I beat the game on hard a couple of hours ago but I'm still a little confused about the whole parry thing. I got normal parrying down. As you said, the timing window is rather forgiving. But then I keep reading that there's the exact parry which triggers a blade mode event or something. I believe I did this a couple of times but I'm not really sure. Some of those mechanics are not really clear to me. Are there really two tiers of parrying so to speak?That's right, and you don't even have to have perfect timing to do it. When you are rushed by Monsoon, or parrying the spin attack by those quadroped things that you first meet in the sewer, just mash the parry command as fast as you are being attacked and it seems to work.
i think this game could have really benefited from a god of war style camera system
being able to see 360 degrees around yourself at all times is so important for making sure you can parry incoming attacks
I beat the game on hard a couple of hours ago but I'm still a little confused about the whole parry thing. I got normal parrying down. As you said, the timing window is rather forgiving. But then I keep reading that there's the exact parry which triggers a blade mode event or something. I believe I did this a couple of times but I'm not really sure. Some of those mechanics are not really clear to me. Are there really two tiers of parrying so to speak?
I beat the game on hard a couple of hours ago but I'm still a little confused about the whole parry thing. I got normal parrying down. As you said, the timing window is rather forgiving. But then I keep reading that there's the exact parry which triggers a blade mode event or something. I believe I did this a couple of times but I'm not really sure. Some of those mechanics are not really clear to me. Are there really two tiers of parrying so to speak?
Thanks for confirming/explaining!Yeah, there are. If you do a perfect parry, Raiden will perform a counter upperslash automatically. If the counter attack connects, you'll see a prompt to press Y+B or corresponding PS3 buttons. Then, depending on the enemy type you'll either flip them up into the air for an aerial Zandatsu, or just do a regular Zandatsu. For high health enemies, this doesn't always work... sometimes I think they need to be weakened slightly for the counterattack to initiate the Zandatsu.
You can also perfect parry bosses, and with certain bosses it initiates a Zandatsu during certain phases. Other times, the counterattack just hits for damage.
It's dependent on timing. A perfect parry involves parrying as soon as the opponent's strike is about the connect with Raiden. Think Royal Guard or Issen.
Yeah, as I said ... I did this a couple of times. But I wasn't really sure if it was the exact parry that triggered the event or if it was just because the enemy was low on health or something.the "parrying" you're doing is really just blocking
if you time the parry properly you actually deflect the attack and can counter
Thanks! But I just did it.
Just out of interest though, what did it say for Mission 18?
This game.
Just beat Sam. It took me like 100 tries, but I did it in one sitting. INCREDIBLE. The setting, the lighting, the music, the way you can slowly circle each other at the start, staring each other down, never quite sure when he'll make his move (unless you strike first)... You pay $60 for this game, and this battle alone is PRICELESS. Really, every boss battle is -- I did Sundowner the same session and found that incredibly in its own right.
This game, man.
Platinum, renowned for its high quality, is a metal that keeps its luster forever. It was with this property in mind that we named our company PlatinumGames Inc.
Completely agree. And I go even further: I like fixed camera angles in these kind of games. It makes the action so much more cinematic and was never bothered by fighting stuff that is off screen for a moment. Fighting offscreen enemies is basically a crucial Ninja Gaiden skill you have to master.EDIT: Also, HELL NO to the calls for a GOW-style camera. Yeah, you don't always see one opponent when you're fighting another, but I much prefer being up close to the action and seeing Raiden and his enemies in great detail, as opposed to the more distant, removed and diluted approach of GOW's camera. It's so much more exciting this way.
Props to Jamie Christopherson for the very memorable soundtrack.
Props to Jamie Christopherson for the very memorable soundtrack.
Completely agree. And I go even further: I like fixed camera angles in these kind of games. It makes the action so much more cinematic and was never bothered by fighting stuff that is off screen for a moment. Fighting offscreen enemies is basically a crucial Ninja Gaiden skill you have to master.
In addition to composing the score, I was also commissioned to write 13 original vocal songs.
With action-packed gameplay this intense, we knew that the music for MGR:R had to be something really different from previous Metal Gear games. Collaborating with talented musicians and vocalists from across the globe, we wrote hardcore electronic/metal songs that would lyrically and sonically mirror the game storyline during boss battles.
The culminating result is something I'm really proud of and definitely puts the 'metal' in the Metal Gear series.
This game.
Just beat Sam. It took me like 100 tries, but I did it in one sitting. INCREDIBLE. The setting, the lighting, the music, the way you can slowly circle each other at the start, staring each other down, never quite sure when he'll make his move (unless you strike first)... You pay $60 for this game, and this battle alone is PRICELESS. Really, every boss battle is -- I did Sundowner the same session and found that incredibly in its own right.
