Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance |OT| A Blade Forged In Platinum [LAW OF THE WILD]


Did anyone here have trouble with their pre-order code from gamestop? Mine doesn't work and it gives me a message about something being wrong with the promotional offer.


The enemies have a red flash that goes with their orange glow that signals the moment you should best parry.

I was trying to time it with the glow, but it rarely seems to be the correct time to "parry" I always seem to just guard. Even if the flash is still visible, but maybe some attacks can't be parried and only are guarded? I have really no idea.

And I think at certain distances you don't even get the parry? I know I've dashed forward at enemies a few times because of this.
Casuals said:

Look at him. Look at him, and laugh.

Anyhoo, how do you get the preorder bonuses in-game? It appears you have to buy them from the in-game store with BP, but where do you enter the code in the first place?


Anyhoo, how do you get the preorder bonuses in-game? It appears you have to buy them from the in-game store with BP, but where do you enter the code in the first place?

Supposed to redeem it through the dashboard on 360 or through PS Store. Mine won't work though.
I feel absolutely retarded, I can't get down the parry timing at fucking all. Half the time I block, which I THINK is late timing? A quarter of the time I fucking dash at the enemy and the other quarter I swing the sword hopelessly at my attacker doing nothing. Why does the damn X button have to do everything in the game?

Blocking is parrying too early, not too late.

If you start just mashing parry as soon as you see an attack cue, you'll most likely atleast block it, and it'll work up til maybe past Hard difficulty, with a few exceptions (those become obvious very quickly). Don't try to parry when nobody looks like they're attacking, there are no fast attack startups in this game so don't panic, you have plenty of time and you don't need to predict. Yellow attacks cannot be parried/blocked, so you have to evade those.
Look at him. Look at him, and laugh.

Anyhoo, how do you get the preorder bonuses in-game? It appears you have to buy them from the in-game store with BP, but where do you enter the code in the first place?

Oh lol. Once you figure out how to parry (or at least guard) properly hard mode isn't that tough. And thats with me spending my first 20k on the grayfox suit. You enter the code into the psn store btw.


So did anyone else get the limited edition?
Is it supposed to like "hiss" when it's on the plasma setting. I really like the lamp I just don't trust it.

Also does anyone else's lamp turn green?
Like its spraying the plasma only on the top and not around the entire lamp?
The difference between hard and very hard is rather significant.... I can only imagine what the hardest difficulty is like...
It's probably because you can choose Hard right off the bat, and have to go through the game once before unlocking Very Hard. They had to account for people with zero upgrades going through Hard, but since you're expected to have these upgrades after the first playthrough, the jump in difficulty is significant.
I was trying to time it with the glow, but it rarely seems to be the correct time to "parry" I always seem to just guard. Even if the flash is still visible, but maybe some attacks can't be parried and only are guarded? I have really no idea.

And I think at certain distances you don't even get the parry? I know I've dashed forward at enemies a few times because of this.

You CAN parry any orange attack, but some are definitely more finicky (Gecko kicks, for example). Yellow attacks have to be dodged or dealt with by QTE. If you're just guarding (blocking damage without countering) then you're either early or late in timing. To parry, the defense needs to happen just before the attack connects. Maybe it would be easier if you locked onto one enemy and practiced, since the lock-on will be the direction to press toward.
It's probably because you can choose Hard right off the bat, and have to go through the game once before unlocking Very Hard. They had to account for people with zero upgrades going through Hard, but since you're expected to have these upgrades after the first playthrough, the jump in difficulty is significant.

I hadn't thought of it like that.

I'll stick with hard until I'm done.. and then go back through on very hard :)
So did anyone else get the limited edition?
Is it supposed to like "hiss" when it's on the plasma setting. I really like the lamp I just don't trust it.

Also does anyone else's lamp turn green?
Like its spraying the plasma only on the top and not around the entire lamp?

I think the hissing is just the electricity doing its thang. Mine is also greenish at the very top, where the plasma comes from but it still sends the lightning all over.

