Your waifu will never betray you.Why bother with people when you have anime?
Name five people who aren't anime.
Name five people who aren't anime.
Anime isn't people, people are anime.
Are we going back to cluttering the thread with useless shit?
Edit 2: Saw the promo for the next arc; So they're doing a recap after every single arc? Why? Who thought this was a good idea? Bahhh. At least they've split them up...I guess...
Like complaint posts?Are we going back to cluttering the thread with useless shit?
Where does DOTA fit in?Why bother with people when you have anime?
Where does DOTA fit in?
Like complaint posts?
Seriously, spend two minutes for a frivolous exchange and you feel violated?
What gave you the impression that I didn't enjoy filling the thread with junk?
Where does DOTA fit in?
Detonator Orgun The Animation
Sorry, been reading that whining thread and it fit right in.What gave you the impression that I didn't enjoy filling the thread with junk?
Sounds like an awful light novel turned anime.
Do you mean the animation? if you do then the magic of Naotoshi Shida has never left us since the 80s(veteran toei key animator who animated that scene in your gif).
Naotoshi shida scene in dragon ball goku vs krillen
His style just changed around the start of thriller bark arc in one piece.
naotoshi sakuga video
his most recent work was on this weeks episode of one piece 611 in the smoker vsshort cut I hear but his planing to do long one in a few episodes, he also did the op movie strong world flying fight between luffy & shiki.vergo fight
Goku, Luffy & Toriko team up sakuga
Sounds like an awful light novel turned anime.
Sorry, been reading that whining thread and it fit right in.
Your waifu will never betray you.
Unless you're into that sort of thing.
even betterYour waifu has had many husbandos
Product details
■Episode 1-13 on 3 DVDs
■Original Japanese Audio
■English Subtitles
Special Package & Bonus Materials
■Textless Opening
■Textless Endings
■Special Booklet
■O-Sleeve with Key Visual Art
■2-Sided Reversible Cover
Vividred Operation
Product details
■Episode 1-12 on 3 DVDs
■Original Japanese Audio
■English Subtitles
Special Package & Bonus Materials
■Textless Opening
■Textless Endings
■5 Postcard Set
■O-Sleeve with Key Visual Art
■2-Sided Reversible Cover
■Web Version Previews
Don't know if it was posted but Aniplex announced release dates for Oreshura and Vividred Operation. Both will be available 12/17
Monogatari Letdown #2
Eleven episodes in and there have been two recap episodes; What in the actual fuck is going on over there? Will they go an additional two episodes to compensate, or is this the classic "Oh shit we're out of time..better throw up a recap episode"?
Is this why episode 2 has taken so long? Did they decide that episode 1 wasn't selling very well and this is how they're going to rectify it?
Well you, see,When Frau Bow played the Zaku of Time at the end of Zeta Gundam it created several split timelines. In the one where she turned Amuro into a bigger douche Wing happened. In the one where she made everything so damn awesome G happened. In the one where I dunno X happened. In the one where her yaoi fanfiction with self-insert oc do not steal almost happened, SEED happened. In the one where she kinda missed the point of FMP, 00 happened. AGE didn't happen. FUCK AGE.
Turn A Gundam 50 and Final
So much sexy Gundam on Gundam action. The final battle in this show really, really delivered. So good. Butterfly wings and beam sabers EVERYWHERE. Glorious. Lily Borjano delivered the greatest put-down to Guin ever with her " 'Laura' is a BOY, you know. If you really love HIM so much, maybe YOU should put a skirt on!" and of course, after Guin tries to slick out of it with "the ones in skirts will someday rule the world" she adds "Since I'm in a skirt today, you won't mind leaving Ameria to me, will you?" GOT DAYUM, SON.
SOCHIE GOT FUCKING ROBBED. Like seriously, Loran gets the Queen he's wanted (but apparently is not yet sleeping with), Dianna got Loran, Kihel got the entire Lunar Kingdom and Harry, Harry got Kihel, Miasshei got dude introduced in the last ten seconds, Fran and Joseph had a babby, Keith and Baker's daughter, too, and what about Sochie?
Let me tell you about Sochie Heim. Her father is dead. She had no real revenge. The man she was going to marry died. In a nuclear holocaust. The other man she's had feelings for the entire series kisses her, then leaves to fuck her sister's identical not twin for the rest of his life. Hell, even her MECH is gone. Sochie got NOTHING. What the fuck, Tomino? How you do this?
We're getting 4 recap episodes this season, one after every arc, SHAFT being SHAFT. And to think when Hana was pushed back a lot of fans where excited because it meant every novel getting adapted this season was going to get 5 episodes.... LOL @ that.
Hopefully Kizu finally comes out after this season and Oishi (Director for Bake & Kizu) takes over from Itamura (Director for Nise, Neko, Mono 2nd) for the final season. Which @ this stage is also going to need to be two cours, so more recaps in the future!
SHAFT needs to do as little work as possible, that's why. I'm sure it was part of their schedule from the beginning.
Turn A Gundam 50 and Final
Holy crap, man. Where does one begin? This was a wonderful, lovely Gundam series, and most certainly one I have enjoyed every step of the way.
It's been a lovely, wonderful ride and I'm glad I went on it. registered . . . Official announcement next month, maybe? registered . . . Official announcement next month, maybe?
It's about damn registered . . . Official announcement next month, maybe?
you know... i really do wish there was more dbz... you just don't see this kinda of shit in 2013 shounen.
Going through these episodes, I get this random thought about the purpose of stories-within-stories, how they can often serve to highlight or reflect about the story they're contained within, and how the story of the book Jun gifts to Shinku should have been a running commentary rather than a set of hints/foreshadowing. They'd be better as paralogues rather than analogues, or something. registered . . . Official announcement next month, maybe?
Was it known beforehand that they were going to do this? If not, they've got all the material written for them and all they have to really do is storyboard it and animate it. If they can't get that done on schedule and get it on the air week to week, something has gone sideways. If they planned to do it this way....whyyyy.
lol what house?
chav --------> council house and violent
Well technically it's more a general council estate thing but for the universal audience that is GAF I though they'd understand the word chav better.Here it's only the upper class twats that do that.