Ember calls Terrorblade a "Foul Wraith"
Yea... Wraith King = Terrorblade is looking very likely.
Yea... Wraith King = Terrorblade is looking very likely.
If it's the same as a few minutes ago it's the Trine announcer.
So next up looks like Oracle, Pit Lord, Legion Commander and whoever the Wraith King is.
4 hero Frostivus update?
Ember calls Terrorblade a "Foul Wraith"
Yea... Wraith King = Terrorblade is looking very likely.
and is it a good idea to put all 3 in the middle of a team fight for loads of explosions?
Maybe Wraith King is the new Frostivus boss? I cant imagine anything still not released needs to be renamed. Either way, hopefully Tresdin makes it in soon, been teasing us with her for a while now and I want to duel people.
Nooo why. Terrorblade is a cool name.
Every single game, I get matched with fucking idiots. Makes enjoying the game nigh impossible... I shouldn't need to form a stack to enjoy the game :/
edit: I mean just look at all this red... ugh
Doing some digging, here is a bit on how the scrolls work. The two main types are the Ploy morph types, which take a bunch of items of a rarity and make a new one, and the Augment type, which takes some random and some specific items of a rarity to make a higher rarity one.
Polymorph items take 2 to 4 random items of a rarity, and give a new item of a rarity. Odd for amount are 2-40%, 3-50%, 4-10%; Mythical has different odds at 2-20%, 3-60%, 4-20%.
Augments require both random items of a rarity, and specific items. Number of items and odd are as follows.
Common: 3 to 6 items. 3-20%, 4-40%, 5-25%, 6-15%. First two are random commons, rest specific.
Uncommon: 4 to 7 items. 4-10%, 5-40%, 6-20%, 7-30%. First three are random uncommons, rest specific.
Rare: 7 to 9 items. 7-10%, 8-40%, 9-50%. First 4 are random rares, rest are specific rares.
Haha, Ember drops all his candy when using Remnants.
I wonder if Brood loses them when she goes invis, Prophet when he teleports, etc.
I hope so. Would go a long ways towards balancing some of the more gross imbalances of the mode, even if it is just a fun distraction. Omniknight, the true Diretide champion, continues his rise to power!
I hope so. Would go a long ways towards balancing some of the more gross imbalances of the mode, even if it is just a fun distraction. Ogre Magi, the true Diretide champion, continues his rise to power!
I want to say I am misreading this one, but I think I am reading it right. To make an Artificer's Brand, you need 100 specific commons, 75 specific uncommon, 50 specific rares, 10 specific mythical, and 3 specific Legendaries. Wow. I think this is the item to make any courier unusual, but god damn thats expensive.
Huh, Earth Spirit has a line for buying Aghs but I don't think his ult is upgraded by Aghs?
No gaming thread for the update? Pretty big deal, 2 new heroes, loads of changes, probably should have a thread?
Is the Shagbark HUD in this patch?
why do they all have pierced ears
why do they all have pierced ears gaming thread for the update? Pretty big deal, 2 new heroes, loads of changes, probably should have a thread?
I think almost all heroes have responses for buying a scepter (and blink dagger as well?). That's either because they plan to give everyone an upgrade one day or just for flavour.
He may drop the candy or be severely limited while trying to TP. Other heroes have minor changes when holding candy (like Ember and Brood)Diretide is real dumb. Also fuck Furion in that mode.
Will Ember or Earth Spirit get picked up in competitive play?
Earth Spirit doesn't seem very popular. Ember and Storm have 100% pick rate in all the Diretide games I've played so far and I haven't seen Earth in a few.
I've tried him in another bot match and his skills are still nonsense to me. His ultimate in particular. It seems like it's totally useless unless the enemy is dumb enough to fight in a big pile of remnants.
The posts last week about this patch being delayed for Diretide and testing meaning it will come out in a month+ because it's Valve are a little funny now.
I try one game of the new diretide in the test client and get a shadow essence, it is taunting me so much.
wonder what happens if you craft a junk item into a vintage item like timebreaker
vintage junkbreaker
His ult looks like the weakest skill in his pool, but you can drop all 6 remnants at once on them as you deploy. Seems like you'd have better uses for those, granted, but you can force the ult if you wish.
Earth Spirit spotlight from DC for those that want to see how he works.