The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing (Spoilers)


And do you have cool moments with the enemy AI? I really want to hear how smart or dynamic the Balance of Power AI is

Nothing that sticks out that I can remember now. But the AI is really good for being a game. The enemies collaborates, flank you and easily have the best random battle dialogue ever. It actually feels like they got a brain.

I wish they would have better memory though, sometimes they start shooting and I'll go into "hide mode" and they will forget that you ever existed after a short while.


To anyone who's played this game, are there a lot of cheap jump out scares? I'm a big pussy when it comes to overly scary games. I like the fact that with this game you can take your time and strategize vs. the infected. I would hate it if there were a ton of cheap scares.

The Lamp

I can't take it anymore. I haven't been hyped for a game like this in years. I CAN'T DO IT MAN I JUST CAN'T DO IT I HAVE TO SEE WHAT EVERYONE IS SO EXCITED ABOUT.

;_; *curls up in fetal position in the corner*

stupid June 14th.


I like you, man. You have good taste.

I try my best.

I seriously enjoyed Metro LL, actually finished it, I have yet to finish Infinite, the game got repetitive and extremely boring to me. Different strokes for different folks. Funny because I loved the previous Bioshocks. Wonder how the game gets so much praise.

To ride the Metro hype metro (...GET IT!?!) for just one more post, I totally agree. While I absolutely loved Bioshock's creativity, world, art style, and characters, it honestly became a chore to play by the 8 hour mark. Bland gunplay, poor utilization of the skyhook system, meets minimum AI, and repetitive/unimaginative Salts just weren't doing it for me. Again, I still love the game and admire it's ambition when it comes to story telling and world building, but it just didn't do it for me on a gameplay level.

Metro, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. I am constantly on my toes when playing Metro, and honestly get shivers fromt the incredible tension the game builds. The gunplay is great, the combat scenarios are varied, and because everything is so grounded in that first person view, it is easy to just get lost in the world. Absolutely incredible.

Anyways, um, Last of Us should be great. I'll stay on topic, or at least try.
Both A and B. I'm afraid of saying anything more but it was powerful indeed... The acting is phenomenal
Very few movies or games can make me emotional

The movie The Impossible (see it if you haven't, one of the most powerful movies I've ever seen, should have been a best picture nominee) was the last movie to do so
A game never has.

Is TLOU that good?


Checking in!

Any word on the trophies?

Im feeling like platinuming this and I hope theres no multiplayer trophy.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
All this talk about the opening being the be all end all of game openings. While it was extremely well done and I enjoyed it.... GOW 3's opening is still the best opening this gen by a long shot . Sorry. Game will end up as my GOTG though, it is amazing.


Metro: Last Light, in my humble opinion, is a better game than Bioshock Infinite. Not necessarily a better world or overall story, but a better game, one that brings together all of the key aspects. Visuals, gunplay, pacing, tension, story, world, atmosphere, immersion, it's the complete package, made by an underdog studio clearly passionate about games. I think you'll enjoy it. It is my current front runner for Game of the Year, only contested by, of course, The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite.

As you can tell, I'm a fan.
Good deal. It wouldn't take a lot to surpass Infinite for me though. I thought it was good but not the 10/10 deal and if it makes it on my GOTY list at all it'll be near the bottom.

I was just glad to hear they kept a bunch of holdovers from the original, you know the ammo stuff, etc.
If thats the season pass then it's a 100kb file that will download when you preorder it but you can delete it from your game data folder to not take into effect when you play the game.

Ah, okay, thanks. I wanted to perhaps use the alt-costumes for Joel and Ellie, and wondered whether everything was just in one code. I just noticed they're only for once you've completed the game once.
I've been wanting to play Metro:LL, gonna have to rent it after this month's dogpile is done.

I really need to catch up on things, but I'm half suffering half enjoying Remember Me right now, and can't seem to avoid ending up playing Mega Man 2 or 4 before bed and Pinball Arcade or Toejam and Earl for hours with the lady after dinner of late :p
Very few movies or games can make me emotional

The movie The Impossible (see it if you haven't, one of the most powerful movies I've ever seen, should have been a best picture nominee) was the last movie to do
A game never has.

Is TLOU that good?
The first 15 minutes is that good, I'm not joking. As I said in the two other posts in this thread, first game that sent chills down my spine just watching the first 15 minutes. No other game has done that. Now imagine if that's only 15 minutes of 900 minutes of the game. We're only at 1% of the game.