I also just found out that if you flip the power switch down, instead of up, it doesn't turn on the plasma, just the LED's.
Here's the unlocks

HF Muramasa Blade - Complete the game on any difficulty
Stun Blade - Collect all Data Storage items (20 I believe)
Armor Breaker - Collect all ID Chips (Left hands, 30 pieces)
HF Long Sword - Finish all VR Missions with 1st rank
HF Wooden Sword - Find the 5 men in boxes
HF Machete - Collect 10 Data Storage Items
Pole Arm - Complete R01
Sai - Complete R03
Pincer - Complete R04

I still don't know why I haven't unlocked both the
stun blade and machete.

Mariachi - Complete R02
Custom Desperado - Complete R04
Suit - Complete R00 on Very Hard
Standard (your R00 suit) - Finish game on Very Hard/Rev
Custom Red - Complete 30% of VR Missions
Custom Blue - Complete 50% of VR
Custom Yellow - Complete all VR
Original & Gray Fox - DLC/Preorder

Wig A - Infinite sub weapon ammo - Finish on normal or higher + 10 ID Chips
Wig B - Infinite FC - Normal or higher + 20 ID chips
Blade Mode - Hard or higher + 30 ID chips
<- I'm missing this unlock as well

So I'm going to try beating the last chapter on Revengeance to see if it unlocks the stuff...unless the guide is wrong.

edit - I haven't got the achievements for them either, but the guide mentions that you do not get them immediately, but only when you finish a file. Which I assume means the game.

Just for the record, this list is HELLA wrong, lol. I got the Standard prologue Raiden outfit just from beatin Hard, along with the first wig, no data storages or whatever.


I figured out my problem, it was timing the direction plus X button. I have significantly better success if I hit X first and follow it with the direction instead of the other way around, which was breaking the part of my brain trained on fighting games. Finally through Blade Wolf. Time for a break.


Haven't played a new game with combat this satisfying in a while.

Dem Gekko's on hard are no joke. My strategy of air combo'ing them from the demo is useless.


Santa May Claus
I haven't been using items at all because I'm weird and neurotic. I've been going through on Hard and am at the
fight. I think I'm going to have to start using items. Do they penalize your score?
Damn my shift schedule. I won't be able to give this game any love until the 6th of march.

Kinds of bugs me that I got to play a rental copy of DmC closer to launch.

Good thing I don't give the slightest fuck about spoilers.

final boss haggar looks sick as hell


Avoiding the thread until I'm done, but peeking in to say this game is great. Done with Chapter 1 on Hard, can't wait to play more.


I know this is no sneaking mission, but damn if it isnt satisfying to sneak up on a cyborg team, ninja kill and zandatsu everyone before they blink.
^i hear that.

This game is as crazy as I thought it would be. Hard is no joke either. Boss battles have been so dope so far. I swear nobody does crazy balls out action like platinum.


Look at him. Look at him, and laugh.

Anyhoo, how do you get the preorder bonuses in-game? It appears you have to buy them from the in-game store with BP, but where do you enter the code in the first place?

Can't get past Blade Wolf. Works for the media.
Stuck on the final boss

How the hell do you stop him from healing? Also, whoever thought to make parrying useless on the final boss deserves to be shot.

Attacks deal 1% damage to his health, and he has 200 >_<


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Killed blade wolf on hard first try, insane fight. Barely got away with it had under 10% life lol, thought I was totally screwed near the end.

This game has some AWESOME music though as others have mentioned.


I can't bring myself to care about game and I love MGS so much.

I don't care for games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta... hack and slash just doesn't do it for me. So, sadly, I'm going to pass on this title-- I GUESS

Are there any MGS fans out there who don't care about hack and slash and love the game for what it is?
Stuck on the final boss

How the hell do you stop him from healing? Also, whoever thought to make parrying useless on the final boss deserves to be shot.

Attacks deal 1% damage to his health, and he has 200 >_<

Go behind him, blade mode, hit the red square, profit.

Parrying is a waste of time in that battle. You can dodge everything he throws at you and get in more hits that way. Even the opening waves of fire (get in close, you can side hop through it all without taking damage. Also look for opportunities when he rushes you with his arm raised - let him hit you and do the quicktime correctly.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I can't bring myself to care about game and I love MGS so much.

