Steam Holiday Sales 2013 |OT2| DIE HARD (AND HAPPY NEW YEAR)

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So it's probably been covered, but I'll admit I'm too lazy to search:

The Swapper seemed to be highly recommended when the sale prices for today leaked the other day -- did I see you need Xpadder or JoyToKey or something to play it with a controller?

The Swapper or Risk of Rain?



Forget the controller support, the absolute inability to get a deal on the dlc in Mass Effect 2/3 is freaking infuriating. I sold my 360 but rebought the series for super cheap on pc, having never played any of the dlc in 3. I figured I'd do one last grand tour of the series from the start with all the add-ons, but to get everything set back up on ME2 is still 30-40 bucks. Super annoying.

Don't even get me started.

Someone gave me a couple of Gamestop gift cards as a Christmas gift this year. I decided I'd use that credit towards DLC for ME3. (I've had it sitting there untouched since I got it. I didn't want to start playing until I had the DLC, and $40 for all the "essential" DLC on top of the base game was a little too rich for my blood.) Went to Gamestop and used the credit to buy a couple of $20 Origin cards.

Which kept coming up as inactive or suspended when I tried to redeem them, both through the EA redemption site and when trying to check out through the Origin client.

I called the Gamestop manager. He told me to take it up with EA customer support, and that there was nothing he could do to help me. So after going through EA's customer care site, I finally managed to get a rep to call me. (Apparently waiting on hold for a rep is passe in 2013. Now you give a company your number through a website and hope they get back to you.) Estimated wait time according to the site was 20 minutes. An hour and a half later, I got a phone call.

To be fair, the EA care rep who contacted me was very nice, and she did her best to help. She was as puzzled as I was about why these cards wouldn't redeem properly. After about 45 minutes of trying various things, she told me that the cards didn't appear to have been activated properly in EA's system. She suggested I get back to Gamestop about it, and if they couldn't or wouldn't do something, that I could get back to EA support and they'd escalate the ticket.

So I got back to the guy at Gamestop, who made a point of telling me that I could bring the Origin cards back, but they'd be checking to see if the cards had been used already and if they had, there was nothing they could do to help me. Which just made my already shitty mood worse. When I got there, he took the receipt, checked the cards at the register, and grudgingly acknowledged that they hadn't been used, though he insisted that they had been activated properly ("it says so in the computer") and didn't know what the problem was. After that, I didn't want to pick up more Origin prepaid cards. (If I do, it's not going to be from that Gamestop.)

By the end of all this, I'd wasted an afternoon, gotten the shit aggravated out of me, and I'm still no closer to getting that DLC than I was when I started. So... yeah.


So it's probably been covered, but I'll admit I'm too lazy to search:

The Swapper seemed to be highly recommended when the sale prices for today leaked the other day -- did I see you need Xpadder or JoyToKey or something to play it with a controller?

Do you still want to play Sonic with us?!?


Is there anywhere to still get Long Live the Queen for $5?

here you go

Oh, btw...

Long live the Queen is still $4.98 on the developer's site for those of us who couldn't get it because of community vote craziness and this link will allow you to change your license key into a steam key. I just got mine and they've got a myriad of paying options (even Amazon payments). It was probably the smoothest transaction I've had between gamersgate, GMG, Steam and Amazon so far.


I can also use some more friends on Steam (made an account several months ago) since I only have 4 friends and would appreciate an invite to the GAF group.
Steam ID: heightsartist

I mostly game on the 360 since I don't have a gaming laptop (I have a crappy Toshiba Satellite L645-S4102) so I usually download 2D Indie games on Steam. I wonder if The Swapper will run on my laptop.
Added. What are your specs? Here's my crappy laptop:
Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 8 (build 9200), 64-bit
Processor: AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics
Total RAM: 3.6 GB
It runs Swapper pretty well. Try Canirunit; it's not perfect but it might give you an idea. Hopefully it works out for you, since The Swapper is absolutely brilliant.

