME two teens behind him attempted to mock his purchasing choice as it's "a casual kids game and you look too old", upon asking them if they play a lot of games they gave a response that makes me both laugh and cry in equal measure, "yeah mate, we're hardcore gamers, we get every single COD that comes out and no one can beat me at the new FIFA"
This stupid country.
Tutor Ice Punch onto Lucario in Driftveil City.
That doesn't excuse their obnoxious behaviour, of course
Tutor Ice Punch onto Lucario in Driftveil City.
Tutor Ice Punch onto Lucario in Driftveil City.
The difference in quality isn't that different. I think I'm starting to prefer Hilda (B/W) over Rosa (B2/W2) by virtue of her looking more mature.
You don't want to fight evil by moon light?
The two look like they came out of a bad work out tape from the early 80s or something.
Damn it, it's been too long since I've seen this.
The sprites look fine though. That's all you usually ever see.
I would, but I'm desperately short of Red Shards.
Just cleaned up at Elesa's gym and one thing that is becoming clear is that unlike B/W there is no way I'm going to finish the game without a bunch of tedious grinding. Even just focusing on training 3/4 Pokemon has left me about 5-6 levels behind what other trainers have, but because they all seem to only have 1 or 2 Pokemon there isn't anywhere near enough exp on offer between gyms. Doesn't help that I'm not encountering Audinos either.
Fighting Audino's is so easy. Just find a long stretch of grass, and bike back and forth to make grass start shaking. It's usually an Audino.
Oh great. As soon as I mention having a low Audino rate, I run into one.
Yes, it can. I evolved mine shortly after I got it.So,can't evolve...?N's Zorua
I feel like I'm in the same position. In other games, I was usually 3-4 levels behind the gym leader, but when I went to go fight Elesa the first time, I was about 6-7 levels below her 'mons. I got decimated. Trying to find areas around the gym to grind and grab a 6th Pokémon.
I very rarely see shaking grass as I get way too many regular encounters. The only few times I've ever seen shaking grass I got jumped by random encounters before being able to reach the shaking patch.Fighting Audino's is so easy. Just find a long stretch of grass, and bike back and forth to make grass start shaking. It's usually an Audino.
I very rarely see shaking grass as I get way too many regular encounters. The only few times I've ever seen shaking grass I got jumped by random encounters before being able to reach the shaking patch.
The dust clouds in Relic Passage give out literally nothing but shards (and a scant few Drilbur). Farmed there for an hour or so yesterday and came out with +15 of every shard kind.
I've been farming there for half an hour, I've bagged loads of Yellow and Green shards, and not a single Red.
I'd highly recommend going back into the desert area and trying to catch yourself a Trapinch, level it up a couple of times so he learns Rock Slide (for Emolga) and make it hold an Evolite (which you get from some guy in Castelia) and it'll just wipe the floor with Elesa. If it weren't for that I simply wouldn't have stood a chance with my severely underleveled team.
From what I've seen so far, just before every gym there will be a Pokemon you can find with a really low encounter rate that can destroy the gym after levelling up a couple of times - Riolu for Cheren, Magnemite for Roxie, Grimer for Burgh and Trapinch for Elesa. It's practically like a getout clause if your team simply can't win.
Ahh! That would explain why. That happened when I was a bit distant from my router. Thanks.I get that when my signal is poor.
Everytime the Plasma grunts says PLASMA!!! I remember this:![]()