I'm still wondering why you're on halogaf...
For real. And on the other side of that maybe we can finally do away with 2 flag on asymmetrical maps if 1 flag gets implemented.
They're asymmetric but not very well built for something like 1-flag. All slayer in mind. I don't think 343 had CTF on their minds for any of the maps. OK maybe Adrift, but lol. Solace is another that you can probably make a case for, except one base has a sturdy setup, and the other can be attacked fairly easily. Then you have Exile where red is defended fairly easy and blue has open spawn zones where DMR, Sniper, and Ghosts can destroy in seconds.But then we'll get stuff like the flag on top of the building on Powerhouse or the flag in the middle of the open on Longbow. Even if they did put it on asyms, where would you put the lonesome flag on a map like Complex? Or Abandon?
GsoI'm still wondering why you're on halogaf...
Man BF4 and Titanfall just look incredible. BF4 especially is on another level.
Can you explain to me what is so special about battlefield? I played in the bf3 beta and it seemed like a less polished call of duty plus vehicles.
Forge Goal (rico_forgegoal)
Gametype Label:
rico_forgegoal Serves as the goal and awards points when a ForgeBall enters its boundary
Which team the Goal belongs to. This doesnt restrict who can score in it, but it determines who gains points for scores in this Goal.
Example: If you put a ForgeBall in a goal set to team Defender, but youre team Attacker, you will not gain points from the goal, but the Defenders will.
Spawn Sequence
This should be set to any number from 0 to 7.
This number is called a bitmask, and that means that numbers are added together to allow multiple things to happen at once when someone scores.
0 will do nothing.
1 will delete the ball after it scores in this goal.
2 will delete this goal after a ball scores in it.
4 will play the scoring explosion effect when a ball scores in this goal.
You can combine these numbers to get combination effects.
For instance, setting Spawn Sequence to 6 is the same as setting it 4 and also 2, meaning that the goal would be deleted when a player scores, and an explosion would also play.
Setting it to 7 would do all three things delete the ball, delete the goal, play an explosion.
Setting it to just 4 would just play the explosion.
User data
The User Data contains the number of points to award to the Goals team upon scoring in this Goal. The default, 0, means that no score will be awarded.
Cool, I wonder if modders will be able to modify it to be even better.Wow. The Forgeball variant of Ricochet is freaking POWERFUL. Assign anything as the ball or the goal, bitmasks for goal behavior, etc. Check this shit out
Way more powerful than Reach's Haloball now.
How much just for the maps? Don't want the skins or anything, just interested in the achievements tbh.
Can you explain to me what is so special about battlefield? I played in the bf3 beta and it seemed like a less polished call of duty plus vehicles.
Ricochet is one of the most fun game types on Halo I've played. Awesome stuff.
480 points
Seriously, I've been looking all over for this.Anyone have Multi-Team Ricochet on their File Share?
Just downloaded the champions bundle. Will play it later.
I will be having brown rice for dinner
If your review is solid then I might reconsider buying the Bullseye Map pack.Man BF4 and Titanfall just look incredible. BF4 especially is on another level.
Zayne "Humpty Dumpty" MacHumpherson and I are talking about hopping on XBC sometime this week. Anyone else interested?
Also, whipped up a minimalist icon for XBC since the original one is godawful:
If you can stand to listen to my sultry tones I did walkthroughs of both maps in the DLC and showed off the new items.
Skins & Armor:
I also am live streaming now.
You have a shotgun, just shoot the Sword guy with his back turned for chrissakes!
Hey, that was my one bad moment!
Is the stream alright? I can't tell from my end.
I haven't played in like 3-4 months, so I'm a bit rusty.
Well it's 720p only so my connection three floors up from the wireless router is crapping our every minute, but I think the stream itself is fine.
Agh, just got destroyed. Think I'm lagging a bit.
I said as much in your chat. Stream settings need to be lowered dude. It stutters all da' time.
Damn. I hate to lower to 480p, but guess my web sucks tonight.
Sidenote, nothing like a good CTF game on the Pit to get your blood moving.
In first person all of the new arms appear to be Inner-plated forearms with the Scout shoulders attached. Is this something with the DLC or a bug on my end?
You came back for a little bit, now nothing. You done?
Fun fact: Throwing a ball outside of the map on Ricochet (which is possible if you toss the ball over a base) you'll reset the ball but lose 100 style points.
How does this pitching a text achievement work? I sat in one spot for over two minutes and didn't get it.
Yep I've tried it like 7 times. Literally not moving at all, crouching, staying in a spot and getting kills (it does say "effectively"), etc. It won't work.
Make sure you don't move, period. You don't have to be crouched. Just make sure your sticks are reset and just leave your controller alone for what will feel like the longest minute or so of your life. Then pick it up and continue.
Make sure you don't move, period. You don't have to be crouched. Just make sure your sticks are reset and just leave your controller alone for what will feel like the longest minute or so of your life. Then pick it up and continue.