And added! You're playing Beatbuddy, how is it?

Can someone swing me an invite to the gaf group on Steam, pretty please.
Do you still want to play Sonic with us?!?

When? That race for the Dunder Cup?

They are both great, though Valdis ended up on top on my GOTY list thanks to what I consider a somewhat more enjoyable art style overall (though I wish the characters weren't half SD sort off) and a combat system that feels way more challenging.
Dust is pretty great too and so far it's cheaper to boot.
I'd toss a coin to decide.



irresponsible vagina leak
Steam is dead
So it's probably been covered, but I'll admit I'm too lazy to search:

The Swapper seemed to be highly recommended when the sale prices for today leaked the other day -- did I see you need Xpadder or JoyToKey or something to play it with a controller?

Maybe it's not an answer to your question, but mouse and keyboard is actually better then joypad for it.


I bought State of Decay early in the sale and I've been having huge amounts of fun with it today. Now, Deadlight isn't good, is it? I can't remember why, but I have vague negative feelings associated with it.
Yeah! It starts in like 30 minutes

If you're saying 5pm, I can do that, if there's room.

Both Swapper and Risk of Rain are highly tempting ARGH

I swear you say this every time something's on sale.
And then you never listen. :p

You should buy Risk of Rain if you like games. That I can say without a shadow of a doubt. under $7 for what was like game #4 on my top 10 GOTY list is ridiculous.

I used Pinnacle Game Profiler. Here's the 360 .pin file. DS4 profile isn't in my Dropbox, so I can't share it now.

Do you recommend PGP over Xpadder? I'm still struggling with which to buy.

Maybe it's not an answer to your question, but mouse and keyboard is actually better then joypad for it.

Hahaha, no that's not an answer, but thanks I guess.
I can't tell you how many posts I've reported for trolling when I was looking into why my analog sticks weren't registering in CS:GO. :p

"Why don't my analog sticks work?"
"It's better with a kb/m, noob. Go play on 360."


I was shocked when I loaded up ME3 multiplayer and my controller did nothing. After logging in at least 100 hours in the MP on 360, I couldn't switch the kb/m. Downloaded a controller profiler and made a configuration for my DS4. Leagues better now.

DLC is still a joke.

That drove me up the wall, as well. I love Mass Effect but I'm still blown away that it doesn't have pad support on PC.


oh shit, what i've done. I can't handle all these friends invites lol.

Excuse if it takes me a long time to add you, I'm trying to sort my friends list with your GAF's names.
I have $5 remaining and I'm considering Drakensang. However, when I try to get a feel for it looking at videos on YouTube, I find an online browser-based game.

Can someone sell me on whatever the Steam version is of this?


Right, I'm going to stop responding individually and just blanket add everyone that's putting up their friend requests. I'm on Steam fyi.

And just because I know this thread going at ludicrous speed at the moment, I'll re-ask my question:
Yo gaf, what's the word on Beatbuddy? Anyone play it? Looking for rhythm/music games and it seems pretty sweet. Already played Sequence and I need more.

Also, Valve doesn't have a bloody Rhythm/Music genre on the store? WTF!


I have $5 remaining and I'm considering Drakensang. However, when I try to get a feel for it looking at videos on YouTube, I find an online browser-based game.

Can someone sell me on whatever the Steam version is of this?

It's actually a really solid crpg. It uses the eastern european version of the D&D ruleset but it still is pretty similar to it. Very solid all around IMO, I still need to play the 2nd game.
Big picture mode just lock my system up and I had to hard shutdown, i hit the guide button by accident, wish i could uninstall this feature i don't use anyways..


Decisions decisions. I can go ahead and pick up Risk of Rain, or I can grab Paranautical Activity and that copy of Bionic Commando I wishlisted for myself and wait for RoR to drop further in another sale. (I'm really trying not to go over what I've got left in my Steam wallet if I can help it. Though I suspect something's going to happen to test my resolve between now and the end of this sale.)
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