I don't care for games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta... hack and slash just doesn't do it for me. So, sadly, I'm going to pass on this title-- I GUESS

Are there any MGS fans out there who don't care about hack and slash and love the game for what it is?

That would be me. As an action game its quite well done. Though as a MGS game not quite too sure yet, but its turning into more anime with all of the crazy shit thats going on so far such as running on missiles lol. Though if you dont like action games dont suggest picking this up, since its most def an action game.
Bought the game today and just finished it now.

Final Boss Spoilers
WHAT THE FUCK!? The entire last few boss segments descended into parody. US Senator as the final boss? I was laughing throughout because it was so unexpected. Also I guess it's a throwback to MGS4's last boss.


That would be me. As an action game its quite well done. Though as a MGS game not quite too sure yet, but its turning into more anime with all of the crazy shit thats going on so far such as running on missiles lol.

I was really worried that they were going to do something batshit insane like bring Solidus back or something... still hoping none of that happens.

I'm just confused why they couldn't make this a Cyborg Raiden origins story like it was originally suppose to be.
Any Gecko attack one-shots prologue Raiden on Revengeance...I swear to god they screwed up and forgot you don't have any of the upgrades accumulated from previous play-throughs during the prologue


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I was really worried that they were going to do something batshit insane like bring Solidus back or something... still hoping none of that happens.

I'm just confused why they couldn't make this a Cyborg Raiden origins story like it was originally suppose to be.

Its a damned shame too that Sunny being reintroduced into the series is wasted in this game. But then again as a game though, this is pretty damned cool once again. Setting and story aside.

I still dont get why they didnt put the watch on Sunny instead of that Kevin guy. Since doesnt really help the sales pitch that HEY LOOK OUR WATCH IS ON SOME CHARACTER YOU WONT GIVE A FLYING F ABOUT GO BUY IT! Really weird choice with that thing. At least the watch is more affordable than the Ryu Ga Gotoku 5 watch that Akiyama was wearing tho lol
Go behind him, blade mode, hit the red square, profit.

Parrying is a waste of time in that battle. You can dodge everything he throws at you and get in more hits that way. Even the opening waves of fire (get in close, you can side hop through it all without taking damage. Also look for opportunities when he rushes you with his arm raised - let him hit you and do the quicktime correctly.

Dodge is just heavy attack while ninja running right? Or did I miss something?

Also the sound track is AMAZING.
Dodge is just heavy attack while ninja running right? Or did I miss something?

Also the sound track is AMAZING.
Dodge is a skill you have to buy, called offense/defense or something, Raiden will do a sidestep and quick slash, surprisingly invincible, can almost replace parry at some occasions


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I think this game on the higher difficulty can go up there with the Ninja Gaiden games in terms of awesomeness for combat and tension.

Very cool stuff. Looking forward to getting more upgrades purchased and seeing what else I can do.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't get past Blade Wolf. Works for the media.
I'm not sure exactly what you're saying, but it seems everything I see of Kotaku these days is a joke. I'm sure many people had problems when initially facing Bladewolf, but so-called professional games journalists should not be finding the boss of a demo "ridiculously hard".

Anyway, there's enough hype in here to give me a heart-attack. This might not be the perfect action game, but it's something I've been looking forward to ever since Raiden started clumsily swinging around the HF Blade near the end of MGS2. I literally dreamed of such a spin-off, and those dreams were only enforced by MGS4 trailers/cutscenes.

Finally, this weekend it will be in my hands. Or on my HDD... It has a simultaneous digital release, right?

Thank you, KojiPro. Thank you Platinum. Things like this keep my hopes for 'core' packaged gaming alive.
Dissapointed on how awesome the pole arm is, but
how lackluster the rest of the weapons are... Pincers are too slow to have fun with (despite being very powerful) and the Sai has like 2 moves....
come on PG...


Dissapointed on how awesome the pole arm is, but
how lackluster the rest of the weapons are... Pincers are too slow to have fun with (despite being very powerful) and the Sai has like 2 moves....
come on PG...

The in menu weapon switching also makes me a bit less inclined to use them. I really wished we got a quick weapon change button.
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