So now that I brought my Wii U home the remote synced up just fine. I'm guessing there was too much interference at my workplace which stopped the remote from syncing. This was my first time seeing the load time between different menus though and holy mother of fuck are they bad. That wasn't overblown in the least bit and its a bit embarrassing that it is taking this long to download a one gigabyte update. And apparently all it takes for the WiFi connection to stop working is for you to lightly touch the console as I did to move it when the update was like 75% done. I was scared shitless that it wouldn't resume downloading the update from where it left off, luckily that's one thing they did right.
Wait until you see how long it takes to install something you download. Essentially you shouldn't plan to play any new game you buy from the Nintendo Wii U shop on the day you buy it.