Checking in. Great OT! I've managed to circumvent spoilers so far and hope to go in fairly fresh -- no reviews, no walkthrough videos, and no demo.

Admittedly, I did flip through the tie-in prequel comic and it isn't bad.

We don't have much longer, guys!

I'm absolutely not going to lie.

I would love to have Derrick in here mixing it up when this game drops next week.

Derrick was a necessary evil. He challenges you and forces you to examine your opinions about games more deeply if you choose to respond to his more trollish posts.

Sometimes I appreciated the accountability.

Usually it was annoying.

Hear, hear.
To anyone who's played this game, are there a lot of cheap jump out scares? I'm a big pussy when it comes to overly scary games. I like the fact that with this game you can take your time and strategize vs. the infected. I would hate it if there were a ton of cheap scares.

I can't remember who said it but in one of the reviews (I think Sessler?) someone said that this game doesn't really do the whole "boo!" thing, just pure realism.

Edit: Don't get me wrong I'm sure the game will be scary at times, but more like you can cut the tension with a knife and high stakes rather than "gotcha!"


Does Last of Us use MLAA or something else?

Don't think it's MLAA, it's probably the same thing they cooked up in house for Uncharted 3.

It works well most of the time but some high-contrast objects and/or long edges look really, really bad. So many crawling pixels. :(

But the game is insanely detailed so that should be expected I guess.


Another random note, I kinda wished (with my 8 hours playtime so far) that the game was a little more story focused, I want more of those wonderful cut-scenes god dammit.
A stupid review spoiled an important opening detail for me, but besides that, I don't what exactly happens or how it plays out

I think the same review spoiled me. Its one of two segments that have been spoiled for me so far, the other wasn't story related but settings related. What pissed me off was how nonchalantly he dropped that tidbit as if it was public knowledge. What a jackass.

Overall I can't complain, if I go into the 14th knowing just what I do now, I'll be happy.
Checking in!

Any word on the trophies?

Im feeling like platinuming this and I hope theres no multiplayer trophy.
I'm not huge into the trophy whoring, but I always went for platinum in the Uncharted series. I find them to be pretty fair trophy requirements and have got platinum on all 4 games this gen (including Vita Uncharted.) It is the only series I actively chase a platinum in.

So, I think I'll be going for the platinum with this as well baring any drastic changes in naughty dogs trophy decisions. Usually it is beat game on all difficulties, get 50-100 kills with each weapon, few melee kill trophies, and collect all relics/treasures. They seem to follow the pattern for all their games.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If this is another Uncharted 3 I will ignite the thread with my unbridled rage. But I do have faith in this, UC2 team fo lyfe.
I think the same review spoiled me. Its one of two segments that have been spoiled for me so far, the other wasn't story related but settings related. What pissed me off was how nonchalantly he dropped that tidbit as if it was public knowledge. What a jackass.

Overall I can't complain, if I go into the 14th knowing just what I do now, I'll be happy.
It was the Gamerliving review. Spoilers right in the first paragraph!!


Oh man.. I want this game so bad, but I don't own a PS3 and am very close to buying a WiiU..

What to do? This and Beyond 2 Souls - worth buying a console on its last legs for?

I used to have a PS3 and bought it for the Uncharted series. I love the stuff that Naughty Dog make. I'm so conflicted..

Question: Do you think there will be GOTY edition for PS4? Maybe early next year? I could hold off till then.

It could be a great way to showcase the Gakai BC tech that was hinted at.

Alternatively, I could just buy a 2nd hand PS3 for this game and Beyond 2 souls. Wii U might have to wait a bit longer.


If this is another Uncharted 3 I will ignite the thread with my unbridled rage. But I do have faith in this, UC2 team fo lyfe.
Were people that started playing Uncharted 3 a few days before the street date declaring it as their game of the generation? I don't know, I wasn't there.


You know, as much as I like this game and definitely consider it my favorite ND game, this is perhaps the jankiest game they've ever made. I've literally just had an enemy fall through the floor after he detected me in the
Library level in Pittsburgh
. Expect all manner of weird shit to happen while you're in stealth.

Still, nothing truly game breaking. Still enjoying it immensely.


Checking in!

Any word on the trophies?