This game, man.
Played the opening maybe hour? A little passed where the demo ends.
I don't like it at all, tons of really horrible cutscenes, the camera is a hate crime, way too many flashy bullshit bits, and fundamentally the combat isn't fun to me.
Super disappointing.
It's mad easy so far. I just think it's crap.Sounds like you suck at this game.
Sam is the easiest boss fight in the game, mostly because there are no bullshit mechanics that you have to deal with.
The close camera is not "superficial" at all. Feeling like you're right there beside Raiden as he rockets into each fight, sliding into fools or launching down at them, is INTEGRAL to the appeal of this game. Pull back the camera anymore and the game is no longer hard-hitting; it would have the soft spongy feel of all games with an overhead/faraway camera. And in terms of the functionality of the close camera, work within it -- anticipate enemies, move more, sidestep more, jump more. Slide out of close quarters to give yourself some breathing room; lure enemies to choke points; cycle between lock-on targets with the stick. It's really not a problem, and the gain in intensity and hard-hitting impact makes the close camera a godsend. This could've been another featherweight fighter, but you're truly in the thick of the brawl. Fucking fantastic.so you prefer "cinematic" camera vs something that's better for gameplay? seems weird to prefer something superficial over something more functional in a game based purely around it's mechanics
the last thing i want to do is manage a camera in the middle of a fight
Sundowner was stupid easy, but it was still a great boss fight.
Monsoon takes it so far.
Just want to be done with normal so I can try again on hard.
It's mad easy so far.
Great gameplay and fixed camera angles are not mutually exclusive. I was just never bothered by fixed camera angles. DMC1 had great gameplay (still great) and so does Lords of Shadow.so you prefer "cinematic" camera vs something that's better for gameplay? seems weird to prefer something superficial over something more functional in a game based purely around it's mechanics
the last thing i want to do is manage a camera in the middle of a fight
Should have just jumped to Hard to start with.
No, just normal, but difficulty isn't going to fix anything I don't like about it, in fact, it'd make it worse.Please tell me you're playing on hard T_T
Sam was the hardest for me. I beat Bladewolf, Mistral and Monsoon on my first try; Sundowner took me a number of attempts until I realized what I had to do after breaking through his defenses. The bosses with "gimmicks" made it more discernible how to exploit patterns and such.Sam is the easiest boss fight in the game, mostly because there are no bullshit mechanics that you have to deal with.
It's mad easy so far.
Can't be easier than sundowner. Dodge, slash, dodge, slash, hahaha.
It's really not a problem
Much much easier. Those fucking helicopters screwing up my perfect streak make it more annoying. Also the bullshit with the shield also can be annoying.
I just don't think it's good. I don't think the parry system, met with the horrible camera is good, I don't think the slicing is fun or rewarding, I don't think the enemies are interesting. I just don't think it's remotely good so far.The real question is why the combat isn't clicking with you or fun, since that's the most important thing. What were you expecting versus what you're actually finding in the game?
I just don't think it's good. I don't think the parry system, met with the horrible camera is good, I don't think the slicing is fun or rewarding, I don't think the enemies are interesting. I just don't think it's remotely good so far.
But I see this thread is quite the viper's nest for criticism, so I'll come back in six months when everyone's calmed down.
Played the opening maybe hour? A little passed where the demo ends.
I don't like it at all, tons of really horrible cutscenes, the camera is a hate crime, way too many flashy bullshit bits, and fundamentally the combat isn't fun to me.
Super disappointing.
If you didn't like the demo why did you even bother with the game? The demo is really the perfect presentation of what the game is about.
You don't have to bother with the shield. I was trying to fight him that way, but I hate trying to be precise in blade mode, so I said fuck that. Just stay close to him and dodge when he swings.
I had lots of heat seeking missiles, so the helicopters weren't a bother.
I haven't had a single issue with the camera. I guess playing NG games has conditioned me.
I haven't had problems with either game's camera. Sorry to hear you struggle.It's a bad camera system, but it's not impossible to manage. Like RE6!
I thought the demo showed potential, and Platinum and the Metal Gear franchise have both produced amazing games.If you didn't like the demo why did you even bother with the game? The demo is really the perfect presentation of what the game is about.
Quite true, but criticism won't be written off with moronic comments like 'you must be crap at it'.Know though that you're alone regarding your comment on the combat being "crap". Six months from now there won't suddenly be an influx of people that agree with you.
Sundowner isn't hard to beat, it's more about trying to get a perfect off of him. The shots from the helicopters are an automatic restart.