Pachter -PS4 will feature "hyperrealistic games" and "render games at 240fps"



“They’ll be able to put a lot more characters on the screen and allow for hyperrealistic games,” Pachter said.

Sony’s new console will feature graphics chips developed by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and processors capable of rendering games at 240 frames per second, Pachter said. Current-generation games typically render at 30 or 60 frames per second. As with past model changes, Sony will continue to produce and sell the almost 7-year-old PlayStation 3.

Dat next gen HYPERBOLE.

My body is ready.


Couldn't you technically make games run at 240FPS on the PlayStation 3? Or even the PlayStation 2? The games might look like crap but it's possible. It's just that it's absolutely useless for the most part. Just make it 60FPS and have the games look great, that'll do just fine for 99,9% of people.
I'm going to go vomit somewhere.
Can the mods create a joke Pachter account please and tag it? Post something to all these things and he'll vanish into irrelevance and it'll all be okay.



Sony’s new console will feature graphics chips developed by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and processors capable of rendering games at 240 frames per second, Pachter said. Current-generation games typically render at 30 or 60 frames per second. As with past model changes, Sony will continue to produce and sell the almost 7-year-old PlayStation 3.



Tomodachi wa Mahou
Pachter is onto something here. Sony should have the PS4 marketing should go the route of the PS2. Hype this machine up to fuck (even if most of it isnt true). 240 FPS sounds like a nice selling point.


Membero Americo

How old is he? Cause I think he's going fucking senile.




Neo Member
It will also clean whatever room it's in. And be backwards compatible with everything, from Space War and on.


That's the Pachter we know. Hilarious stuff. You're NOT gonna get hyperrealistic and 240fps with those specs, Mike.

And that ignores video cable bandwidth. Current HDMI chips can't even pull off 1080p@120fps. And the TV consortium sucks hiney. So good luck getting that in the next century.


I seem to remember reading this on GAF a few days ago. Maybe I had my precognition turned on.

Anyway, lol Pachter


Neo Member
Every time I think he can't sink any lower he says something like this....he's truly just a sensationalist who says random stupid crap to generate traffic.


Gold Member
insert little black kid with dreads in red shirt being blown away or something waving his hands around.
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