Im feeling like platinuming this and I hope theres no multiplayer trophy.

The only thing I know about them (usually don't look before completing a game) is that I haven't got a single one in eight hours lol

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Oh man.. I want this game so bad, but I don't own a PS3 and am very close to buying a WiiU..

What to do? This and Beyond 2 Souls - worth buying a console on its last legs for?

I used to have a PS3 and bought it for the Uncharted series. I love the stuff that Naughty Dog make. I'm so conflicted..

Question: Do you think there will be GOTY edition for PS4? Maybe early next year? I could hold off till then.

It could be a great way to showcase the Gakai BC tech that was hinted at.

Alternatively, I could just buy a 2nd hand PS3 for this game and Beyond 2 souls. Wii U might have to wait a bit longer.

I don't know why you'd buy a Wii U when the PS3 has a bigger library of games, many of which are probably cheaper, and looks the same graphics wise.
If this is another Uncharted 3 I will ignite the thread with my unbridled rage. But I do have faith in this, UC2 team fo lyfe.

Just don't bring any of the MP hate in here. I think it's okay to be critical but just don't have too high hopes regarding the MP.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Were people that started playing Uncharted 3 a few days before the street date declaring it as their game of the generation? I don't know, I wasn't there.

I only really remember the review bullshit and a whole lot of downplaying when some posters brought up the control stuff.
How's this for final impressions?
Found on the TLOU forums:

This is the best game I have gotten the pleasure to play. I have tears all over my face, no game has brought me to care so madly for these two characters and The Last Of Us will go down in history, make no fking mistake about that.

Naughty Dog, words cannot express the love I feel for what you have crafted. This was no game to me. No game at all. If that isn't a compliment, I don't know what is.

This is the greatest experience to have graced mankind. You cannot possibly understand what I am talking about until you finish the game.


There's a few transparent ones in there. I take no credit for the transparent cuts for Joel and Ellie. The other ones are awesome fan art I saw earlier.









Were people that started playing Uncharted 3 a few days before the street date declaring it as their game of the generation? I don't know, I wasn't there.

IIRC No. If anything the majority of players were complaining about the aiming non stop.

Edit: beaten.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I think its best for us to stop talking about the game. We've waited a year and a half since we first heard of it. What's another 5 days.


So i tried to clear my backlog to get my mind of this game, or till e3 arrives. So far i finished two games in the past 2 days, tomb raider, and mirrors edge. So gaffers, I'm open to any suggestions (PC).


So i tried to clear my backlog to get my mind of this game, or till e3 arrives. So far i finished two games in the past 2 days, tomb raider, and mirrors edge. So gaffers, I'm open to any suggestions (PC).
At least give us some kind of range... I have no idea what you have and have not played.
There's a few transparent ones in there. I take no credit for the transparent cuts for Joel and Ellie. The other ones are awesome fan art I saw earlier.

Taken. Thanks.


Now no one will recognize me. I really like this avatar though.


So i tried to clear my backlog to get my mind of this game, or till e3 arrives. So far i finished two games in the past 2 days, tomb raider, and mirrors edge. So gaffers, I'm open to any suggestions (PC).

Hotline Miami or mark of the ninja.
Were people that started playing Uncharted 3 a few days before the street date declaring it as their game of the generation? I don't know, I wasn't there.
I can't be the only one who thought U2 was far superior to U3 right?

Maybe I'm biased because U2 was my first PS3 game but everything from the pacing to the opening to the story...I felt U2 did it better

Sure U3 had some jaw dropping setpieces - the cruise, the cargo plane - but the cruise just seemed way too short and all the great moments were revealed in the trailers IMO. And the whole "Who is Nathan Drake" subplot went nowhere.

On the other hand, that hanging train opening, the collapsing hotel, the train, the convoy...those are moments that I replay to this day.


I don't know why you'd buy a Wii U when the PS3 has a bigger library of games, many of which are probably cheaper, and looks the same graphics wise.

Well, after the clusterfuck with MS and the X1 DRM issues, I feel drawn to the WiiU because it just seems more of a pure gaming device now. Plus, the PS3 is going to retire in the next year or so, and I've already played most of the best games for it. I owned one till late last year.

I think I'll try and get a really cheap 2nd hand PS3. I saw some of the Phat models for only $75 in a game shop a few weeks ago. That will do.
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